All Chapters of The Return Of The Lame Son In Law. : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
221 chapters
Chapter 31, The Standoff
Chapter Thirty One; The Stand Off. The Chicago Police Department was known for their quick response and diligence. As soon as Stephany's call came through, the new subordinate almost dismissed it as a mistake. Fortunately, Corner, the seasoned head of the police department, was present. With twenty years of service under his belt, he knew that such calls were often the most serious, potentially signaling that someone was in grave danger but unable to speak. Corner immediately ordered the call to be traced. The team sprang into action, their experience and efficiency shining through. They tracked the phone's location and raced towards the address. Simultaneously, Chris arrived at Bradley's spare house, his heart pounding with fear for Stephany and with determination to save her. He was just about to scale the fence when he heard the commanding voice through the megaphone. "Freeze! Stop and come down or we'll shoot," Corner's authoritative voice boomed through the night.
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31. The Proposal.
Chapter Thirty Two: The ProposalThe atmosphere in the Preston’s party hall was electric. After a series of grand gifts from dignitaries and notable guests, it was finally time for Grandma Preston’s son to present his gift. Mr. Charles Preston, Stephany’s father and Eleanor’s husband, had decided to go last, having a special request to accompany his gift.Charles had recently returned from a lengthy business trip to Malaysia, where rumors swirled about a massive profit he had made. His family had welcomed him back with open arms, delighted by his success and the significant sum of money he had brought with him. He had written a check for a hundred million dollars to his family, a gesture to compensate for his prolonged absence and their hardships during his time away.Word of this has traveled fast among the Preston’s, as a result, he was taken at a higher regard.As he stepped forward, the room fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air. Charles pulled out an elegantly designe
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33. The exchange
Chapter Thirty three: The Exchange The tense air crackled with anticipation as Chris's words hung in the air, offering to exchange himself for the girls. “Why would you stop him, officer? Even if he died, it wouldn’t mean anything,” Charles, fear etched in his face, spoke urgently, his voice shaking. Connor, the head of the police department, stared in disbelief. “What kind of family is this?” he muttered, astonished at their readiness to sacrifice Chris. “But Bradley is a good man. Could there be a misunderstanding?” Eleanor, still clinging to the hope of Bradley becoming her son-in-law, questioned, confusion clouding her features. “No, ma’am,” Connor responded firmly. “The kidnapper has a gun to who I believe is Stephany’s head. But don’t panic, the negotiation team is on their way.” “What better negotiation than letting Chris go and save them? These ladies are from a rich family and have never suffered any hardship. But Chris is otherwise. Let him do one good deed, at least i
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34. Aftermath Of The Kidnapping.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Aftermath of the KidnappingThe aftermath of the kidnapping cast a long shadow over the Preston estate. The event had been meant to celebrate Grandma Preston's birthday, but now the atmosphere was tense, filled with whispers and worried glances.Stephany sat in her room, still shaken by the ordeal. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Chris. Despite everything, he had risked his life for her and Ella. She picked up her phone, intending to text him, but hesitated. How could she reconcile her feelings for a man her family despised?Downstairs, the rest of the family gathered in their living room. The tension was palpable."How could this happen?" Eleanor demanded, pacing the room. "Bradley seemed so trustworthy.""He wasn’t," Charles replied curtly. "We should have known better."Henry, sitting with a scowl on his face, added, "I knew something was off about Bradley. But what about Chris? He’s no better. He’s always been trouble.""Enough," Grandma Preston said, h
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35. The Unveiling Power.
