All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
235 chapters
Chapter 151.Lord Ercole Fans.
The three boys were just street boys and were surprised by both Luca's guts and composure in the face of adversity. The owner of the restaurant was already on the floor, pleading with them to let Luca go. Apparently, it wasn't the first time they were going on operations with guns without bullets, and they had all succeeded. They stood there, contemplating if Luca was really playing with them or if he was trying to bait them into getting arrested. Someone as fearless as him would be none other than a CIA agent or, who knows, a secret agent.Luca stretched his hand to the towel and wiped his mouth. "Of course I really mean it. Don't you think $50,000 would go a long way in your lives?""At least you would stop coming out in broad daylight to steal from people without even knowing how to hold a gun. I doubt there would be any bullets in that gun."One of the boys snarled, "Shut up, young man! We don't trust you. Who knows if you're a policeman or even a CIA agent!" The boy snatched the
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Chapter 152. I will pay you $50,000.
"Go on and shoot, boys!" He yelled. "I said, go the fuck on and pull the trigger if there are bullets in there!"The boy's hand began to tremble, and he added his second arm to help stabilize it, but he was still scared. His fear stems from two things: the fact that Luca wasn't even scared of guns being pointed at him, and how did he know that there were no bullets in the gun? Who the hell was he?Luca sighed. "Shoot, or you drop the gun down and have a seat with me."The boys glanced at each other, like Luca was speaking a different language they weren't understanding. How did he just tell them to sit with him when they just pointed a gun at him and threatened his life? Wouldn't he call the police to pick them up for trying to steal from him? They felt a mixture of confusion, anxiety, and fear as they just stood, not knowing their next move.This was really new to them, to see such a fearless man who wasn't even scared of them, and from first glance, he knew that they were just parad
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Chapter 153. We don't use dollars over here Mr Rich man. 
The boys were very happy, not only did they meet their boss, but they will be working for him.It was a real-life achievement for them, and they were very confident that they wouldn't disappoint him."Thank you, boss!" They bowed in unison, genuinely happy."Can we keep the blue cards?" one of them asked curiously.Luca nodded, his lips twitching into a smile. "Of course you can keep the cards. They're all yours now."What? They were shocked to the core that they would be keeping something as precious as a blue card. Was Luca being serious? Those boys having the blue card meant that they could shop in any investment that belonged to Lord Ercole without paying. And they could lodge in any hotel that belonged to him. With the card, they could go through anywhere and they would be let pass very quickly.Actually, it was only men with sophisticated portfolios who really had the blue card, but Luca just gave it out.A few minutes later, they were done eating, and they quickly exchanged num
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Chapter 154.I am the Boss.
"What do you mean?" Luca was taken aback. "Y'all don't use dollars here?" She nodded. "I'm sorry, we don't. This is Denmark, Norway. When you get to some other places, you can use your dollars, but here we use kroner." "So how do I pay the bills?" he asked in disbelief. "I don't know. I think you should go to the bank and exchange your money for kroner, then come back to pay the bills." Luca's face went pale. The time and effort required to go to the bank and exchange the money was already taking a toll on him before he even decided to go. He bid the woman farewell and left the restaurant. In the next few minutes, he was back inside the hotel and met his elders in the hotel suite. "Welcome back, boss!" Giovanni was the first to see him, and the others followed suit. "Welcome back, boss!" Luca smiled and quickly occupied an empty seat. "No one told me this place doesn't use dollars. I mean, they use only kroner?" George smiled. "Yes, boss, they use kroner, not dollars. Any proble
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Chapter 155.Meeting Fabio. 
Luca's expression didn't change after hearing that he was scheduled to meet Fabio in the evening. His anger still simmered just below the surface. "He better show up," he growled. "I'll be waiting till 7pm, but now I need to go pay up for what I ate by the roadside." The others breathed a collective sigh of relief as Luca walked out, his authority and dominance clear for all to see. Larosa glanced at her watch and spoke up. "We have less than two hours to go. I'd suggest asking for the location and other important details so when he comes back, we can leave immediately." 25 minutes later, a cab pulled in front of the restaurant, and Luca alighted from it. When he reached there, the woman was already closing up. She pushed the door slowly until it hooked up where it was supposed to. Luca raised his gaze to her and noticed that there were two other kids with her - a little girl and a boy who looked to be around five years old. Does that mean Miss Evenly has kids? Or is she probably ma
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Chapter 156. Search them! 
