All Chapters of My Wealthy Legacy: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
193 chapters
Chapter 61
The Harrington family was surprised at how Alexander was able to do this by himself.Now, the prosecutor and the crime bureau were on them, and it's just a matter of time for their company to be locked down and ruled out of operation.Mr. Harrington had no choice but to call Mr. Fred for help, and at that time, Tracy told him what happened between them."You mean, Mr. Fred has sacked you, for what?" he asked."That bitch Elena caused it," she stated as she sat on the sofa in frustration.Mr. Harrington groaned, "You are all going to ruin me, and I'm not allowing that, you stupid set of people!" He picked up the phone and called Mr. Fred, who took some seconds of ringing before picking it up.He lined up what happened to him and asked for help."Mr. Harrington, you have messed up children, and they are going to ruin you! There is no way I can help you in this situation, I don't want to get myself involved with the prosecutor," Mr. Fred was icy cold."Please, I really need help, I know
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Chapter 62
Alexander and his son wandered around the supermarket, taking whatever they wanted. Charlse's eyes widened as he turned a corner and stumbled upon the toy section. It was like a treasure trove for kids! Rows upon rows of colourful shelves stacked high with every imaginable toy. Charlse's eyes widened as he turned a corner and stumbled upon the premium toy section. It was like a luxurious wonderland, showcasing the most exclusive and expensive toys he had ever laid eyes on. Alexander and his son were already there, admiring the high-end treasures. Charlse's gaze fell upon a rare, limited-edition doll with a price tag of $10,000. Next to it, a handcrafted, wooden toy castle with intricate carvings and gemstone decorations cost a staggering $20,000. A shelf above displayed a collection of 24-karat gold-plated toy cars, each one priced at $5,000. Charlse's eyes grew wide as he scanned the shelves, his mind struggling to comprehend the astronomical prices. "Wow...these toys...they're..
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Chapter 63
Chapter 63Charles watched as Tyler walked away, he hit lips and felt wrong for what he had done. He couldn't believe he had lost control and punched Tyler. He knew it wasn't right, no matter how much Tyler had provoked him. That is what his mother taught him.Alexander put a hand on Charles ."it's okay son", he didn't bother to ask anything because he knew Charles was always on his right.One of the boys groaned, "You are dead meat, the both of you, do you know who you just offended?You will be killed!".Alexander was surprised at what the society turned to. For boys like them to speak nonchalantly like that to older people.Speaking of the devil, Tyler appeared and behind him was his father. He had a stern, chiseled face, with a sharp jawline and piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore into those he looked at."Who dares beat my son!," Mr. Jameson growled, his eyes fixed on Alexander and Charles. "You dare to lay a hand on my son? Are you the one that dares lay your hand on my son!"
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Chapter 64
The manager reluctantly took the card from him. Everyone nodded their heads because they saw the tag and knew how expensive it was. They could never afford it! The manager swiped the card on the machine, and then an automated voice responded, "Payment successful." Gasps! Jaws dropped, and everyone was surprised.Alexander stretched out his hand to collect the card from the manager. The manager immediately gave it to him politely and bowed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you; we will upgrade you to our premium customer status. No security can stop you, and you can pick up whatever you want; you can pay anytime you want."Mr. Jameson could only look on, unsure how to react to this. First, how could Alexander afford such an expensive toy? Secondly, the manager had already forgotten about him and was showing all his respect to Alexander. Since he had been visiting the store, the manager hadn't even mentioned the card, and now he was giving it to Alexander.The manager bowed, "We
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Chapter 65
Only Mrs. Harrington was not among the Harrington family as they say impatiently at the swiss empire company waiting for the CEO to arrive. They were so anxious as this was their only escape route. It was already in the evening, and the company was already closing for the day. But they sat at the receptionist.Mr. Harington growled, "This is just a sort of disrespect, we have been waiting here for almost two hours".Tracy sighed, "Dad, you have to remain calm down please, don't ruin this, I have some experience on how this company works, even though no one knows the CEO, his eyes are always everywhere, let just please compose ourselves and beg".Mr. Harrington nodded, "okay good, but the secretary the CEO is coming to see us by himself".Desmond chimed in, "yeah, I think he already knows what we are here for".Mr. Harrington threw him a gaze for him to keep shut, he was the source of this trouble.Just then, the company's door opened and Alexander walked in.Tracy hissed, "This dumb