Chapter Forty Five; The Unveiling of PowerThe morning sun streamed through the windows of MTD Entertainment as Stephany nervously entered the sleek, modern lobby. She had come to apologize on behalf of the Preston family and to beg for the collaboration on their new star to be reinstated. She was unaware that her brother Henry had previously accused the company's president of misconduct, further complicating the situation.Stephany approached the front desk, her heart pounding. “Good morning, I have an appointment with the Vice President," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.The receptionist smiled warmly. "Of course, Ms. Preston. Please have a seat; he'll be with you shortly."After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, Stephany was escorted to a spacious, elegantly decorated office. The Vice President, stood to greet her."Ms. Preston, please have a seat," he said, gesturing to a comfortable chair. "What brings you here today?"Stephany took a deep breath. "I wanted t
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36. Moving on already
Chapter Thirty-Six: Moving On already. Chris was deep in thought, reviewing some paperwork in his office, when his secretary, Laura, knocked on the door and stepped inside. "Mr. Brown, you have a meeting scheduled with the manager at BMW in an hour. They're going to be sponsors for the new show Loreta is starring in," Laura reminded him, holding a neatly organized folder. Chris nodded, a slight smile on his face. "Thank you, Laura. That reminds me, I need to buy a new car.” “The distance from my new place to the company is too far to be taking taxis every day." "Would you like me to arrange for a test drive?" Laura asked. "No need, I'll handle it. I'll combine the meeting with some car shopping," Chris replied, standing up and grabbing his jacket. An hour later, Chris has arrived at the BMW dealership, the taxi he entered wheezing as it parked in front of the building. As he approached the glass doors, he noticed a group of sharply dressed salespeople bustling around insid
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37. Cars and husbands
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Cars and Husbands Stephany stood awkwardly between Chris and Greg, the tension palpable as the two men glared at each other. She glanced around the showroom, hoping for some sort of distraction. Her eyes landed on a familiar face – Natasha, a classmate from college. Natasha was standing side by side with her husband, a wealthy business tycoon known for his successful chain of luxury hotels."Natasha!" Stephany called out, waving her hand.Natasha noticed her and beamed, walking over with her husband. They moved with an air of elegance and confidence, clearly enjoying each other’s company."Stephany! It’s been ages!" Natasha exclaimed, hugging her. “Meet my husband, Alexander. He’s here to buy me a new car."Stephany smiled politely, though a pang of envy struck her. Natasha had landed herself a rich and supportive husband who was about to buy her a luxury car."Nice to meet you, Stephany," Alexander said warmly, shaking her hand. "And who are your friends
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38. You are my wife.
Chapter Thirty Eight: You are my wife Chris stood firm, his face calm but his eyes resolute. "Well, you know what?" he said, his voice cutting through the laughter. “I had come here with the thought of buying your latest BMW M series, but the customer service in this company is very terrible. I will no longer buy it."Natasha and Greg burst into laughter, the salesman joining in, their amusement echoing through the showroom. Their derision attracted the attention of other customers and staff."How could I have known that you were going to say something stupid like this?" Greg sneered, shaking his head.Natasha smirked, adding, "Chris, you couldn’t even afford a bicycle, let alone an M series. Who are you kidding?” Natasha who’s been hearing so much about Chris found it ridiculous the most. “Have you suddenly become a thief because I can’t possibly think of where you could get such money, is it with the 100 dollars allowance?”“Just because you can’t think of a way doesn’t mean the
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39 President Hunting
Chapter Thirty Nine: President Hunting After Stephany left the building, Natasha and her husband were escorted by a staff member to see the cars and pick the one they wanted. The salesperson had been instructed to give them a good discount, ensuring they had an excellent experience.Meanwhile, Greg gathered some of BMW’s senior staff to brief them once more about the impending visit from the president of MTD. He emphasized the importance of this meeting and how they should welcome him with the utmost respect. Neatly standing in a straight line, they wore broad smiles and awaited his arrival.But half an hour passed, and no one showed up. The staff began to shift uncomfortably, their smiles faltering as the minutes ticked by. Greg, growing increasingly impatient, retreated to his office and dialed MTD."Hello, we fixed an appointment to meet the president at 12 pm, but it’s already two-thirty and he’s not here. Is there a change of plans?" Greg asked, trying to keep his frustratio
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40. A Humbling Experience
Chapter 40: A Humbling ExperienceGreg’s heart nearly stopped when he saw Natasha peeping through the glass window. Panic flickered across his face as he abruptly stood up, trying to compose himself."Did I tell you to stand up?" Chris's voice cut through the air like a whip.Greg immediately apologized, his face flushing with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, sir," he stammered, moving to get back on his knees.Chris stopped him with a dismissive wave. "Don't. Instead, take care of her," he nodded towards Natasha, "and make sure she doesn't find out who I am. I want to keep a low profile."Of course, Greg was quick to understand. He was a sharp man, and he knew exactly what to do. He stepped out of the office, pasting a genial smile on his face as he approached Natasha."Natasha, how can I help you?" he asked, his tone smooth and unperturbed.Natasha eyed him suspiciously. "Why were you kneeling in front of Chris? What's going on?"Greg feigned a laugh. "Oh, nothing serious. Something fe
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