All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
187 chapters
Chapter 111: Ten Hits
  I stood frozen in place without moving for some time. I didn't know how to even begin fighting Stephen who was way more powerful than me and successfully landing ten hits. A level six player like him who had six player skills was way more powerful than me. Stephen saw through my expression and asked, "Are you gonna fight me with that expression of yours?" I took a deep breath and replied, "Something like that." Paulina, who heard me say that, showed a shocked expression as she turned to look at me, "You don't mean it, Jason. Didn't you see what he did earlier?" I chuckled as I patted her shoulders, "It is a mission and I must complete it no matter what." Read more
Chapter 112: Narrow Victory
  I continued running for one minute and my speed began building up till I was now moving in a blur. Stephen kept blasting in the wrong direction and I knew that he couldn't catch up with me any longer. In order to be able to move at the same speed as I was moving at currently, he had no choice but to deactivate his Blast skill. This was just how player skills worked. A player couldn't use two skills at the same time. He could only use them consecutively. I didn't know for players way higher than me, but from what I've seen this was how it was. Even Darwin who was a level ten player could only use his player skills consecutively and not at the same time.  "Take this!" I yelled as I moved towards the back and released a powerful punch at the back of his neck with all my strength. He was sent flying into the air with the impact and I immediately used that chance t
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Chapter 113: Powering Up
  When I woke up I was already lying in a bed with Paulina sitting beside me. Stephen was standing near the window and had his arms crossed. The rays of sunlight seeped into the bedroom, dying it crimson. If one didn't pay close attention, they would think my room was covered in blood stains. It took me some minutes to remember why I was lying in bed. I had used Rush Absorption beyond my maximum limit while fighting Stephen. This made me suffer a great strain on my body despite using the Healing skill. If I had not been lucky enough I would have already imploded myself despite using the Luck skill on time. "Welcome back from the land of the dead, Jason," Stephen said casually as if he had no regard for my life. Twice while fighting him I had almost lost my life and I was really upset with him right now. Paul
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Chapter 114: Sword of Thor
  I was still smiling when Stephen said, "You need to be at least a level five player to be considered good." I wanted to retort when I remembered that it was from level five where I could go to the virtual reality for missions. It was from level five where I would really become a game player! I couldn't help but become a little depressed because of this and felt that my level was too weak to do a thing about the Wayne family. "Don't say that, Stephen," Paulina rubbed my shoulders. "He's now level four and that's what matters. For me, his leveling up is faster than yours. It has not even been a month and he has advanced from being a level zero player to level four. And it's been only three levels up if I'm correct." I smiled at Paulina before saying
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Chapter 115: Sentiment
  The next day I and Paulina went to school in my Mercedes Benz. As usual, my fans were very thrilled to see me and rushed towards my car to meet me when I finally pulled over to park. I couldn't help but imagine the shock that would be on their faces when they would see Paulina back on her feet. She had been crippled some days ago and now she was walking very fine. Something like this was capable of causing a big stir in school. Someone like Sophia who was trying all her best to win back my heart wouldn't be able to take this. The door slid open and I was the first to come out of the car, my right leg stepping on the ground. My fans immediately began talking among themselves in an excited tone. I could tell that they were really very happy to see me. I hadn't been in school for some time now and for fans who deeply loved me, that was a very long period of time. I co
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Chapter 116: One Man, Two Women
  Classes commenced that day and I wasn't even paying attention to a single lesson by the lecturers. This was because I knew I would be able to know what they were teaching even without paying attention. With my Download skill always activated during lessons, I wasn't afraid of forgetting what the lecturer was teaching even though I didn't even have a single notebook to jot what was being taught. During lunchtime, I went to the cafeteria as usual and met with my fans who were already waiting for me. I paid for their meals and sat down to order mine and Paulina's. I had given her a message using the Enigmatic System and she said she would be with me in fifteen minutes. "Hello," a female student walked towards me. "Hello," I said without paying much a
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Chapter 117: Unbelievable Recovery
  After Paulina's escapade with the girl she shamefully departed from the cafeteria. I could even see her wipe her eyes as she sniffed while going out of the cafeteria. Paulina had dealt her a very big blow and all the students had filmed the event. She remained scarred for life till she graduated from school. But then I heard that she was in her first year in school so it was really going to be a very long period of time before the scar which Paulina had welded into her heart would be removed."I never knew you had it in you," I said to her as I ate a piece of hamburger. Paulina rolled her eyes as she said, "Don't tell me you don't still know everything about me after staying with me for several days now." I don't know everything about you, I sai
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 Chapter 118: Faceoff
   Dominic stared at me for sometime as if contemplating on what to say. He just stared at me without saying anything. I didn't say anything as well and stared straight into his eyes. I felt Paulina's hands on mine and I couldn't help but turn to look at her. "Let's just ignore this riffraff for the meantime," Paulina said. "He's obviously not our class and isn't even worthy of our time." After Paulina said this, Dominic couldn't help but glare at her as he clenched his fists and grit His teeth. In the past, I would have been afraid of his glare but right now I am very much different. The Jason today was very much different from the Jason of yesterday. I was no longer the weak student who always used to be bullied in the past. I was now even capable of bullying even bullies. 
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Chapter 119: On Campus Again
  We sat down to eat and this time we weren't interrupted. Dominic had left with his fans and so the cafeteria was quiet again. But that didn't mean I wasn't thinking about Dominic right now. He had just returned back to campus and I didn't know why but I was feeling nervous about the entire matter. I seemed to have a hunch that something was really off about him. It wasn't just about him healing in a very short period of time. No, it wasn't just that. It was his personality. I didn't know why but I felt there was something really off about him. I had been bullied by Dominic for a long period of time so I had already gotten a grasp on his personality and all. Dominic was someone who didn't laugh much and was always very grumpy. His tone was never as calm as the one I heard today. It seemed he was trying to act like a different person just to please his fans. I kept o
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 Chapter 120: Conspiracy
   I continued listening to what Dominic and the other party were discussing secretly. I couldn't help but find their discussion very suspicious and decided to discover what was suspicious about them right then. After becoming a player I suddenly came across dangerous situations almost every time. It was as if someone was secretly pulling the strings of my life to make me encounter danger constantly. At first, I had thought that the things going on in my life were natural but now I knew it was actually not natural. Funny enough, I had this weird thought that my life had been peaceful when I had been poor and bullied by Dominic. And funny enough, it was the truth. So I decided to know what they were saying right now quickly. I had already discovered something suspicious about Dominic's discussion
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