After some seconds, the elevator slowly opened and they all exited it. Luca dipped his hand into his pocket and took out his key. The tag on his key showed the number 035. He looked at the tag on the closest room and it was 015. "What number is your room, boss?" Giovanni asked. "035!" Luca replied, raising his key so Gio could see. "Oh, mine is just next to yours. 036!" "Mine is 037," Larosa chimed in excitedly. George finally spoke up. "Mine is 034. I think we need to take that route and follow the numbers on the tags." They picked up their luggage and took the next route, only to get stopped by some men. About six men clad in black suits. The men in black suits were imposing figures, their ruggedness and professionalism radiating like an aura. Each of them stood over 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders and chiseled features that seemed carved from granite. Their eyes were piercing, with a sharp intensity that missed nothing. Their black suits were tailored to perfection, accent
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Chapter 157.Arrest him! 
The man exchanged glances with his men and nodded his head for them to proceed with the searching. They first started with Giovanni's bag. Using Morpho Detection security scanners, they placed it slowly on the bag and began to scan over it to be sure there was nothing harmful inside the bag. But thirty seconds in, the scanner blinked blue lights and the man stopped. Another man was with a computer which was connected to the scanners, and once it blinked, he quickly checked the computer and announced, "There's nothing in there. It's good to go!" Giovanni, who was watching, was fuming with rage, seeing that they found nothing, and he knew for a fact that they'd certainly find nothing in any of the bags they were searching, but he just kept mute, waiting for when they were done so he could pick a fight with just one of them to teach them manners. They took on the same routine with Larosa's bag, George's bag, and lastly, they took Luca's bag. Placing the machine on it, they began to sc
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Chapter 158. Take all of us! 
"I can't believe this!" Larosa exclaimed, her voice rising in disbelief. "You can't just detain us and search our bags without a reason!"The woman in the suit smiled sweetly. "I'm afraid we have every reason to search your bags, dear. You are in our territory, after all. And the machine just beeped that something unusual is in there, so we have every right to search it!""But none of you are going to search the bag until you tell us what it is that is in there," George added, his arms crossed.The man in the white suit chuckled. "Oh, I think you'll find that you don't have much choice in the matter. You see, we have reason to believe that one of you is...ah...carrying something that doesn't belong to you. Something that is likely very dangerous and you're trying to kill Fabio."Giovanni snorted. "That's ridiculous! We're not criminals, you know, and one thing you won't do is accuse us of murder!"The woman's smile grew wider. "Oh, but you'd be surprised what people will try to smuggl
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Chapter 159. Invitation for Breakfast.
The following morning, inside an enclosed room, Larosa lay on the longest couch. George and Giovanni were both on the other two couches, while Luca stood by the side of the window, his mind filled with thoughts of how the tracker got into his luggage. It was just 5:36 am in the morning, but he was already up. Apparently, he didn't sleep a wink last night after his whole team joined him in his detainment.After they said he was going to be detained, Larosa and the others blankly refused unless they were going to join him. After a long argument, they allowed them into the same room with Luca. Since last night, they had been locked up, hoping that when Fabio heard the news, he would ask for their release, but they were obviously wrong.When Fabio checked into his suite and his men told him their ordeal with Luca and the others, he didn't bother to even see or talk to them; he just resigned back to bed with his companions.The room where he was detained was quite spacious. Since they resp
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Chapter 160. Over a Decade Grudge! 
Giovanni heaved a deep sigh of relief. "Finally!"The men unlocked the door and pushed it wide open so they could walk out.The four of them made their way out and followed the men to the dining room. Taking an elevator, they found themselves in a very large room.As they stepped out of the elevator, Giovanni and the others found themselves in a breathtakingly luxurious dining room. The room was filled with natural light pouring in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, which offered a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.The walls were adorned with intricate moldings and ornate tapestries, adding to the room's opulent ambiance. The floor was made of polished marble, and the tables were set with fine china and crystal glasses.The room was filled with the delicious aroma of freshly cooked food, and the sound of soft music played in the background, adding to the relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere.Giovanni's eyes widened in amazement as he took in the sight of the lavish spread
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