All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
235 chapters
CHAPTER.171.Sex for fun. 
"Okay, that's fine, ma'am," Blue smiled before going back to her job. But as she left, her mind was filled with thoughts. Earlier, when Luca had come into his office, his face was plastered with a deep frown, and he didn't bother to talk to anyone. Instead, he walked straight into his office and ignored everyone who had greeted him. The whole atmosphere went from a happy environment to a suspenseful one.No one knew why he was angry. He had been out for the last two days, only to come back with a poker face. To them, it could only mean one thing: that he wasn't happy with how they had handled the company in his absence.Luca was still worried about his wife and her tricks. He could decide to issue an order now to torture her into revealing the truth. Or he could tell the elders and let them decide her fate. Someone like Giovanni would quickly eliminate her for trying to track him. George would force her to crawl back with the truth, even if it meant taking down the Edward family. La R
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At the Edward Residence. 6:12pm. Luca stood up from the bed fully naked with his penis dangling. He walked up to Sara who was seated in front of the mirror doing her makeup. He hugged her from behind and kissed her neck passionately. "Hey?" His minty breath brushed against her ear, and she couldn't help but slowly close her eyes to feel the moment. "Hey, babe, please don't come late tomorrow. It's starting at 9 am, you should be there before 12 noon. You know how Madam Ivy can be, right?" Luca nodded. "I know, you don't need to spell it out to me, Mrs. Sara." Sara stopped her makeup and raised her eyes to him. "What did you just call me? I'm married, so no longer 'Miss.'" She tapped his naked butt to remind him, and Luca's eyes widened in amusement. "You're so naughty. Get out already!" she bickered before entering the bathroom. After a few minutes, Sara called out to her assistant, and they quickly came to help her carry her things. "I'm going, babe!" She shouted so Luca could
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CHAPTER 173.I will be dammed If I fuck this basic job up!
Gina smiled. "Okay, enjoy your ride, Mr. Edward," she said before walking away.Luca felt a surge of anger fill his stomach when she referred to him as "Mr. Edward," but he just held himself back and swallowed his words. Calling her back to shun her would only be a waste of time. Maybe she thought his last name was Edward, or it was a deliberate act to berate him when she knows who he is married to."Please fasten your belts!" came the message, and Luca quickly did as he was told. He was late already.After a few minutes, the jet took off, and he heaved a deep sigh of relief. He can't wait to go in there and come back out and get on with his life. He had more pressing issues pertaining to his life that he had to think of, not the marriage anniversary of the Edward family, which everyone knew they had broken up and fallen apart more times than the total population of their family.As Luca gazed out the window, he felt a sense of detachment wash over him. The ground below grew smaller a
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CHAPTER 174. Another set up.
"Then whose own is it, sir?" One of the officers asked.Luca flared up. "I don't know. How the hell do I know who dropped that in my bag? I don't even smoke on a regular basis!"The officer chuckled. "At least you do smoke sometimes, so why are you trying to accuse someone else?"Luca swallowed his words, his face contorted into a deep frown. The realization hit him like a tidal wave...It was Madam Ivy's doing.He couldn't believe it. He was a mafia heir, for crying out loud! He knew the rules, he knew the protocols. He would never be so reckless as to carry drugs with him, especially not on a trip like this.The search officer's eyes narrowed, his expression stern. "Sir, can you explain this?" he asked, his voice firm.Luca's mind racing, he tried to think of a plausible explanation. But he knew he had none. He was caught off guard, and he knew it. Even if he didn't bring any pre-rolls with him, he knew they had snuck it into his bag and he had no explanation for that."I...I don't k
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CHAPTER.175.Prayers can't work today..
At Oval Event Centre, Amsterdam. The Oval Event Centre in Amsterdam was a sight to behold, its grandeur and elegance evident in every aspect of its design. The halls were spacious and airy, with high ceilings that seemed to stretch up to the sky. The walls were adorned with intricate patterns and designs, crafted with precision and care that scream just one thing... Luxury!As guests entered the hall, they were immediately struck by the sheer scale of the venue. The room was filled with rows of tables, each one set with fine china and crystal glasses, sparkling in the soft light. The chairs were plush and comfortable, upholstered in a rich, velvety fabric that seemed to glow in the dim light. It was the esteemed Edward family, so everything must be top-notch.Royalty, politicians, and other reputable people in society began to trickle into the room from time to time. They were elated by the designs of the hall. But what truly caught the eye were the pictures that adorned the walls. M
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CHAPTER.176. One good turn deserves another.
