All Chapters of Awakened : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
43 chapters
Chapter 30: Against The Odds
"...No Commoner have ever been discharged from the Military, alive or without missing a limb. So, why risk your life Kyle? Why?" Kyle didn't really have an answer for the deputy mayor. He could say whatever he wanted to, but he doubted anyone could really understand what he wanted. "Is it revenge...?" And so, since silence was the only answer he got from Kyle, the deputy just answered his own question, "Power..? If so, the chances of you attaining either of both are lower than the chances of winning the lottery. Sadly, the opposite is true for the chances of your death." "I'm... aware of the statistics." "You're a Commoner, Kyle. You will be lucky to get out there without missing a limb; the deputy still continued his little sermon, "And no matter how much you try, you'll just be a Soldier at the bottom of the ladder, a grunt." "Hm.." Kyle grunted. Everything the deputy mayor said is true... for a Commoner, that is. Wait, could he even be considered a Commoner anymore? Grant
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Chapter 31: Joining The Fourth Division
And once again, the people could not help but just glare as Kyle's table drowned the entire cafe with thcir voices. And of course, Kyle quickly grabbed Katherine's arm, pulling her closer to make her lower her voice. ".. thought you were supportive of me?" Kyle then whispered as he slightly leaned over the table. "I am!" Katherine loudly whispered, "But the Fourth Division is different. You'll be living in hell, quite literally. You'll be hellishly training in the inside high level Portals for six months before you can even come to the Surface again." "Shit.. finally something you and l agree on," Samantha nodded several times as she heard Katherine's words, "Katherine's right, Kyle. Why not just join something like the Second, or Third Division? Well.. at least you get to live in my house while you're training." "Kyle, listen.." Katherine then let out a small but very deep sigh, "It doesn't matter whether you live with me or with Sam. But please, don't serve for the Fourth Di
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Chapter 32: The Captain {Pt 1}
"Now, why do you have to go and avoid that? Now you gotta find your bag down there." Miranda was already very slowy making her way toward Kyle; her hand, once again blurring as she threw the last of the bag toward the other remaining recruit. And as she saw the recruit not even able to react as he was flung straight into the Portal, Miranda nodded her head. "See? That's what it's supposed to b-Holy.." Miranda then suddenly backed away as she stood in front of Kyle. By the gods, you are as large as they come. Probably the biggest recruit I've seen for the last three years. "..." And while Commander Miranda was busy eyeing Kyle from head to toe, the only thing Kyle could really do was touch the side of his stomach. He initialy thought he was able to avoid the bag completely by a hair's breadth, but he was now feeling some sort of sting building slowly but surely crawling from his liver. If he wasn't used to the pain, then he would have probably been kneeling on the ground by now
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Chapter 33: The Captain {Pt 2}
"Have... you been in the Commander's tent before?" "No. Who would want to be? You've seen the way the woman treats people in public, you really want to find out what she'll do to you behind closed doors? Nope, no. Not me." "But, I mean.. aside from her tendency for violence and impulse to berate everyone, she's.. super hot." "Get that toxic shit out of here, man. You don't date crazy people, she clearly has a few nuts loose." "She can loosen my nuts." "..How am I even your friend?" Outside commander Miranda's tent, the two soldiers that were making their rounds around the camp were walking exaggeratingly close to the tent-their ears, almost visibly getting larger as they tried to eavesdrop on whatever was happening inside. But then again, the two couldn't really make their rounds if they wanted to. After all, it wasn't only them. Even those that were not supposed to be there were surrounding Miranda's tent, making it impossible for the two to move. How could they not
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Chapter 34: The Real Base {Pt 1}
"Such flexibility, and you can also harden it by will." "...Yes." It was a completely different reaction than what Kyle was expecting. Although he already knew that Katherine and Miranda's personalities could not be any more different, he was still quite intrigued by how tuly different their responses were. Miranda's face was completely covered in Kyle's thick white web, and yet unlike Katherine who slightly panicked.. Miranda was playing with it. She was testing its flexibility, and is even rubbing it even more on her face to test how sticky it was. And even as Kyle hardened it, Miranda just casually snapped it in half like a biscuit. His webs had the strength to lift an entire human without breaking, and yet Miranda was just treating it like a toy. Just a testament to how strong Level 5 Rankers were. "Huh... this is extremely useful," Miranda hummed as she pulled a web that was on her lower lip, stretching it along with her lip, "But increased reflexes... and web shoote
