All Chapters of Jason and the Enigmatic System: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
187 chapters
Chapter 141: Confession
  I opened my eyes slowly and the first thing I saw was a white bulb shining brightly. I groaned as I tried holding my head only to realize that I had been strapped to a table with a handcuff. "What the f*ck!" I couldn't help but cuss as I slowly regained my senses. I was currently seated in a police cell with nobody in. I guess Darwin decided to drop me off at the police station and I couldn't help but wonder why. But then I knew it must definitely be Stephen's doing. After all, he had made this plan so he knew how to handle all unforeseen situations. I looked at the silvery handcuff which was glittering under the bulb light and decided to break free from it. But on a second thought, I decided that it would be very much stupid to do something like that. Darwin would definitely be waiting for me to make that
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Chapter 142: The Werewolf Player 
  Seeing the claws snap out of the cop's fingers and hearing his confession, I immediately knew that this person was known other than a player like myself. And his system was no doubt called the Werewolf System. [SEEING HOW THIS IS THE WEREWOLF PLAYER, YOU SHOULD KILL HIM IMMEDIATELY] What do you mean? I couldn't help but mutter inwardly. He's a cop and I don't wanna end up killing a cop. [WELL, THE GOOD THING IS HE WON'T HESITATE TO KILL YOU] F*ck off if you don't have a solution to my predicament, I cussed inwardly. [DING!] I suddenly heard that chiming sound and knew th
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Chapter 143: Leveling Up Skill
  The moment I found myself standing in the virtual space filled with holographic codes, I knew I was already dead. It seemed very unbelievable considering the fact that not many players had managed to kill me in a fight. The first person who had been able to do it was Darwin Blade because he was a level ten player and nothing more. Well, I would give it to his player skills and experience. The Decay and Annihilation skills are nothing to be joked with. Those two skills have always proved to be very impossible for me to guard against. "Activate Respawn," I immediately said as I clenched my fists. I didn't want to remain in this virtual space for up to a minute. If I did then I would be in a very difficult situation. I know that Darwin had already told those players that I could respawn and they would have already taken measures against it. The worst measure ever woul
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Chapter 144: Escaping
  There are times when I feel very desperate and frustrated. During this period of time I usually think of giving up on everything I've tried to build and letting them go to waste. If I had been alone I would have already given up a long time ago since there would have been nothing to live for. But then I wasn't alone. There was Paulina who loved me with all her heart and had suffered just like me. There was Stephen who had helped me in every way possible and had been a victim just like I've been. And there were my fans who hoped that my story became better for good and I would grow to become someone who they can rely on with all their hearts.  As I remembered all these things I decided to give up on two things. I wasn't going to give up on life and forsake everything I've ever worked for. No, that isn't the case. Rather I'm going to give up on frustrati
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Chapter 145: Insane Rewards 
  Ever since I became a player I had faced difficulties I would never have faced in my entire life as an ordinary person. From the tasks to the missions and then the quests, everything had proven to be very dangerous and impossible to accomplish. And then there was the Wade family with several powerful players after my life. Could it be right to say that I'm the protagonist of this world? I would be right to say that, wouldn't I? Everything revolved around me and I was pretty sure that was because I was the protagonist of this world. Again, I found myself floating in the virtual space as usual. This was normal for me since I had died more than five times now. This strange virtual space which I didn't understand was the world I always went to whenever I died. But why was it so? [THIS IS BECAUSE PLAYERS HAVE T
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Chapter 146: Glad Heart
I started panting heavily as I recovered from the shock of my sudden transformation; this was due to my upgrade with respect to my system levels.Indeed my power had increased and I could feel it in my own body, completely sending me into a level that I couldn't explain.I heaved a sigh as my pulsating body started to calm down as my body relaxed and I looked at my girlfriend Paulina. She looked so enthusiastic and was hugging me.The hug that was so tight on me from Paulina was getting unbearable as I felt her warm body on mine, but then she disengaged from the hug and wore a look that aroused questions in my mind.I then watched my girlfriend completely run into a state of pure anger as she looked at me with that fury in her eyes."Babe this is abnormal, why are you…” My words were cut short but her angry response."Just shut the hell up Jason, you were going on quests and all without even informing me. I mean that's out of this world." Paulina hollered in my direction."I mean it's
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Chapter 147: Telling Them.
