All Chapters of ANDREAS : THE HIDDEN MILLIONAIRE’S SON-IN-LAW: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
187 chapters
"Last night I had a very beautiful dream and I think that dream would be something that no one could ever imagine. And even I feel that this will be something good for everyone. However, my beautiful dream seems to have been disturbed by a very annoying man like your adoptive brother. However, I am very sure that his coming here is to ask for accountability and so on, which I don't think should meet him is the only one. "That's the way I have to do it because I don't want my emotions to be disturbed and also what I really want to be destroyed by a man like that."Cindy, who heard this, couldn't say anything other than being silent. Because Cindy is also very confident and also understands that her husband has the right to be angry. Who wouldn't be annoyed with the Bowie family? Even anyone who has family ties and hears all these stories will definitely feel very angry. Ignorant families who always ask for more and more, even when they get a reply, they immediately don't accept it and
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Cindy smiled perfectly so she never thought that her husband would actually have such cunning thoughts. Cindy immediately nodded her head because after all she understood and understood that this was a very difficult problem that no one could ever imagine. And for Cindy this is certainly not something good and this will be much more fun than anything else. Cindy, as a wife, had to follow what her husband wanted, and she also felt very upset when she had to meet that woman."Okay, whatever you want, I'll just do it because after all, this is a very, very annoying thing for everyone. I also want to study very well and I want to prove to the entire selection of the Bowie company that I deserve to be a leader, not just because I don't have any experience because they look down on me. I'm really, really, really annoyed with them and I feel like I want to prove to them that this is something they don't deserve to do at all.""I have also specially called the best lecturer who teaches busine
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Tonight the Bowie family is gathering, father, mother and their two children. Currently they are discussing something very important which is even related to the future, not just their future but the future of the company which is hanging in the balance. They all thought of a way to fulfill what Andreas wanted, namely by giving the amount of money that Andreas wanted without exception, but the problem was that even at this point, they still didn't know where they would get the loan, especially the money. What Andreas gave to invest was not a number of games which could be said to be much bigger than anything in this world. And it could even be said that the only investor who dared to invest such a huge amount was Andreas as long as the family was involved in the business world. And of course this was really, really terrible because Andreas asked for an almost unreasonable penalty, namely 60% of the shares from the Bowie family. If it was in the money, maybe 60% of the shares could be
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"We have to find out everything before the two weeks are up and we have to prove to them that we have given everything our best. "We are pressuring Andreas so that the man can give us a period of time or even relief because after all we can't think of anything easier than this."They finally agreed to get evidence because after all this was something they had to do. If they stay silent then they will never get everything and more than that of course it will really be much more terrifying.Meanwhile, on the other hand, Andreas and Cindy, instead of being busy thinking about something useless, are busy improving themselves and increasing their knowledge. So many investors came and offered to invest in Andreas' company and of course they responded very well. In fact, the five companies owned by Andreas at one time actually had a very extraordinary disease. They are all moving forward together and have started the production planning stage and soon they will actually produce some of the s
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“What happened, Mondy? Why did you suddenly ask to meet, maybe something very important happened? If something important happens then tell me because I will always be ready to help you whenever you want.”The eagle jewel man looked very annoyed today but he didn't immediately say what he wanted. The expression on his face looked very angry and even his white face was completely red. For some reason, after Andreas arrived in the Bowie family, everything really changed, everything that happened became a part that was so annoying that it could even be said that they became one unit that no one could ever imagine. The expression on the man's face became very, very annoyed and he would never have imagined how his life could become like this. A life that was truly so incredibly annoying and a life that no one could ever compare to and even because of the frequency of committing an act that was so incredibly fatal that everything would be much worse than everything that could have happened u
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“Sir, I heard from someone that there is one of the men who has been very mysterious after pacing in front of the company lately. I don't know who that person is, I just think that his arrival is really very suspicious. I'm sure there must be something very important that he will do or even more than that, is it possible for that person to come to commit a crime? "I also can't judge anything, but I think that if today happened something bad would have never been imagined at all and I would never want that to happen."Andreas heard this from consumer Riyan because he didn't really pay attention to several things. If someone so very suspicious had been walking around the company for the last few days and it was the same person, of course this would make things very scary. Andreas has to be careful because this can never be imagined because this has entered the realm of something that is already disturbing."Did the security guard have time to ask the man? If there are strange people her
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All security has really been prepared as if Andreas was really, really ready for all of this. In fact, he did not hesitate to direct the police to just take notes and so on.Andreas was very eager to catch such a very mysterious figure because after all this would be one of the hardest tasks for him. And he would never let that person get away without giving him the perfect treatment. Of course, this is one thing that no one could ever imagine, in fact it seems that providing the best model is one of the things that everyone really hates. And of course at this point Andreas will find out who is the real person behind all these terrible things? It could even be said that this would be a cause that no one could ever imagine. Because after all, this is a problem that is so huge that no one can ever compare it.“Have you found a bright spot? I think this will be a very, very difficult problem because we will never find someone as terrible as them. They never seem to be able to let us live
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The mysterious man finally met Andrias and of course the man tried to look away from Andreas. Meanwhile Andreas saw that he didn't think this was something important at all. because after all what he needed was recognition from the man whatever the reason and who had ordered him to do something like this. What the mysterious man did was quite outrageous, in fact he was clearly seen installing several CCTVs around where Andreas was. If he wasn't such a very suspicious figure, Andreas would never have cared about this, because after all, this was something that could never be imagined at any time."Now tell us very clearly who told you about the existence of my company. More than that, who ordered all this to be done? "What you did was outrageous and I can no longer tolerate whatever you did because I think what you did was no longer appropriate."Andreas' facial expression looked very annoyed, but the mysterious man seemed to be daring Andreas to do the opposite. The man turned his fac
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"Until whenever a loser will forever be a loser and that can never be replaced by anyone and until this point we will never understand and understand how these people always try to be the best person ever. In fact, it seems that there are several obstacles that can be understood or not, however this will still be a very difficult dispute. In fact, it feels like no matter how hard we try to give the best, in the end we will never understand or understand the reality which might become the heaviest burden in our lives. So what happened in the end? No one might think this if we keep thinking about something bad that even I think if this will really be the best."Cindy seemed to have said that, making everyone there silent because after all they thought that what Cindy said was something that made sense. It's useless for us to struggle with some of the existing things, but the struggle will be in vain because no matter what, they will definitely think of an action that is very classy and
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This morning Andreas deliberately didn't go anywhere, he really wanted to try discussing it with some of the people there because he wanted to know some things that could be said to be something confidential. Of course this was something secret from his wife. Because after all, Andreas is still thinking about his wife's feelings as part of the Bowie family and currently Andreas wants to discuss Bobby's family, which will definitely make him feel hurt when Andreas starts talking. Because no matter what, he understands and understands that this will be something that can never be imagined or compared. Andrea, after checking several documents on the table, identified several suspicions, but up to this moment she had not told Cindy anything. Until finally Andreas saw Rian with several policemen who had been specially invited to discuss this issue."Actually, from several CCTV recordings, I saw that the man was not only sticking several other CCTV recordings on Arya here, but it seemed lik
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