All Chapters of General Noah: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
186 chapters
“Your service is no longer needed, Jehu. Please leave!”“Ms. Cynthia but I'm here to sign our contract.”Cynthia gestured, pointing to the door.It dawned on Jehu that he had messed up with the wrong person. Without the praise of the people, he knew he would have had a huge salary if he had gotten the job.Jehu went on his knees, “Please pardon me. I regret all I did and I am sorry. I am a well-known doctor, I even canceled a contract with one large hospital outside the country because I wanted to work here. Please forgive me. I promise to offer my best if given the opportunity.”“Leave my office this minute!”Noah roared.Jehu couldn't withstand Noah's aura, so he stood up immediately and rushed out of the office.In disappointment, he left the hospital.Meanwhile, Noah went back to the Fullams’ residence.At Peak Cooperation.Two of the female workers who walked into the company were discussing. They were to be on duty that afternoon.“I was so delighted to see Dr Jehu. He is so cut
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“Hmm, I think seeing us all after a long time would make him happy, thereby he'll recover fast.”“You have a point there.”Noah nodded.“But we have to go with some gifts.”Rieka became concerned.“Ever since my grandma died, my grandpa hadn't been himself. It made him even retire from the military a year earlier than when he was supposed to.”“Military?”Noah was surprised.“Yeah! That will be a story for another day!”Rieka smiled.“Noah, Did you package anything that we could eat as we are traveling?”Rieka was hungry.“No, we can stop by at a restaurant along the road so we can eat before proceeding with the trip.”“Alright, you can park the car over there!”Rieka pointed to a free parking space.They walked around that area and finally saw the most expensive and large restaurant in Cape Linton.A man wearing a black outfit stood by the door.“Good day to the both of you, welcome!”The man greeted Rieka and Noah as they walked in.The duo took the table that was meant for two and
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“Noah, it's enough!”Rieka rushed to Noah and he embraced her.Noticing her tears and high breathing rate, he said. “Everything is fine!”She sighed in relief.The waitress who had called the police expected that they should have arrived but there was no sign of them around.Cyril is the boss of a very brutal gang. He is behind all the atrocities that happened in Cape Linton. The police are aware but there's nothing they can do because of his connection with some prominent and wealthy folks in the city.Rieka gazed at the men who were groaning in pain. She shook her head. Turning around, she noticed Cyril was on a call.“He is placing a call. He could be calling more of his men for backup. Let's just leave now.”Rieka said calmly.Noah patted her back, “Running away from such people is not the way to end such crime in the society. They must be dealt with. Let me also make a call.”“Huh? Who do you want to call?”“Just relax!” Noah smiled.Noah called the Grand Commander.“It's Noah! I
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Rieka held Noah's hand and said calmly. “That's Amos Smith, he is my uncle. The last child of my grandpa. I heard he is now very rich, highly connected and his businesses are thriving very well.”“Good to know!”Noah nodded as he stared at everyone present.Amos looked at Lois and her immediate family members and smiled. “Lois, I must confess you and your family are doing great.”“Yeah, thanks.”Lois nodded.Amos doesn't talk to her whenever they are all present at the Smith Pinnacle. He saw her as an embarrassment to the family at large.Presently, he was impressed and said something positive.“Rieka, you look so beautiful.” Amos glanced at Rieka.Rieka smiled.Lois interrupted. “Are you aware that Rieka holds a high position in Top Notch Group? Do you also know she is the chairman of Peak Cooperation? She has accomplished a lot. I am proud of her. Even Dave now works with the new hospital located at the center of the city in Linton City. That means our net worth is huge!”“Wow!”Am
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‘Has Noah revealed his identity to her?’Dave thought inwardly.Smiling, Rieka said. “My husband is a retired soldier! And you are all aware that I suffered drug-induced amnesia, it was Noah who healed me completely and after the healing process, I became more beautiful. That means, my husband is an Asclepius.Jack who had been quiet all along chimed in. “That is correct, Noah has been very useful to us in the little way he can. I think if we all give him the support he requires, he'll be on the level we want him to be and he won't be the worthless son-in-law you all tag him to be.”“Hmm!”Everyone expressed.The word ‘Asclepius’ rang in Aaron's mind. Next, he thought about Grandpa.Aaron was Rieka's cousin and happened to be the first grandchild of the Smiths.Grandpa had been suffering from a skin disease for a very long time. But recently, it grew worse as they had to take him back to the hospital.The doctor had made it known that he now had a short time to live. All they could do
