All Chapters of Transmigration Into A World With Manna: Chapter 71
- Chapter 80
247 chapters
Chapter 71
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
Caster's party had to squeeze through a small opening the miners had created. After they passed, the opening was sealed, leaving only a small head-sized hole. They were instructed to communicate through this hole and to knock on the wall in a Morse code-like pattern to identify themselves to the miners on the other side.Guards were stationed outside to ensure the miners' safety. The adventurers had a map and were tasked with slowly clearing the tunnels of monsters. Working alongside other adventurer teams, their goal was to eliminate the monster infestation, though the duration of the mission was uncertain. Each team was given simple clocks to track their time inside, ensuring they did not stay longer than five hours.A blue sphere of light illuminated the tunnel. Wide enough for three people to walk side by side, the tunnel featured small railroad tracks on the rocky floor. An empty minecart sat on the tracks, likely used to transport iron ore and minerals."Handy to have a mage
Chapter 72
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
“That’s why bronze newbies are…” Samuel snorted, and the half-demon glared back at him. Caster took this opportunity to explain the dangers of organized monsters with a leader. The ant workers and soldiers would give their lives for the queen and communicated efficiently with each other. Their organized, hive-mind behavior made them particularly dangerous.“I bet we’ll be seeing more of them coming here now; get ready,” Caster warned.“I think the miners might have lied about this, probably to save some coin,” Felix muttered, earning nods from the others. They knew that monster ants were considered more dangerous enemies, which would increase the commission they’d have to pay. The person in charge likely prioritized saving money over the adventurers' safety.“More are approaching,” Mark called out, and everyone readied themselves. Even Felix pulled out his short bow.“Get behind me,” Michael ordered as he moved to the front. The corridor was wide enough for them to maneuver, and Caste
Chapter 73
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
Samuel felt a surge of energy after witnessing the impressive spell-slinging abilities of their new party member. The elf nodded in agreement, while Felix shrugged, eager to rack up more experience points. He could already see his progress increasing rapidly, having leveled up after just this quick battle.“Don’t see a reason not to,” Felix remarked.Caster also nodded. They had mapped out the path behind them, providing a clear route for retreat. The ants didn’t seem to be digging new tunnels frequently, and their current strategy of two warriors at the front and three ranged attackers at the back seemed effective. They still had time within their five-hour limit.Caster noticed a larger cavern on the map, likely an extensive mining area with minecarts and more paths to investigate. Following the railroad tracks, they encountered more worker ants. Caster, ever greedy, aimed for the head with each spell. The rest of the party blocked the ants' path while the backline fighters pelted t
Chapter 74
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
“How does it look?”“Not good,” Michael answered Caster while hitting the collapsed passageway with a pickaxe he grabbed from the ground. As a dwarf, he knew a bit about living underground and in caves."It's going to take us at least a day to clear this."The tunnel they came from was in shambles. Michael also mentioned he was unsure how deep it had collapsed; they could very well have to spend days digging themselves out. This wasn’t the biggest issue though, as the real problem was the ant demons that could come from any of the other tunnels connecting to this larger cavern.The area they were staying in was about fifty meters in diameter and three meters in height. Four tunnels connected to it and branched out into more. Some led nowhere, and some led to places like this one they were in. They had two options: dig themselves out in hopes that the passage they previously took didn’t collapse in any other section, or go through the tunnels that connected to another exit.“I don’
Chapter 75
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
As the team continued moving and going deeper into the winding tunnels. Even though the basic worker ants were easy to handle, the group stayed alert, especially after facing ants that could spit acid.After half an hour, they encountered another group of ants, a mix of regular and advanced types. Michael who was the party's shielf took on him most of the acid attacks, while Caster, the mage, used a protective spell to shield them, saving their precious spell scrolls for later.Caster couldn't just practice his magic skills anymore; they needed to conserve resources. Each scroll could make a big difference in a tough situation.This strategy required more effort from his companions. Michael, who used to rely on fast-acting runic spell scrolls, now had to use slower spells that took time to cast."Duck, Michael!" someone shouted."Got it!" Michael the dwarf replied, quickly jumping to the side."Mana Blast!" another voice yelled. A big ball of magic shot a little inch off Michael's ea
