All Chapters of Legend of the Dual Swordsman: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
92 chapters
31. Yu Ling, Acting!
All the women whispered to each other behind Mrs. Shi and her husband, while the two of them just stood there helplessly. Although vaguely, of course they heard what many people were talking about. They were all wondering, what was the problem that made Yu Ling be so rude and impolite that it made Shi Gao and his wife so helpless? Mrs. Shi almost stepped forward to defend her daughter, but Shi Gao immediately stopped her. The man grabbed his wife's hand and pulled it until the woman stepped back. "Be patient, My Wife!" whispered Shi Gao in the ear of the mother of the five Miss Shi. "But, I really can't stand that child's behavior any longer, My Husband!" Shi Gao whispered again. "I know how you feel. But things will become very complicated if we also stir things up. Moreover, it's still not safe outside now. Let's wait for the right time to discuss our daughter's problem with Brother Yu." The feeling of extreme offense and embarrassment made Mrs. Shi's breath become short
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32. Science of the Radiance of the Eyes of the Fire God
The girl bowed when she stopped in front of Yu Zhen. She tried to control her ragged and slightly short of breath from running and feeling panicked. "Miss Xiao, what's wrong?" Yu Zhen was surprised. Xiao Si Tian pointed in a direction. "T--that...." "Th--over there....""Calm yourself first, Miss. After that, tell me what happened there." Yu Zhen said tensely, but he became more worried.Xiao Si Tian was starting to feel better after calming down for a while. he said, "They managed to escape with one of the servants from the Shen Family.""Bringing one of the Shen Family servants?" Yu Zhen was a little surprised. "That's right. And that girl I saw just came from the southern homestead...""Southern guesthouse?" Yu Zhen interrupted Xiao Si Tian's words. "Young Master Yu, wait!" Xiao Si Tian was very surprised by Yu Zhen's disappearance from before him. "That's how fast he went with his ex
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33. Yu Zhen Poisoned
"The knowledge of the Radiance of the Eye of the Fire God, isn't it said that this knowledge belongs to Swordsman Yu Wulin?" The big man was shocked."That's right. I've heard sect higher-ups talk about this knowledge. And with our current abilities, we're still no match for them!" Another masked man said as he walked backwards."Then what should we do now?" asked someone else. "Should we be brave and face it, or should we run away quickly?""If we don't want to die ridiculously, we really have to run away," said the big man, then he turned to his friend who was holding Shen Ning's body. "Quickly throw the girl at him and we'll leave as quickly as possible!"Because there was no other choice but to run away, the man taking the hostage immediately did what his friend ordered. He immediately pushed Shen Ning's body hard and roughly towards Yu Zhen.At the same time, one of the vandals threw strange balls the size of eggs at Yu Zhen and they
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34. Shen Ji Goes
"Don't worry, Miss. They are in a safe place. It's just that we can't go there, because we won't be able to get through to those buggers!" Shen Ning replied, also breathing heavily. "That's why Young Master Yu asked us to run and hide somewhere else that those troublemakers might not know about, Miss!" Suddenly, several masked people chased them with drawn swords in their hands. The two girls became even more panicked. Shen Ning, who didn't want the lady to get hurt, suddenly thought differently. She decided this in her heart. When the distance between the two of them got closer to the gate which was already slightly open, Shen Ning with all her strength pushed Shen Ji's body to go beyond the sturdy gate first. "Miss, Miss, go now! I will hold them off and will follow you soon!" "Ah Ning! Nooo!" Shen Ji screamed in surprise as her body was pushed out of the gate. "Miss, go!" Shen Ning immediately closed the gate and locked it from the inside. "No, Ah Ning!" Shen Ji cried as
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35. Want to Enjoy Life
Thinking about this, Shen Ji's body began to feel weak. Never mind wealth in exchange for saving one's life, while the most valuable things at the moment are only her clothes and the butterfly hairpin she is wearing in her hair. but he also thought, who would want to ask for clothes from someone with a skin disease like him? Shen Ji dared to turn her head towards the touch that landed on the nape of her neck, then moved towards the left side of her back. The moment his neck moved to the side, Shen Ji's eyes met a pair of eyes that made him startled again, and he spontaneously shouted, "Mon--mon ... monkeyeeeeeeet!" "Monkeys! Help, there are monkeys!" The loudness of Shen Ji's scream made the monkey startled and frightened. The furry animal immediately jumped onto a tree branch and hid. The two of them then both ran away in opposite directions. if the monkey ran jumping through the trees, while Shen Ji ran suddenly into the forest because she was afraid of the furry anima
