All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
221 chapters
11. serving Chris a Drink
Chapter Eleven: Serving Chris A Drink. As the last of the Preston family left the restaurant, Mr. Dante approached Chris with a contrite expression. "Chris, I apologize for nearly exposing your true identity. I had no idea you hadn’t revealed it to the Prestons." Chris smiled, appreciating the sentiment. "No harm done, Mr. Dante. Thank you for stepping in." Mr. Dante’s face brightened with a warm smile. "To make it up to you, allow me to show you my newest venture, it is a high-end, exclusive bar and lounge. It's more luxurious than the one we were just in. I think you'll like it." Chris considered the offer for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, I'd love to see it." They left the restaurant together, and Mr. Dante led the way to a sleek, modern building a few blocks away. The exterior exuded sophistication, and the discreet entrance signaled the exclusivity within. Chris was impressed by the mere exterior of the building as they stepped inside. The interior of the new bar was
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12. Give Him A Chance
Chapter Twelve: Give Him a chance The sun had barely risen when Chris walked through the front door of the Preston household. It was around 6 a.m., and he was greeted by the stern, unforgiving glare of his mother-in-law, Eleanor. She was already up, waiting for him, her eyes blazing with indignation. "Where have you been?" Eleanor's voice was sharp and condemning. “Deciding to create a scene last night by standing against Henry, Grandma's favorite child? You've made things worse for us, spiking the old woman's temper and favor.” “And then what? you have the nerve to stay out the whole night? Do you have any idea what you've done?" Chris opened his mouth to explain, but before he could say a word, Eleanor launched into a full-blown scolding. “You've jeopardized our standing in this family, and for what? To satisfy your ego? Do you know how hard we've worked to stay in Grandma's good graces?" “You know what; I’ve had enough, you’ll have to divorce my daughter and go before
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13. MTD E House President
Chapter Thirteen: MTD Entertainment House President. Chris arrived at the MTD Entertainment House, ready to start his first day as president. The imposing building loomed before him, a testament to the power and prestige of the Brown family’s empire. His aunty Georgina was the president of the Entertainment house, however, today, he is the one. knowing she really loved this company and how hard it must have been for her to give up on it, Chris was more than happy to assume the position. After all, she was the mastermind behind him being chased from the Brown’s two years ago. As he was about to enter, a flashy, latest-edition Hyundai Accent drove right up to the front entrance, nearly running over his toes. Startled, Chris stepped back, watching as the driver’s door opened. Out stepped a beautiful blond haired lady with clear skin and radiant smile. Chris immediately recognized Loreta, his high school class mate that he had met at the wedding the other day. Chris rec
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14. Punishment for being late
Chapter Fourteen: Punishment for being late Chris followed the manager into the MTD Entertainment House, the grandeur of the building reminding him of the few times he had visited as a child when his mother was still alive. The opulence was undeniable, with marble floors, high ceilings, and intricate architectural details that spoke to the Brown family's immense wealth and influence. As they walked further into the building, employees were gathered around to welcome the new president with enthusiasm and professionalism. Word had spread quickly that Chris was in the building, and everyone wanted to make a good impression. Chris acknowledged them with a polite nod and a smile, though he couldn't shake the bittersweet memories of a time when this place had been part of his world. Once inside his office, the manager briefed him on the current projects. There was a palpable buzz of excitement about the new star project, which involved signing Loreta, the rising actress.
