All Chapters of My Wealthy Legacy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
193 chapters
Chapter 121
Alexander wasn't having it, as Zhiang didn't bulge but went ahead to continue his assault on Tracy looking ahead of him “ Let me go, you bastard !” She needed help, alexander seeing that the assault was going to continue nevertheless and the young man before him Arrogantly continuing with it, he charged towards him, punching him and scared Tracy, “Let her go, you bastard!”Alexander said through several Kuching at him, Zhiang had no martial skills he couldn't defend himself, as Alexander kept throwing punches at him This takes quite several times, seeing that Zhiang might end up dead before they all know it Tracy rushed towards him, “Please stop, you will kill the idiot before his time, and knowing what this will cost us please “Tracy said holding onto his arm, Zhiang was stillUnderneath him groaning in pain, and who had just gotten over his shockRushed incident token, with Micheal and Elena right behind him, “You bastard!” Zhuang spat out, struggling to get up from the bed,
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Chapter 122
Zhiang was quite impatient and needed his father to start acting right.he was humiliated and, he wouldn't take it for granted. The car drove them to the house his father had bought, a house in every location where he had business. This made it easier to find a quiet place to rest. “Dad, why aren't we going over to the bastard's house and putting him in his place?” Zhiang asked.His father didn't bother looking right at him. Things weren't going as he planned; he never really wanted to cause a scene. But if his sons could be directed this way, he was hurt. “We will do that tomorrow. Dam make sure you look into who he is and what property he has. We need to teach him a secret lesson,” Mr. Xiao said.“Yes, boss!” Dam replied. Dam was his personal bodyguard.Mr. Xiao looked at his son. “Wait till tomorrow, son.” The rest of the night went by so fast that they all went to bed with many worries in their minds. ****Alexander stumbled into his home with so much rage. Elena made it back
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Chapter 123
“ Do you believe you can be my greatest nightmare not to think of my father you pathetic human being, just because you have this company, I am bigger than that, I mean, more bigger than you”…Alexander smirked, sometimes he had heard about Mr. Xiao, truly he was a bug entrepreneur.Zhiang said with so much drama which he was known for, “Dad, just kill him already”.“Hey, you should watch your mouth”, tbe officer stated, “let everyone stay quiet until the minister of war arrived”. Elena was feeling quite uneasy as the pain in her cheek was unbearable, Seeing how this might turn out, she said. “Can we just find a way to let them out of this place and not draw more attention towards us?”Mr. Xiao laughed, “haha, you should tell your husband that, wife”.“Alexander..”, she called.“No, let's see what he has for us”, hHe replied to her with a straight face, the police team leader had been trying to get, me xiao to be considerate and let them go “Mr xiao I feel there are other ways you c
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Chapter 124
Alexander groaned in pain as he managed to stand up, he held his back and Elena helped him stand straight.Just the Tracy dashed in, she wanted to witness what has happened, and saw that Alexander was okay.She stormed at him, “You see you caused all this ruckuses for yourself, you shouldn't have gone to that extent, it is of no use”.“I am fed up with you please, let's just forget this here and move on, I admit my mistake of saving you”, he said.“Maybe it's for the better good you shouldn't have”, she said.He was about to talk when Mr. Harington entered, she found this surprising, as he approached them,.his face so clear like he wasn't the one that planned to kill Alexander.He moved closer and finally stated, “Alexander… you have to released Mr. Xiao right now”.Alexander scoffed, and faced Tracy, “I can see you are now just as your father. Someone tried to raped you, and even come here to vandalize everything and you want me to free him”.Mr. Harington nodded and begin, “Yeah, yo
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Chapter 125
Hearing the offer of 1 million dollars, each of them immediately stepped forward.“Stop!” their leader shouted. They were quick to respond, the leader was a brutal person, he could kill them out of anger."This wasn't the instruction given to us from ChinaBut...What did you just say?” their leader asked.Standing up from the chair he sat on, with his pot belly and his shirt not closing properly, he was stunned, adorned by smoke from the cigarette he had with him.He had been smoking.“I will pay every one of you one million dollars if you allow me to be your new boss!” They all stared at each other.Seeing that this offer benefitted them and their self-ambitions, “What are you waiting for? Show him to his seat!”The leader screamed as everyone celebrated their new leader. He was led to his seat, running and jumping around.As soon as he got to his seat, he commanded, “Release Tracy!”They were quick to bring out a distressed-looking Tracy, who appeared as though she was about to give
