All Chapters of Undercover Billonaire Boss : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
233 chapters
Chapter 21 Debby!
Well, it was Debby!A wave of shock washed over Luca as he saw Debby. She hadn't noticed him yet and was still engrossed in her computer.When she raised her head to see who they had assigned to her, her eyes widened in shock.It was as if she had seen a ghost, but she quickly composed herself. Of course, she saw herself as the bigger person, and Luca was just a loser who happened to be dating her friend months back.But wait, he was wearing the latest design of a Louis Vuitton suit and Prada shoes!"A loser doesn't wear something as expensive as that. The whole outfit is worth about $280,000!" she thought to herself.Did he win the lottery or something? Or maybe he rented the suit just to look good for the interview and deceive them. Well, she knew him too well and believed he deserved nothing more than a cleaner or driver position."Oh my god! Who do we have here in search of a job?" she teased, walking closer to him. She rose from her chair with an authoritative tone. "Where is you
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Chapter 22. George might just be a snitch. 
With that, Luca sat back on one of the couches in Debby's office while she went to take care of things. There was a mirror in front of him, and he quickly glanced at his reflection in a Louis Vuitton suit. Of course, he looked dashing.First, he wanted to become a General Manager, and General Managers wore corporate attire, so he needed to have one. It was time to go and cash the cheque that George had given him so he could get more outfits as look good, Atleast when his in-law's see him they would approve of their daughter. He thought to himself and left the office quickly.He hailed a cab to the bank and quietly entered. He walked over to the counter to inquire about the withdrawal process, but his eyes met a very familiar figure. It was Dre, the senior dancer at the apple strip club.At the bank."Whoa!" Dre stopped in his tracks. "Who do we have here?"Dre laughed when he looked at Luca's outfit. "Don't tell me you borrowed some clothes to come to work. White-collar job? Come on,
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Chapter 23. Wait,Is it a fake cheque?
Luca's face went white with shock as he slowly bent down and picked up the cheque. He kept looking at it, unable to determine if it was fake or authentic. If he had been given a fake cheque, he would be in serious trouble."Is this a fake cheque?" Another banker approached Quinn and asked, to which she nodded. "Yes, take a look. I believe he was trying to scam us."Luca felt a surge of annoyance as they continued to accuse him wrongly, but he suppressed his words. Now he had to return to the Santaro Hotel and ask George if his cheque was indeed fake."Don't these scammers have any shame?" The banker walked closer to Luca and snatched the cheque from him. Luca's eyes widened in shock at the man's rude manner as he tore the cheque into pieces and threw them in Luca's face."There you go, eat it! I know you're probably thinking of which other bank you can try to scam, but news flash, idiot, you can't pick up the pieces and stitch them back together," he mocked.Luca stood there with clen
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Chapter 23.Metting Lasora.
When they entered the manager's office, it was only Rosa and Luca who went inside. The other men stood by outside the door, ready to intervene if something were to happen to their mistress.Luca couldn't take his eyes off Rosa. His thoughts were racing as he tried to figure out who she might be to help him in such a way. Meanwhile, Quinn and the other bankers couldn't stop talking about the earlier incident."So he knew Miss Rosa," one of them said."I'm shocked! How could he know Miss Rosa? I never expected that. Not in a million years!""What if she just wanted to help him? Maybe for some... extracurricular services. Didn't you hear he's a stripper at the Apple Club?" another person chimed in, and when they asked Quinn, she confirmed it.However, Rosa cleared her throat when she saw the bank manager. "Good afternoon, sir. How are you doing after our successful business transaction the other day?"The old man's lips twitched into a smile immediately. "Oh, Rosa, you're an angel. I can
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Chapter 25.. Billonaire Vodka
After about a thirty-minute drive, Larosa pulled up in front of a gate, and the security quickly opened the door and bowed to her. She parked her car in the garage, and they both got out.As they stepped out of the car and onto the driveway, Luca couldn't help but gawk at the grandeur before him. Larosa's house was like a palatial estate. The entrance was flanked by towering stone columns, and the doors were made of solid oak adorned with intricate carvings.Entering the house, he was struck by the opulence that surrounded him. The foyer boasted a sweeping staircase, its banister made of polished marble. The walls were adorned with priceless artwork, including both photos of Larosa and the Mafia logo. Luca couldn't stop gawking at the artwork of himself on the wall—it was actually a piece depicting him and Larosa when they graduated from middle school."You still have this?" he turned to Rosa.She nodded. "Of course, I still have it. I thought I wouldn't see you again, so it was the o
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Chapter 26. His clothes aren't good enough.