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15. Stephany’s Proposal Considered
Chapter Fifteen: Stephany’s Proposal Considered. Chris woke up early the next morning, determined to make the day better for Stephany. He moved quietly through the kitchen, preparing a breakfast that he hoped would bring a smile to her face. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, fresh fruit—he arranged everything meticulously on the table, adding a vase with a single rose for a touch of elegance. As he finished, Stephany walked into the kitchen, her eyes widening in surprise. "Chris, what's all this?" "Just a little something to start your day off right," he said with a smile. "I wanted to wish you well today. I know you have a lot on your plate." Stephany's face softened, and she approached the table. "Thank you, Chris. You’re beginning to improve these days." They sat down to eat, and for a few moments, the tension between them eased. Stephany savored each bite, feeling the love and effort Chris had put into the meal. "This is delicious," she said, giving him a thumbs up. "You sho
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16. Unjust Accusations
Chapter Sixteen: Unjust Accusations Henry Preston stormed into MTD Entertainment Company with a determined stride, exuding confidence and arrogance. His eyes scanned the sleek, modern lobby, remembering the sting of his previous rejection. Today, he was here to conclude the partnership deal, convinced that his proposal would finally receive the acknowledgment it deserved. As he approached the receptionist, she greeted him politely. "Good morning, Mr. Preston. How can I assist you today?" "I'm here to see Mrs. Grace, the manger about finalizing the partnership deal between MTD and Preston Empire," Henry announced, his tone brooking no argument. "One moment, please," the receptionist replied, picking up the phone to call Mrs. Grace. Henry waited impatiently, tapping his foot. Moments later, Mrs. Grace emerged from the back office, her expression neutral but firm. "Mr. Preston, please follow me," she said, leading him to a conference room. Once seated, Henry wasted no
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17. Desperation and Disappointment
Chapter Seventeen: Desperation and Disappointment Grandma Preston sat in her study, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and worries. She was deeply disappointed in Stephany, not because she believed Henry’s baseless accusations, but because the situation with MTD Entertainment House was not resolved in their favor. She needed that partnership for the survival of Preston Empire. Sighing heavily, she reached for her cup of tea, only to be interrupted by a buzzing sound from her phone. She picked it up and saw a message notification. Her heart sank as she read the disturbing news: the shipment of products from China, meant for their newly signed talents, had gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean. “No, no, no,” she muttered, her hands trembling. This was a disaster. Without those products, their launch would be in jeopardy, and the losses would be catastrophic. She stood up and paced the room, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on her shoulders. Preston Empire needed a b
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18. Desperate Measures
Chapter Eighteen: Desperate Measures Henry paced the length of his room, his mind racing. The image of Grandma Preston's disappointed face haunted him. He had to fulfill her wish and secure the partnership with MTD Entertainment House by evening, when her birthday celebration was scheduled. The pressure was immense, and Henry felt his desperation growing with each tick of the clock. He decided to take a different approach. Calling Stela, his young and beautiful cousin, he laid out his plan. "Stela, I need your help. We’re going to MTD again, and this time, we're not taking no for an answer." Stela, always eager to help her family, agreed without hesitation. "Whatever you need, Henry. Let's do this." Together, they arrived at MTD Entertainment House, their determination clear. As they entered the grand lobby, Henry straightened his suit and took a deep breath. He was ready to do whatever it took. Approaching the receptionist, he demanded to see the manager, Mrs. Grace.
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19. A launch Date With Intentions
Chapter Nineteen: A Lunch Date with Intentions Stephany decided to focus solely on her work, determined to make Luxury Flair shine at the upcoming fashion week. She had been in her office all morning, reviewing designs and coordinating with suppliers. Her desk was piled with fabric swatches, sketches, and a half-empty cup of coffee. The phone rang, cutting through the concentrated silence. "Hello?" she answered, not taking her eyes off a particularly intricate sketch. "Stephany, it's Bradley," a familiar voice said. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch today?" Stephany hesitated. She had no plans to leave the office today. There was too much to do. But then she remembered the Blue Emerald Cartier Necklace Bradley had promised. She couldn't afford to offend him, especially when he had spent a fortune on that rare piece of jewelry. "Sure, Bradley. Where should we meet?" she replied, forcing a cheerful tone into her voice. "De Empress Kitchen. I'll be wa
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20. Encouragement to shine
Chapter Twenty: An Encouragement to Shine Chris returned home late in the evening, exhausted but eager to see Stephany. As he entered their modest apartment, he noticed the living room lights were dimmed and a serene quietness filled the space. He quietly approached the bedroom, pushing the door open to find Stephany sleeping soundly, still in her clothes from the day. It was clear to him that she had waited up for him but had eventually succumbed to fatigue. His heart softened at the sight. He felt a pang of guilt for making her wait, for all the stress and strain his presence—or lack thereof—had caused her. He sat gently on the edge of the bed and whispered, "I'm so sorry, Steph. I didn't mean to make you wait." He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, and as if on cue, Stephany stirred. Her eyes fluttered open, and she blinked a few times, adjusting to the low light. "Chris? You're back," she said, her voice thick with sleep. "Yeah, I'm back," he said s
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