All Chapters of SETH RIVERA AND THE ULTIMATE BLACK CARD : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
182 chapters
The Price
Seth scowled as he looked up at Marlin with a confused frown. “She does not see you Marlin,she sees what you want her to see, oh not the real you, the manipulative selfish man, who only uses people for what he wants.”Again Marlin gave an unsmiling look, “And what about you, Seth? That is what she sees when she looks at you: a man who let his ambition tear apart his relationship with her or rather a man who no matter how hard he tries, cannot remove the mistakes that he made?”Marlin scoffed. “You changed? No, you did not, Seth, you still believe in working more, in throwing yourself to the uncertain future. But Phoebe wants order in her life now she wants stability and you cannot offer her that.”Seth’s gaze hardened. I have the ability to offer her love and love which you will never be capable of comprehending.Marlin smirked. ‘Love? Is that what you are claiming it to be now? I see obsession more than anything else! You can’t bear the thought of losing her and that’s why you are mo
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You Don't Love Her
Seth glared at him for a moment but his voice did not waver when he spoke. “The only fraud here is you, Marlin,” Seth said to him sternly, “You have lived your entire life in deceit, cheating people out of their hard earned money and now you want to drag Phoebe into your mess?”Marlin’s smirk “No, you are wrong about me, and my life has always been about surviving and that is what you will see in Phoebe because besides love, she must learn to live with someone who will take care of her and shield her from all that you have exposed her to.”Seth’s gaze was unwavering. ”What she requires is patronisation, affirmation of her abilities and capacity to make her own decisions not enslavement through manipulation”.Marlin spoke even more softly than before and his next words hung in the stillness hanging in the air minutes after he said them. She will make her choice, Seth, And when she does you are going to see that all your principles of love and trust do not exist when it comes to the rea
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Miss Clara
Marlin’s words still ringing in Seth’s head, He was thinking of finding someone more competent to take over the investigation on Aidan’s actions.Seth resolved to find someone free of bias to take over the investigation but an unbiased person willing to consider from a different perspective.He required the services of a professional who could move around the world of corruption without getting entangled in the mess that is so prevalent in the corporate world. He dialed a number on his phone and after a few seconds the receiver picked up. “Hello” Seth said first.“Hello, Seth, how are you?” Leo asked cautiously.“Leo, can you do me a favor?” Seth asked him quite earnestly. “I need a person to conduct an investigation, It’s very important and it’s confidential.”Leo growled “And you want me to secure somebody or would you like me to own it?”Seth thought for a moment then answered his question, “I know you have contact with the right people. I want a smart person who can grasp corporate
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Revealed Secret
Leo bent himself forward. “Okay, what do we have now? I got that you require a scapegoat for the investigation of Aidan’s schemes Now”Seth let out a deep breath, with all his cards on the table It was quite elaborate. “Aidan is planning against me and I wouldn’t allow him to give me a single surprise, Marlin was part of it but I could not trust him anymore, I need someone who would be loyal to me.”Leo just listened to it all as he ruminate all that he was told. “Alright, let me begin by sifting through anything and everything Marlin could have compiled. Have there been any specific lines of investigation or concern that you have?”Seth’s eyes narrowed. “Of course, the latest movement made by Aidan within the company and any new changes he has. I need a worksheet with all his collaborations and what loopholes we can capitalize on.”Leo made quick notes on the paper that was in front of him. “Okay, understand I will start researching on it, and we will be informing you from time to ti
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Revealed Spy
They called me and told me that I have actually been cooperating with Marlin all the time. You have been lying to me to scupper my probe.’Leo looked so sure of himself, ‘You are out of your mind,’ James said surprised. ‘That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.’“And if you don’t tell the truth then I will make sure that everyone will know the truth.”Leo’s face went pale, and he came to the realization that he had been caught in his tracks, thus; standing being fully exposed. “Okay, okay you caught me. But, yes Marlin promised me good money to mislead you in this direction But it was not to turn out like this.”Seth’s eyes narrowed. “Why Leo, Leo why did you betray me?”Leo looked defeated. “I wanted the money and I thought I can work for them and the family at the same time, I did not know Marlin would be so vicious.”Seth looked deep in thought, and he considered that it is possible that Marlin will have a massive surprise attack for him. There were times when he felt that