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Aaron had inwardly taught about the fame and wealth he would have if he could learn the acupuncture treatment process from Noah.Amos looked puzzled, “Aaron what's with the drama?”“Do you know that the process Noah just carried out would run into millions of dollars if you were to pay for his services? All I want from you is to plead with him so he can teach me more of his medical skills.”Noah glanced at Aaron. He didn't think he would be a good teacher even if he agreed to teach him.But he was impressed that Aaron knew about acupuncture despite not being a trained doctor.Noah returned the pack of syringes where he carried it and threw the used glove into the trash can.After which he went to the sitting room and everyone followed after him.Noah looked at Aaron who kept pleading.“What exactly is acupuncture? I just used my little knowledge from a book I read and applied it. I was also skeptical about the process but I'm glad it worked.”“Really?”Aaron slammed the table in anger
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Noah shook his head in disbelief.Even people who had never seen him before had heard that Rieka's husband was worthless.Rieka smiled, “Alice I don't know what you might have heard about my husband. All I want you to know is that he has been doing his best as my husband. Everyone has a niche in life where they flourish well.”Alice was still shocked that with all of Rieka's accomplishments, she settled to be with Noah.Alice gave an awkward smile.“Ensure you enjoy your moment here, I am the manager of this place although it belongs to my dad.”“Wow!”Rieka was impressed.Fred looked at Rieka, “I hope to see you around soon.”Noah and Rieka walked around the mall gazing at several gadgets.Since Rieka said she didn't want a new gadget, he didn't want to force her to get one.Soon, Alice Dellard got hold of the microphone.“You are all welcome to this event. We are giving out this gadget at a discounted price. So you all should grab the opportunity and purchase your dream gadgets. Th
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Noah out of anger swung his hand at Fred and the force of the hit made him stagger till he finally fell on the laptop.The laptop crashed and was shattered.Seeing the way he fell, Fred was filled with fury. No one had ever embarrassed him that way. To worsen the scene, a stranger whom he doesn't even know looks down on him and even has the effrontery to hit him.Fred held the table as it helped him to regain balance and stand properly. He pointed to Noah, “How dare you? I'll ensure you pay for all the damages before leaving today. By the time I'm done with you, you'll regret ever stepping your feet into this mall.”Noah remained indifferent, “You shouldn't have spoken ill of us since you didn't have the strength to fight back.”Rieka was scared, she whispered to Noah. “Let's just apologize and leave this place. I don't want more trouble for us.”However, Noah was never going to apologize.“If you can't pay for the damages, I assure you that you'll rot in jail.”Fred threatened him.“
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At that same time, Fred was pacing restlessly in Alice's office.“I was embarrassed before everyone and you expect me to be calm!”He wore a darkened expression. His family was well-known in the city. No one dares annoy a member of the Meyer family because they know the likely consequences. Yet a man looking so miserable didn't even respect him.Alice was seated in the opposite direction. Holding her pen she said, “Look, Fred, you have to forget about this. I can't even explain the shock that is going through my head now.”“Hmm,” you should have convinced your dad to make them pay for damages. And as for Noah, I must get back at him.“I don't think you can do anything to him. He is a son-in-law of the Fullams.”“And so? My family, Meyer, is far more influential and more connected than them. So what's going to stop me from dealing with him?”“Hmm!”Alice stood up.“I heard that Rieka saved a member of the Kendrick family five years ago. Rieka is highly connected with powerful people b
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“Just a little act to make the Smiths more rich, you can't do it.”“Stop acting like a saint, if you were, you wouldn't have slept with Brucy to get a job with Top Notch Group.”The Smiths began to say abusive words at her.“Enough, what's the meaning of this rubbish? I've been quiet doesn't mean I am a fool. You can't order her around just to fulfill your greedy desires.”Jack roared.Rieka turned to leave, but Amos blocked her way. “Rieka, do all Josh wants, and within the next thirty minutes it will be a thing of the past.”All Amos wanted was a very close relationship with the Danfled so he could also get what he wanted thereby getting more wealthy.“Rieka, let's go to a hotel. Maybe she's not comfortable because she knows you all are around.”Josh suggested happily.Noah glanced at Rieka, “Do you want to do it?”“Huh?”Rieka hissed. “No, even his touch irritates me.”Noah cleared his throat, “Josh, you heard her. So leave.”At that moment, Amos approached Noah.“What gave you the
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