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Chapter 66
Mr. Harington was shocked that he didn't know what to do next or what to say; he just kept staring at Alexander.Tracy was the most terrified one. All her life, she had thought Alexander was just a loser, a certified one. Here he was, being the CEO of the company that could only help them from the situation he was the one behind.Tracy walked forward. Although surprised, she maintained her composure. "Hey, you think this is funny? You are enjoying this, aren't you? You sicko! You pretend to be poor while you are not. Since when?"Alexander nodded. "Since I returned from prison, I have learned about my father, and that your family was the one behind his death."Tracy frowned hearing this. "What do you mean by that? Our family is behind his death.""You can ask your father. He will be better... He killed my father for his property but couldn't get it. So, he paired us two together so that one day I might inherit my father's property, which I didn't even know existed. But when he saw I w
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Chapter 67
Chapter 67He was dazed as he opened his door, and entered the well polished and furniture room, he was very startled to see the light on. And there in front of him was a figure."Hi, I have been waiting for you", it was Olivia, she was so drunk and wore a Skimpy transparent short gown, with a glass of alcohol in her hand.Alexander stared at her for some moments before entering the room and went to collect the glass from her then pour some for himself."What are you doing here", he asked as Olivia slumped on the chair, her tight revealing almost to her inner part.Alexander looked away and sat on the sofa also."That bastard broke my heart, after everything, the promise and all, he dared break my promise", Olivia slurred. Alexander couldn't help but Laugh, how could someone tough like Olivia get herself dumped by someone."Mmmm, Is it funny?, Is funny to you?, Mmmm", she said as she moved closer to him.Alexander faced her, "who is he?, I don't remember you telling me you got a boyfr
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Chapter 68
Elena's eyes widened in confusion as she turned to Charles, "Who is Tyler's father, Charles? What's happened, why are they looking for your father"Charles' eyes were filled with fear, as he told them all what inspired today.Micheal immediately took that as a point as he pointed at her, "I told you!, I told you to stay away from Alexander, there is always a problem everywhere he goes, Now this, a ton of armies outside".Elena brushed her hair in frustration not knowing what to say, she sighed out."So, what are we doing now!I know this will happen one day!"Alexander groaned."Why are you blaming him, you could hear Charles, Tyler and his father causing the conflict", Elena sneered back at michael."Yeah, I know you will protect him, something he should just avoid, but he chose to cause all this conflict just because he wanted to flaunt", Micheal stated.The speaker's voice roared again, "This is the last warning I'm giving you, come out now or we will destroy this house!".Micheal ma
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Chapter 69
Mr. Jameson's face was as hard as rock as he stared at Elena and Micheal. The troops behind him rushed in, pointing guns at them."What the hell do you think you are doing here?" Elena asked, her voice shaking."What the hell do you think you are doing, hauling at them?" Micheal whispered to her.Mr. Jameson burst into laughter. "You must be the useless wife of that crazy and lowlife man!"Micheal immediately chimed in, "No, she is not!""Yeah, I am," Elena claimed.Mr. Jameson smirked and nodded his head. "You are so brave, and I love it!""You don't have any right to fling the door open and intrude on us. That's very unlawful!" Elena claimed."I will show you what law is," Mr. Jameson said, snapping at the armies, who immediately grabbed Elena by her arms.Micheal stepped forward to intervene, but they pointed guns at him. Mr. Jameson stepped forward and stated, "Look, I am the law in this country! I am very powerful, and I can do whatever I want."Elena struggled to free herself, b
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Chapter 70
They arrived at the barracks, Alexander was dragged out of the car and thrown. The building was a large, imposing structure with a stern, military façade. s. The entrance was a heavy, metal door with a small sign that read "Military Barracks" in bold, black letters.Inside, the barracks were a maze of cramped, dimly lit corridors and small, Spartan rooms. Alexander was dragged through the corridors.Mr. Jameson followed, a smirk on his face. "Why is it all your heroic act now? Uhn, show me this lowlife!". Alexander didn't respond, his eyes fixed on some point ahead, his jaw clenched in defiance.Mr. Jameson then gave him a kick in his leg and Alexander lose his balance as he nearly fall down."You're going to regret ever crossing me," he said, his voice dripping with venom. "You will have to apologise to me and my son for your insolent act."Alexander swiftly turned to him, and finally broke the silence, "Everything you're doing is unlawful," Alexander said, his voice firm and cl
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