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The Threat
Seth became so scared and his heart was beating so hard he could hardly control his face. “What kind of documents?”Marlin chuckled softly. “Oh, oh, these and some more petty papers such as the financial reports and the internal memoranda The kind of papers that can seal the fate of a man, particularly when they fall into the wrong hands and your esteemed company is crumbling on a very weak and vulnerable pillar I must add, Seth.”Naturally, Seth’s mind started working in efforts of solving the puzzle. “You’re bluffing.”“Am I?” Marlin’s eyes sparkled chewing on his words and savoring the triumph they communicated to him. “You better think about that, Seth I have been planning all this for the past months I have everything that I need to destroy you including those documents the moment media gets its hands on these documents there won’t be any chance for you to get back.”Seth’s jaw tightened. “You came about it because you wanted to show me that you won’t get away with this.”Marlin’
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Undeniable Feelings
Marlin laughed looking so confident. “Oh no it doesn’t, Seth. Do you believe that your love is enough to protect her from the ones that I have raised? She will soon find out that no matter how broken it gets there’s always one person holding it all together and that will be me. ”Beads of sweat, forming on Seth’s brow, his hands were fisted at his sides, staring at marlin.“You’re crazy Marlin! Phoebe is much stronger than you think she saw right through you! She knows who you are and she will never be fooled by your lies or tricks!”Marlin's sneer widened. “Oh you haven’t won Seth, the game is far from over. While you’ve been focusing on Leo, he was a pawn. And now, you wouldn’t be prepared for the real plan.”Seth clamped down on his jaw hiding the fear that wanted to break through inside of him. “You obviously do not know me, Marlin; I will not allow you to bring down everything for which I work, and am definitely not going to let you take Phoebe.”Marlin laughed quietly, “And there
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Move On
Phoebe looked intently at him with her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill over any moment. ”I am so confused,” she said in hushed tones, she now held his hand tightly. "I feel so lost."Aidan moved closer towards her, and proceeded to say: ‘You must learn to stop running, Phoebe, you should stop pushing the people who care for you away’ True, Seth is by no means a saint, but he never stopped loving you and if you go away from him now, then there will be no one left for the rest of your life to bear the blame’.Slowly, the impact of what Aidan said reached Phoebe’s heart, and she cry quietly as she close her eyes. The war inside her heart was still going strong but at this moment she could not argue that Seth still had a part of her soul.“You have to apologize to him, ” Aidan suggested softly. “You should tell him how you feel. Do not let this develop to a halt because of fear. If there is a possibility that both of you can make it work, then you should give it another tr
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Someone Else
Phoebe’s tears flowed freely now, each one a reminder of her own failings. “I know,” she admitted, her voice thick with emotion. “I was a coward. I didn’t want to fight them. I didn’t want to upset them. I thought if I just ignored it, it would go away. But it didn’t, Seth. And I see that now. I should have defended you. I should have been stronger.”Seth let out a dry laugh, though there was no humor in it. “Yeah, you should have. I stood by you through everything, every judgment, every insult, every time they tried to push me away. I stood by you, thinking you were worth it. But you never stood by me.”The truth of his words struck Phoebe like a physical blow, and she felt her legs buckle slightly. She caught herself, breathing deeply, trying to steady the overwhelming guilt that surged through her.“I know,” she whispered again, her voice barely audible. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I don’t deserve another chance.”Seth’s face softened slightly, though the pain remained. “And
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You're Confused
Phoebe emerged outside and really felt the brunt of all that had happened come right on top of her. A cool breeze of wind blew on her face and wiped the emerging tears. She stood there shaking, unable to control herself after hearing the flood of Seth’s words that came to her. He’s picked another woman. Emma. It was over.As she stood right there just thinking of how everything turned out bad, she heard the door to the room open again.‘Wait Phoebe' Seth said so softly, it was barely audible.Phoebe stopped, unable to face him,but could not resist the urge to look back. Finally, she stood still for several minutes before slowly turning around, hugging herself, for the cold. Seth was standing with his hand on the doorframe, his expression a distorted puzzle of all sorts of feelings. Putting a hand through his hair he sighed and said, “I don’t know if I did.” “I wanted to believe that I am not harming anybody… but now that you are going away heartbroken it almost seems… like I hurt you.
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