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36. Be Generous
Suddenly, his eyes flashed the faces of the two men he had to kill. There was a strangeness in Yu Shan's demeanor who seemed to really care about him and there was a warmth in Shen Ming's demeanor who seemed to have a calm, patient, gentle personality.Qing Yuan then sat on the rocks while bending his knees. His gaze was far away looking somewhere. There was a strange feeling that he couldn't express in words.Qing Yuan felt annoyed himself. He then picked up three stones and threw them onto the surface of the water with his usual throw. "Damn! Why should I think about the goodness of those people?"The first throw creates small waves that cause the water falling on the rocks to move up and down quickly."I shouldn't think about the enemy I have to kill!" Qing Yuan said angrily as he threw the second stone again with more force.The waves it caused were bigger than before and managed to scare the animals living in the river so they ran aw
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37. Lost First Kiss
Princess Chu Rong Xi was the eighth daughter of Emperor Chu Qi who reigned in the Chu Empire at this time.The princess is said to have such perfect beauty that she is nicknamed the Moon of Chu. No man other than her brother was allowed to see the princess's face directly without the emperor's permission.Princess Chu Rong Xi also had to wear a veil when appearing in public and also when traveling. In short, the princess was highly favored by the entire imperial family.Shen Ji didn't know if her scream had managed to startle someone."Shen?" Qing Yuan's eyes suddenly opened wide when he heard the familiar surname. "That girl said her name was Shen Ji? Did I hear correctly? What is her relationship with Shen Ming?""And he is someone who has been bullied by many people?" The handsome young man thought until his brows furrowed. "Usually, people who have experienced bad things in their lives, then they keep it as a source of revenge and wan
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38. Ghost Meets Ghost
Shen Ji was so shocked that her heart beat fast. She thought she heard someone just talking to she.The girl seemed unable to catch her breath because she was so scared."Impossible!" Shen Ji couldn't believe that she was dead.If she was dead, why did this place feel so familiar to she?Shen Ji looked at the surroundings which were filled with various types of wild trees of various sizes. The place afterward was very dangerous, but the girl accidentally entered this wilderness.It wasn't that she wasn't afraid, but Shen Ji also thought that a dangerous place was actually the safest place."Are there ghosts in this forest?" Shen Ji started to feel goosebumps and horror. She imagined that a tall black figure with a very ugly face might be watching she."Who is there?" Shen Ji asked with a trembling voice. "Is it a ghost talking to me?""Hahahaha!" Qing Yuan laughed in amusement. "I am indeed the ghost ruler of this forest.""But if I am a ghost, then you are also a ghost. We are both g
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39. Raising Disciples
"So, your name is Shen Ji? Then you mean you are from the Shen Family?" asked Qing Yuan who was curious."That's right. I am one of the daughters of Mr. Shen Ming and Mrs. Huo Lin. But, I am …."Shen Ji answered softly, then hid her face by lowering her head. "I am the saddest.""I was always bullied by my brother. I was even insulted by him at a banquet. I feel very embarrassed and hurt when I remember all that." Shen Ji continued his words sadly.Shen Ji continued. "So, I intend to just disappear from this world. Maybe that way, they won't hate me anymore.""Oh, so that's the problem?" Qing Yuan asked silently. "It doesn't seem bad if I help her get revenge. But another problem, she is the daughter of Shen Ming who is my father's enemy. What if father finds out and then kills her?"In his heart, Qing Yuan was really worried and at the same time felt sorry for this girl's fate. If left unchecked, perhaps Shen Ji would commit a d
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40. The Rumors Are Very Bad
"Someone who wants to change is not easy and there must be a price to pay to get what they want." Qing Yuan began to explain in the style of a teacher. "Everything in this world has its own rules and lawslike the law of cause and effect." Shen Ji nodded her head when she heard Qing Yuan speak. Her firm, authoritative voice is commensurate with his tall, slender figure. Although currently the teacher's appearance is quite messy. His hair and clothes were still wet, and there was even a lot of dirt stuck to several parts of his body. However, the charm and beauty of this young man has not diminished in the slightest. "Compared to Brother Yu Zhen, his attitude is very different," thought Shen Ji, who was half listening to Qing Yuan's explanation and half of it she couldn't remember. Qing Yuan looked up, looking at the wisps of clouds moving across the sky with slow movements. "Like when the sky changes from dark to brightly li
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