Chapter 76
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
A loud yell shattered the silence. Samuel's sharp eyes darted across the battlefield littered with dead ant bodies. Caster spotted two figures unlike anything they had seen before. These weren't the usual worker ants or even the acid-spewing ones. These were adventurers, lying dead among the carnage.A wave of dread washed over the party. It was clear the other team had met a horrible end. Most groups adventuring like this stuck together in teams of five. That meant the others were probably out there somewhere, hurt or even dead."Blast it all," Caster mumbled, tracing his finger across the map. Their escape route, a narrow tunnel leading to the next exit, was now a blocked mess of debris. The other team must have caused a cave-in while trying to escape in a panic. A feeling of regret stabbed at him. Sure, his magic skills were getting better, but at what terrible cost?The only silver lining was the abundance of mana stones scattered amongst the fallen insects. Even some of the lar
Chapter 77
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
Suddenly, they were swarmed by even more monstrous ants! Caster and his team found themselves in a big cavern after defeating a giant ant soldier. There were all three types they'd seen before, and some especially dangerous soldier ones too. Luckily, their mage had enough firepower to keep the soldiers busy.Giant balls of water splashed onto the ants, followed by others that seemed to crackle with icy energy. One of these icy balls flew at a big soldier ant, who barely dodged out of the way. But part of its giant rear end got hit and it froze instantly. The frost began to climb up its body, literally bringing the creature to a standstill.These ants were as cold blooded as insects, as they also lacked a fixed body temperature. They were also confined to an environment where they could not generate their own heat. Some ant species had special organs to fight this, but not this kind. Once their body temperature dropped too low, they'd get sluggish and eventually fall asleep for the w
Chapter 78
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
The other man nodded and walked away. A loud boom echoed a short while later. Wells frowned; this mission was supposed to be easy, with maybe a few unlucky newbies getting hurt.These explosions were on purpose. The miners had set off explosives deeper in the mine, collapsing the tunnels. Sure, the ants could dig through rock, but it would take them time. Once backup arrived, they could clear the rubble and try again, with more muscle this time.Meanwhile, the supposedly dead team of five was resting and eating after a brutal ant fight. Frost covered the area, but they'd managed to make a fire with some coal and magic. Their spirits were low, but at least they were alive. Several dead giant ant bodies lay scattered around.'More than half my scrolls are gone,' Caster thought, munching on some jerky from his bag. Everyone except Felix, who lacked a magic bag, had brought snacks. The half-gnome wasn't left out though; they shared food and water."W-will they just leave us here to die?
Chapter 79
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
Caster grinned, thinking about a certain scroll he'd made. It wasn't great for attacking, but it could be used as a bomb."You came prepared," Felix observed, a mix of relief and frustration in his voice. He was glad to have Caster around, but also bummed about his own lack of usefulness. Maybe after this, he'd take a safer approach to adventuring and prepare more supplies next time.Samuel gave Caster a rough pat on the shoulder, nearly knocking him over. "Heh, not bad for a shrimp," he said with a grin. Caster, despite being the youngest, had become their temporary leader thanks to his powerful magic."I've got some mana back," Caster announced. "We should get going. If Mark's right, no rescue party is coming anytime soon."The trip from Winterfell took about two days. Even if they blew open the entrance now, and factoring in the time to gather adventurers, help wouldn't arrive for at least three days, maybe even a week.Everyone was tired, and Caster was running low on scrolls.
Chapter 80
Transmigration Into A World With Manna/Ye Above Story
A young man in a black robe suddenly moved forward, screaming loudly and alerting the people around him."Hey, calm down," one of his companions said.Caster's eyes widened in shock. He wasn't sure what was going on. His first instinct was to check his right arm. He remembered using a scroll he had made, which was unreliable and dangerous. Caster had used an entire monster sheep pelt and high-quality magic ink to create the magic spell by combining as many fire arrow magic box as possible. He put it together using magical pathways and fixed it with his debugging skill. The result was a messy spell scroll that overloaded when activated, nearly causing his arm to explode.At least, that's what he thought had happened. But his arm looked mostly fine now. His fingers weren't damaged or missing, and the burn scars were faint. He looked around and realized he was in a moving carriage with his party members sitting nearby."Quite the crazy yelling you've got there, man," Michael the dwarf l