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Chapter 35: The Real Base {Pt 2}
"It all makes sense now." And as Kyle was surrounded by the other recruits that were either groveling on the floor or struggling to sit up, he continueded scanning his surroundings. When he was previously in the Underworld, he was inside some sort of cavern-but this time, he was outside. He had seen photos of it before, but seeing it in person truly makes one almost felt like they were drowning. No photo could do this place justice. The Surface world is a sphere, the horizons will always have an end. But in the Underworld, the horizons do not end, it loops. It almost made Kyle feel like he was in some sort of gigantic ball.. which he sort of actually was. Floating at the very center of the insides of this sphere, Tartarus. It was hard to see the distance, however, as a sort of fog seemed to blanket the endless horizon. And of course, perhaps the most noticeable of all was the 'sun' showering everything with its light. It is said that one of the gods, Hades, resided here
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Chapter 36: Hellish Exercises
"Attention, recruits!" Rest. The new recruits have already forgotten what the word meant, and it hasn't even been a full day since they entered the Defense Corps. No, perhaps rest doesn't even exist in the Fourth Division. For the past 8 hours, they have been jumping up and down the Portal without pause. They were handed rations, but they had to eat them while falling. Some thought that by fainting during the fall, they would be able to rest; but they ended up even more exhausted than they already were. They haven't seen a bed, or even the rooms where they are supposed to be staying in if they even existed in the first place. And so, suffice it to say-most of them didn't even know what they were doing as they just instinctively gathered in front of a superior officer they hadn't seen before. And of course, this superior officer noticed how exhausted everyone was, it was a sight he has been used to for the past 10 years. "My name is Sergeant Andrew Tate! For the next 24 hour
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Chapter 37: A Hound Of Wolves!! {Pt 1}
"Take a minute to gather yourselves!" "F.. Finally." "I feel like Im going to die.." "You will, just not today!" "Look at that guy, is... he even human?" "Shit... he's the only reason why we're only resting now." "Tch, show off." "Fucking Dregger." "Woah, woah. Who used the D-word!?" "With the hard R too!?" "Wow.. you guys are classist as fuck." Dregger. It has been a very long time since Kyle heard someone call him like that-it was what they used to call people like him in the past. The dregs of society, slaves. "Don't mind them, Kyle. Recruits are always like that. They see others as competition, not realizing that we really only have each other to rely on." "I remember you being one of those people, baldy." "Shut up, you perverted monkey. I am not a classist." "It's all.. just white noise to me at this point." Kyle let out a small sigh, before taking off his shirt; squeezing it, and letting his sweat shower the blades of grass beneath his feet. And p
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Chapter 38: A Hound Of Wolves!! {Pt 2}
"Every one, calm the fuck down! Panic will get you killed!" "Don't go there! Gods damn it!" "Kyle!" "...Kyle!?" Kyle knew he was being called by his superior, but the growling and howling of the orthros were loud and visceral. Drowning even the screams of the recruits who were sadly at the back of the line and being eaten alive. There was all sorts of noise, and yet that wasn't the reason why Kyle could not really hear any of it, no. It was the red orthros that had five Gray Hearts floating above its head. A dog. He could understand the arachnes having one as half of their body is human, but the beasts in front of them right now were literal dogs, 2-headed dogs. He hadn't really thought about it since he was busy training his Active Abilities and trying to find a way to become a Hunter.. ...but his abilities also work on literal beasts. But to what extent, exactly? Would it work on a literal spider too? Would he want it to? And while Kyle was stuck in his thought
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Chapter 39: A Hound Of Wolves!! {Pt 3}
"Are these all the items the new recruits brought?" "Yes, Ma 'am!" "Shit! I am right in front of you, you dumb squid. You don't have to shout so loud!" "Y-yes, Ma'am." "Where is Kyle's bag?" And while the new recruits were fighting for their lives and being gnawed and chased by 2-headed dogs. Commander Miranda was inside their tent, leisurely examining their bags. This was not against the constitution, of course, as members of Defense Corps have already waived their rights as soon as they stepped inside the base. "Why are there so many beds here? Where is Kyle's bag?" Commander Miranda repeated her words as she dropped a bag full of erotic magazines. "The Lowborn, Ma'am?" "Do you want to be born again?" Commander Miranda snarled at the officer behind her. "No, Ma'am." The officer stood up straight, "The bed at the end of the tent, Ma'am." "..Why was he put--Nevermind," Miranda scoffed as she started walking to the bed assigned to Kyle, "I was told he brought a k
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