One hour later, inside the police station, Luca sat alone inside a small cell room. It was an enclosed place where they kept him before leaving. Luca sat there, his eyes wandering around as he kept checking his watch to know how late he was. According to protocols, they took all of his phones and also refused him an attorney until after four hours.Well, this time, Luca was sitting down inside that cell room, and his face was the opposite of what it used to be. This time, he sat there, his face frowned up, but deep down, he wasn't very agitated anymore, since he now had evidence to use against them. When they took all of his phones, they must have thought that was all, but they underestimated his watch, which had been recording them from the onset.Luca's eyes narrowed as he checked his watch for what felt like the hundredth time. He had been stuck in this tiny cell room for hours, with no phone, no attorney, and no way to communicate with the outside world. The police had thought the
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CHAPTER.177.Hey sister?.......I am part of the family!
At the Oval Event center. Amsterdam.Sara's breath caught in her throat when she saw Jacob standing in front of the door. She couldn't control her racing heart while her mouth remained open in astonishment.She couldn't believe that Jacob was back in the family!"What are you doing here?" She muttered in a very low voice.Jacob smirked. "That's not the way to welcome your long-lost prodigal brother after you haven't seen him for over a decade now."Sara took a deep breath before rolling her eyes. All she wanted to hear from him was the reason why he was back with the Edward family. He had left with his mother about twelve years ago after his mother was caught having an affair with Grandpa. Back then, Madam Ivy had made sure she fired her from the Edward family house. Jacob's mother was the lead chef and caretaker of the house whom Grandpa had brought in with her toddler, but after Madam Ivy noticed the growing affection in her marriage, she drove her out to secure her marriage.But
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CHAPTER.178. Smiles never last in the Edward family.
Inside the main hall, it was buzzing with people as everyone began to murmur and gossip about what the Edward family would give out to their grandparents. It was well known across the city how rich they were and how creative they were with surprising their parents with unique gifts."I can't wait to see what their kids and grandkids have for them," one person in the audience nudged the other. "I'm sure they'll blow them away with such unique gifts.""The five princesses will get something very expensive. I can already feel the luxury from where I sit," another said."I heard the Edward children have been planning this for months," someone whispered. "I bet they'll give them something truly extravagant.""I don't know how they'll top last year's gift," another guest replied. "Remember that custom-made yacht they gave their Grandfather during one of his birthdays? It was stunning!""I heard rumors of a private island this time around," someone else chimed in. "Can you imagine? A private
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CHAPTER. 179. It's Jacob’s season! 
Madam Ivy's face turned beet red with rage as she watched Jacob exchange pleasantries with her husband. She felt like her heart was being squeezed, her anger and humiliation simmering just below the surface. She hated the fact that it was happening where she couldn't act up and yell out her heart out. She couldn't believe her husband was being so warm and welcoming to the son of his former mistress, especially in front of all their guests. This wasn't just an anniversary but also a business move for their empire.As Jacob smiled and accepted her husband's invitation to stay for dinner, Madam Ivy felt like she was going to explode. She hated seeing him, not even his mother, near the Edward family. She closed her eyes slowly, trying to calm herself. At least his mother wasn't here, just Jacob.Once Jacob turned around and left, she discreetly tugged on her husband's arm, trying to pull him aside and scold him."What are you doing?" she hissed, her voice barely audible over the din of th
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CHAPTER 180.Sign the Divorce papers tonight. 
Madam Ivy's smile was as sweet as honey as she replied, "Oh, Luca? He's probably too busy trying to keep up with the Edward family's lifestyle. After all, it's not easy being part of this family when you're not born royalty."The guests chuckled and snickered, and Sara's face turned bright red with embarrassment. She knew at once what they were playing at. It was no coincidence that the host was trying to mock Luca, and Ivy was supporting him - it was all planned out. Her other sisters turned to her, their faces plastered with a mocking kind of smirk, but she didn't care to raise her head. She left it downcast and continued to dial Luca's number.Madam Ivy continued, her voice dripping with condescension, "I mean, really, Luca should be grateful we even allowed him to marry into this family. He's certainly not contributing to our wealth or status, and I will make sure that changes tonight..."The host laughed and patted Madam Ivy's hand. "Well, at least he's got a beautiful wife in Sa
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