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Chapter 126
The minute Alexander left the safe house, he knew he had to go down to the company to check out what was going on and the progress it was making. He had to renovate every single item. In the living area, he sat right down in his car while parked in the parking lot, seeing how impressive every single item was beginning to fall into place.Now, it's time for him to focus on mr. Harington and his sister's mission.He was called by Mr. John, who told him about the company's situation.Then, mr. John asked, “Boss, do you have any journal, the one your father wrote”.Alexander was shocked that Mr. John knew about the journal and why he was asking for it., but before he could reply, his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, it was his wife, Elena. He picked it up without hesitation.“Hello Alex, you need to come over to us! A car just suddenly stopped in front of us, we don't know his deal..!” his wife screamed. She was agitated and scared.“You need to calm down. Where exactly are you?” he
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Chapter 127
---Alexander stayed there for so many hours; the elites who had just met each other had now gone into the house and hadn’t come out since. After so many hours, they did come out.Alexander waited in the car to get a full picture of what was happening. He saw that some of the people were familiar—there was the senator, and many businessmen.They were all bowing to a man whom Alexander didn’t quite see. After that, each and every one of them got into their cars and drove away.Alexander decided to wait to see who the man was. Then, the man also entered his car and drove away. Alexander didn’t hesitate in tailing him.*******Elena, now with the responsibility of taking care of Alexander’s company, knew a lot was going on that he wasn’t telling her. She didn’t even bother to ask; all she cared about was keeping her kid safe and helping Alexander overcome the hurdles.This morning, as she arrived at the company and was about to enter, Mr. John rushed out, almost pushing her away. She was
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Chapter 128
As soon as Alexander reached home, the room was already tense, and everyone sat somberly. Then he saw who they were talking about. He was shocked and confused, Because truly, the person in front of him was very identical Stiles groaned, "Why the hell am I here when I should be in the hotel?" he yelled at Mr. John.Mr. John bowed, “I'm sorry we just have to make some things clear!’.“What's that, uhn, I am his twin brother, is there any discussion, why are you people so cunt!”, He kept abusing and Alexander was hating on him already."You can't just walk into my home and feel like you own it or order people around. I just asked you, right now, who the hell are you?"The question didn't sit well with the stranger. "Well, I am here now, brother, so deal with it."Alex was about to attack the young man, but seeing that this would take a while, he stopped himself. He knew it was a wrong move. They all sat down in silence. At that moment, Mr. John got a phone call. He excused himself to go
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Chapter 129
Stiles was hard to talk to, and he later angrily left the room. Alexander was angry and exhausted. He wished he could just leave all this behind and start a new life.“So, what will we do?” Kate asked.Alexander was lost and didn't even know. He just stood there, confused, then finally said, “We do nothing. Let's just stroll this away and focus on something else.”Kate then introduced herself to Elena as Alexander's sister. Elena smiled and was generous. After all the greetings, they finally left with Alexander escorting them out.Alexander then told them about the man he had tailed.“That must be their leader. So we should attack them now,” Kate said.Alexander nodded. “No, we can't rule out anything, not yet. We don't know who these people are or how many they are. So, we have to catch them once they slip!”Kate nodded. “Okay, then we wait.”*****Elena exhaled in frustration. She was getting very fed up with this, and as soon as Alexander entered, she stormed at him. “Look, Alexand
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Chapter 130
Today, Alexander made up his mind to go all out without any excuses. He knew the whole thing was risky, but going into an unknown building was not an option. "I don't know what it will cost me, but I have to meet the leader today or nothing," he said to himself as he put on his t-shirt, the only shirt that looked decent to him."Where are you heading to?" "None of your business," he responded, making his way to his boots. He put them on and then sighed.It was getting to the point where he was about to give up on everything. He put on the second boot, his shoulders raised high as he made his way out of the house. He wasn't in a hurry, but he also wasn't calm about the whole issue.The house wasn't far from where he lived like a commoner. No one dared trespass into a territory they weren't welcomed in. Fortunately for him, he saw a man loitering around the house from where he stood, observing his way around. The mysterious man seemed to be on a call."What is he doing there?" Alexand
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