All Chapters of The Celestial General: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
183 chapters
Chapter 150
Brian commanded Mr. Biscuit to quieten down while he confronted the band of FBI. Grandma was all smiles. All the laborers stood gaping and feeling worried to see grand ma being whisked away by FBI“Heh, where are you taking my mama?” asked Brian, staring at all agents and looking out for answers, grandma walked to Brian, “I am being accused of money laundering,” she said, patting Brian on the shoulder , is ok I will be fine and back home. Take care of the empire and Mr. Biscuit.Brian shook his head now going crimson as his eyes stopped blinking. His long face shot at all the agents as he perceived the thickest of all the agents, a stout man, in his forties, to be their ringleader. “I need answers ladies and gentle men. What did my momma do to deserve the embarrassment? I need answers else I will sue for infringement of human right.”“Whipping boy!” you seem to know the law and couldn’t advise your momma against money laundering,” said the stout man walking to Brian, arms folded and
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Chapter 151
Brian’s news of pulling a gun at an FBI was making the round. Somewhat it had filtered to the ears of journalists and finally made it to the days’ newspapers with the caption: ‘Boy pulls gun at FBI against granny’s arrest.’ Upon reading the news Mr. and Mrs. Coleman phoned grandma only to confirm it was a reality.Brian was detained behind bars while grandma faced a group of four agents in an interrogation session in the IR room. The accusation leveled against was that the name of her farm empire Clean and Green was used to transact an ICT business which got a certain millionaire defrauded of a million dollars. The millionaire had reported to FBI to summon the CEOs of Clean and Green to answer to the accusation.Sitting across the table, grandma dragged a smile, “Ladies and gentle men this is twenty first century. I am not the only company that goes by the name Clean and Green. There is a mix up somewhere,” beamed grandma, throwing a hostile stare across the panel.Not when there is
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Chapter 152
After grandma was interrogated by officials of the FBI and found not guilty Brian was detained for twenty four hours and was later released with the condition that he would provide a credible guarantor and also would do cleaning for two weeks at a hospital of choice. Grandma had provided herself as the credible guarantor and signed some documents with her lawyer for the release of Brian. Brian was released and taken home.In few days Brian started the weekly punishment at a gynecology hospital. He did daily chores for free; cleaned the environment and even went on errands for a few patients. He knew he was supposed to be in jail if he had taken the shot. He wondered what inspired his decisions at that moment- maybe because grandma was involved – grandma had asked him severely if he actually wanted to shoot the FBI and he said he would have shot the agent if not for her last statement; even now he was carrying out his punishment he never regretted his actionOn the last day of his
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Chapter 153
Brian paid Sia a visit in her flat and gifted her the book, “Wow I appreciate this with my full chest. I have not received gift in a decade now,” she said, smiled hugely at the thick book and started flipping through. “This is a comprehensive text on child delivery and mother’s wellness,” she said, flipped yet further and trying to read in between lines. “When did you buy it?” she asked cheerfully.“Em,” he felt like lying but didn’t fancy lying to her. He would choose his words and avoid bringing his punishment of cleaning the hospital into it “Yesterday. But I didn’t buy it. I picked it.”“You did what?” she asked anxiously.“Yes it is what it is but never mind,” said Brian, I picked up because I know you will have need of it later.”“Oh so thoughtful of you,” she said and flipped through to the front page, it has no name, such a careless owner.” She turned to the previous page and saw picture of a beautiful baby smiling in the hands of its mother. And her cheeks curved back in a hu
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Chapter 154
A band of police officers pulled over Mr. Fanny’s compound and dashed out at onceMr. Fanny was in the ball room at the time, checking up the new furniture he purchased after the smash-and-grab thieves invaded their home. It had been barely two weeks they left his sister’s house for theirs that police came checking on them. When he peeped through the window, and saw the fire in the eyes of the police men he knew hell was let loosed.Mrs. Fanny and Sia ran downstairs to him, “Who called the police?” she asked him, looking at the door and expecting their knock soon. “I wouldn’t know. I never did,” he replied and peered at Sia, “Did you dial 911?” he asked.“Hell no, why would I invite the bird on a rainy day,” she quoted, and swallowed hard as she looked in the direction of the door.“Well the bird is about to get wet,” he said and a knock came on the door. He went to answer and Inspector Fred led his boys into the ball room. I don’t know why we keep seeing each other like gay lovers,