My vehicle zoomed across the seemingly deserted roads as I maneuvered through the streets carefully dodging some vehicles, and driving so I wouldn't get arrested for traffic violations but not surprisingly I maintained a good level of speed.The Benz arrived in front of the Gate of my majestic Manor and my scanners were activated and they quickly ran all the scans, later allowing my vehicle in after a short wait.I then drove into my garage and parked my vehicle in there as we all alighted at the sound of the stopping of the working vehicle."Good ride aye guys," I uttered but no one even replied."Suckers," I mumbled as we walked in through a door leading to my Sitting room.The garage door was automatic and had closed after we'd entered with the vehicle and my gate had also locked.I walked into my home and I sat down on my couch and saw Stephen and Paulina my babe sitting down.I looked at the entire place. It was as neat as a freshly dried and well washed napkin and I felt pleased
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Chapter 148: Not Believing Me
  Stephen popped a piece of pork into his mouth from one of the plates and stared at me intently for some time as he chewed on the piece of pork. He then said, "Let's say you really leveled up. Let's say the Enigmatic System is benevolent enough to make you level up to level twenty." He then stared straight into my eyes before asking, "How the hell do you expect me to believe you right now?" I took a deep breath before saying, "I finished off two level seven players because my Rush Absorption skill was upgraded to level nine." "And what was that?" Stephen asked me. "Why did it upgrade itself to become a level nine player skill?" "It's because I pushed myself beyond my limit," I replied trut
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Chapter 149: Held Captive 
After activating the Download skill, it didn't take one minute for an eagle to soar through the sky and disappear behind the clouds. I immediately let out a warm smile because I knew I was gonna take that skill and test how it felt to fly at the speed of an eagle.[ATTRIBUTE NAME: FLIGHT][ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTION: ALLOWS USER TO FLY][ATTRIBUTE IS THE TERM TO DESCRIBE TRAITS BELONGING TO A PARTICULAR LIVING CREATURE OR ORGANISM]I wanted to ask the Enigmatic System why it used attributes instead of skill but when I heard it explain the reason, I decided to remain shut.[ATTRIBUTE DOWNLOADED][ATTRIBUTE HAS BEEN CONVERTED INTO A FLIGHT SKILL FOR YOU AND MULTIPLIED TO YOUR CURRENT LEVEL][SKILL CAN BE USED FOR A WEEK AND EVEN STORED TO PROLONG ITS USAGE]"Sweet," I couldn't help but tell myself as I clenched my fists. Now that I was a level twenty player, I could really see how powerful my player skills were.[NEW TEMPORAL SKILL HAS BEEN ADDED TO YOUR PLAYER STAT][SKILL NAME: FLIGHT][SK
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Chapter 150: Heading to the Location 
I clenched my fists and levitated off the ground the flight skill I had gotten from the eagle. I then flew high up into the sky so that nobody would see me. As I flew through the clouds I felt the cold wind blow strongly against my face as it caused my clothes to flutter."No one touches my girlfriend or friend," I said to myself. "No one."The city looked very tiny from where I currently was. It was just like a small blockhouse. I turned around in the air like an eagle would do and shot downwards with great speed. I began flying past skyscrapers as I approached my school which was just a kilometer away. With the speed I was moving at, I couldn't help but wonder how I was still able to see clearly. But then I guess that I had taken all the attributes associated with flight. And that included seeing very well despite flying at such a great speed.[THE CONQUEROR PLAYER HAS REQUESTED TO MAKE A VIDEO CALL WITH YOU]I narrowed my eyes, wondering since when other players knew I could do thi
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