A stab of annoyance knotted Luca's stomach, and his face went white with anger. He felt the woman's words dig into his skin. Life was really funny; most of the time, when he got insulted, it was because his dressing wasn't up to par. And now, what? He was wearing a Louis Vuitton suit, so what now?"Who allowed such a person in here? This place isn't for beggars!" The remark hit Luca like a tidal wave.But then the receptionist turned to him. "Why are you wearing those clothes? Who brought you in here? I mean, who even allowed you in here? Your kind isn't allowed here," the lady said, a bit angry.Luca looked at his clothes and inwardly hissed. That was when he noticed he had left his jacket at Rosa's place, and the white collar of his inner shirt was stained with spilled wine.He sighed. "I'm sorry. I ran into someone, and wine accidentally spilled on me. I just want to buy Billionaire Vodka. I'm not a beggar."The lady looked at him for a while. From her expression, it was clear as d
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Chapter 27.What does Red lights really mean?
The nicely dressed lady looked at Luca and hissed, "Please stop the noise. This is not your house."Luca didn't want to say anything to her; he just scowled at her and turned back to the receptionist. "Why would you let her slide in her card for payment first when clearly I was here first? What code of conduct states so?" he sneered.The receptionist looked over at him and sighed. "Look, it's not about who came here first; it's about who can pay for what you just mentioned!"Luca was stunned. He scoffed, "Did I ever say I can't pay for it? Did I?""I didn't say some six thousand five hundred dollars or maybe somewhat kind of six hundred and fifty dollars. I clearly said sixty-five thousand dollars!" the lady frowned, clearly tired of Luca's persistence."And so?" Luca asked, clearly pissed. "I was never deaf, so take my card and do the transaction. I need to go home to my family, and it's late. I need some bed rest for tomorrow's ordeal."The receptionist nodded her head in disappoint
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Chapter 28. Face smacking?
About five minutes later, Luca's phone rang, and he quickly picked it up. "Hello?""He said it's now activated, you can use it now. I am sorry for..." Luca didn't let Rosa finish her words before hanging up. Then he turned back to the receptionist and said, "Try the card again."The lady scoffed. "You must really be delusional to think I would put in an empty card here again. Leave at once before I call security to drag you out!"The lady was clearly angry. After all, due to Luca's slamming of hands on the table, he couldn't pay for what he wanted. Meanwhile, the other nicely dressed lady was just about ten steps away from Luca, answering a call.Upon hearing Luca's voice, she quickly hung up her call and walked back to him. Her brows were furrowed as she tried to grasp what Luca was telling the receptionist."Just try it one more time, and if it doesn't work, I will leave. I have every right to ask you to give it another try," Luca argued."Damn! Some shameless men don't learn," the
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Chapter 29.Unknown package to Sara.
When Luca arrived at the Edward family house, it was already 11:56 p.m., and the whole place was dead silent. However, there were still security men on night shift stationed everywhere around the house. As he exited the cab, he walked inside the compound, being scrutinized by the security. They wouldn't have let him in if they didn't know who he was. He didn't blame them either; it was obviously too late.He looked at his hands. In his right hand, he had the Billionaire Vodka, and in his left, the Mugler dress. He kept walking towards the entrance, thinking that he would give Liv the Mugler gown at work tomorrow. That was what she loved wearing, and since she had helped him with a suit that morning, he wanted to repay her for her kindness.He took the easy route, and thankfully, the door was open. He slowly turned the knob so it wouldn't make any noise, walked inside, and closed it.But then, he was taken aback when he saw Rose and her mother sitting in the living room, still watching
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Chapter 30. A surprise package
Luca cautiously lifted the veil, revealing what appeared to be a human face. No, it was more than that—it was the severed head of a man. The shock of the sight sent a surge of adrenaline through Luca's body, but surprisingly, fear was not his immediate reaction. Instead, curiosity and confusion mingled within him.With a trembling hand, he adjusted the angle to get a better look at the face. And then it hit him like a bolt of lightning—this was Leo!The face was pale, the eyes fixed in a permanent stare, and a faint trace of a wound on the neck revealed the clean cut that had separated the head from the body. It was the unmistakable mark of a guillotine.A whirlwind of questions raced through Luca's mind. Leo had been tailing him on his way to the Santoro Hotel, and hadn't Giovanni and George promised to track down Leo's sender and return his head to them?A sudden realization dawned on Luca, causing his breath to grow shallow and rapid. He hesitated to utter the thought aloud, not wa
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