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Chapter 155
“Mr. Fanny you have two cases before you. Twenty pounds of drugs was found in your bedroom and your daughter shot a police officer,” Fred said, pacing up and down the interrogation room.Mr. Fanny with handcuffs on his wrists, cut in, “She shot the police on his leg.”“Shooting is shooting, regardless the body part involved. Come on that officer is lying in the hospital with one leg up.”“But she shot out of provocation. She is going to plead not guilty because the police abused her verbally.”“Till then, Mr. Fanny, you risk going to jail. Twenty pounds of drugs is not twenty pounds of cookies. I never knew you did drugs. I am so disappointed in you.” He looked away.“Is a set up, Fred. Look at me Fred it is a set up. Why didn’t the unanimous caller make herself available, why call you after some interior decoration company fixed my house. I suspect that company. They planted the drugs. Someone wants me down.”“You may think the unanimous caller is after you but the police doesn’t see
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Chapter 156
Brian was at the basketball court with Mr. Biscuit. He had played fervently today and was sweating profusely.He glared at his watch and it was time to visit grandma at the hospital; earlier after Meyer cursed her, she fell ill the night of that day and was rushed to the hospital. Brian had murdered himself severally for pulling such a stunt and would never forgive Meyer. Grandma had developed fever and the doctor had complained she had developed high blood pressure- which Brian suspected to be traceable to Meyer’s curse. When his parents called he had lied about grandma’s whereabouts and refused to bring them in the know of her health status.Mr. Biscuit ran straight to the car and took off from the car to make to the opposite direction; it seemed to have seen someone and Brian called on it, “Biscuit where are you off to? Come back here.” And when Brian ran after it, he saw Meyer, stroking biscuit on the head. “What do you want? What are you doing here?” he commanded Mr. Biscuit,
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Chapter 157
The court hearing was between Sia and the State’s attorney. Sia’s lawyer being ken was very much on time to meet with Sia at the police station to brief her about what to answer at the court.“You haven’t lied to me about the whole thing. You told me you shot the police, and that is the truth, you did. But I don’t want you to tell the court you did without reasons. The court will want to play on your gullibility, they would want to see you disgrace and expose yourself by yourself but you are going to play by my rules and not theirs. If you play by my rules, I assure you, you are going to walk through the door of freedom but if you don’t, you will have to secure a permanent corner in jail. But I don’t want that to be your fate,” ken had said to Sia“So what is the rule?” Sia had asked, looking puzzled and anxious like a dog after its bones.“You will plead not guilty. Use the term not guilty. Read my lips. You will tell them you are not guilty because the complainant abused you verba
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Chapter 158
Sooner than usual they returned from the recess. Everyone watched with blinking eyes, and rapt attention as the judge pronounced his judgment.Over the pew Mrs. Fanny clenched her hands to that of Mrs. Coleman, shut her eyes as the judgment was being pronounced. Sia had shut her eyes, and shook her head in disappointment as she expected the judgment to be against her. She had not been to jail but she had heard a lot of horrible events and lifestyle that hung around jail, and she wasn’t prepared to be the villain or the heroine of jail. As she shut her eyes she pictured her past with Brian, with Brian and she wished she could meet with Brian and ask for his forgiveness before going to jail; She knew she had hurt him but it would be fair to meet with him for the last time and iron out their differences.As for Brian she would want to advise him to turn a new leaf and start loving well… she was thrown into the bed of her imagination when the judge’s voice interrupted her.“This is the j
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Chapter 159
“I can’t thank you for what you did for my daughter, Ken. You have been wonderful ever since you offered us your services,” Mrs. Fanny said, stirring her coffee and beaming a huge smile at Ken who was busy baking a hot cake for them.Mrs. Fanny and Sia paid Ken a visit at his house to appreciate him for paying the sum of fifty thousand dollars to finalize her release, even after winning the court case that almost sent Sia to jail.“Oh common, I mean I couldn’t stay and watch a pretty, young damsel like Sia risk going to jail,” he said and turned off the oven, “Should I cut you cake?” he asked them, staring lustfully at Sia.“Oh yes, I would need much of it,” said Sia, blushing.“Cake goddess. She likes cake a lot,” said Mrs. Fanny, smiling at Sia.Ken cut them a large portion and served them at their chair. He had his portion too, as he gave a mouthful bite at his portion and munched hungrily. “I love cake too. Meanwhile we shouldn’t be taking coffee. We got to be toasting to the vict
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