All Chapters of Apocalypse System: How To Destroy My Resources?: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
453 chapters
Chapter 422:
Memphis had no intention of saying a final goodbye to these people. He quickly made his way out of the base gates. As usual, on the left was the new recruit training area, where Kathy—despite choosing to leave—was still professionally instructing a group on basic combat techniques.The methods of slashing with a blade, evading strikes, falling to reduce injury, crawling, hiding behind cover, following a commander’s orders, hand signals, recognizing different types of zombies, basic responses, and maintaining psychological stability… almost everything a new recruit needs to know.This woman was exceptionally professional, maintaining this attitude until her last working day.To the right was the shooting training area, primarily for team members who had experienced combat. This area was originally led by Dante Mole, but the responsibility had now been handed over to Lazarus. Lazarus even managed to persuade four other soldiers to stay with him at Hope Town, which was quite a windfall f
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Chapter 423:
Through the gaps in the iron cage, Memphis could see a decaying, blackened figure with a body swollen with cracked muscles, brimming with explosive strength. This creature had its limbs severed and was bound tightly by a substance made from tire glue. Fresh blood and foul-smelling marrow occasionally seeped from its wounds, leaving only its mangled torso and a head as large as a 20-liter water jug somewhat intact."Ding! Strength-Type P2 level 25..." A mechanical voice quickly echoed inMemphis's mind, informing him about the creature.This monster was once a Manipulation Type M2, level 24, which Memphis had crippled with grenades, cutting it in half. Now, it was imprisoned here, its Gravity Manipulation ability harnessed for humanity's benefit.Around the P2 level 25 creature, a constant gravitational field of 6G hovered. The farther one moved from its body, the weaker the gravitational field became, perfectly creating a training zone for superhumans, ranging from the weak to the st
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Chapter 424:
Inside the military jeep, a woman with blue hair and eyes was idly gazing out the window. This was Starla, one of the strongest extraordinaries in Lakeside County. She was still mulling over yesterday's battle, where she had no choice but to flee from that terrifying monster.“The more I think about it, the more frustrated I get… Ugh…”She sighed with boredom and asked the man next to her: “How much longer until we get there?”Sitting beside her was a man around 30 years old, with an intellectual appearance and gold-rimmed glasses. Seeing this important figure finally speak, he couldn’t help but exhale in relief and quickly replied: “Commander Sears, we’re about 1 kilometer from the Lakeside Bridge. Once we cross, we’ll reach the center of Renaissance County.”Starla Sears acknowledged with a faint “hmm.” resting her pale hand on the window sill and closing her light blue eyes, as if preparing to nap, seemingly uninterested in the world around her.The man with glasses dared only glan
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Chapter 425:
However, its body was still covered in numerous droplets of blue water scattered all over, which acted like magnets, constantly emitting an attractive force toward the water sphere behind, ensuring it could precisely follow its target. Starla unleashed four more water spheres in quick succession, all of which furiously chased after the F2 level 25. The sound of splashing water echoed like waves crashing on a sweltering summer day. No matter how far the opponent ran, the water spheres kept closing in, even surrounding it from all directions. There was no escape, neither up nor down; it couldn’t shake them off. The reconnaissance-based skill of the Water Manipulation Master class: "Water Flows to Low Places!"Read more
Chapter 426:
In the vehicle, the man with gold-rimmed glasses had a deeply gloomy expression. The weapons depot had already been taken by someone else. He couldn’t help but grind his teeth and curse aloud:“No wonder those bandits could wipe out the zombie horde in Renaissance district. Damn it... what a day filled with bad luck.”From being hunted by F2 to having obstacles thrown in his path, and now having his long-sought prize snatched away, how could he possibly be in a good mood?Earlier at the warehouse, he found nothing. All the supplies had already been moved, leaving only a few straggling guards watching over a disassembled BMP-1 and some ordinary survivors harvesting wild vegetables and fishing by the docks.He asked around and learned that Memphis, the leader of Hope Town, had seized the military equipment there long ago. Any further questions only got him answers like "I don’t know” "I’m not sure” or "I don’t understand""How am I supposed to report back... Damn it!"The man with gold-
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Chapter 427:
Starla frowned deeply, looking in that direction. A level 23 mutant dog was already terrifying, but what was even more unsettling was the attitude of the soldiers from Hope Town around them.They didn't display any sense of panic or fear, as if they were accustomed to the dog "chasing" people...No, it was more accurate to say that the mutant dog was raised by Hope Town, and what had just happened was merely playful banter. A level 23 mutant dog's speed was definitely not that sluggish, and it certainly wouldn't display such a carefree, excited demeanor.How could this be? Mutant animals living alongside humans. It was truly hard to believe, at least for Starla, who thought it was nearly impossible, yet it was happening right before her eyes.Recovering from the shock, they reached the entrance of Hope Town's base.Two BTR-60 armored vehicles and four BTR-152s were moving slowly, seemingly practicing some tactical maneuvers. A BMP-1 with a powerful 73mm 2a28 turret stood quietly besid
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Chapter 428:
Had Memphis proudly claimed credit for the achievement, Richard would have gradually pressed the narrative of the "greater good” cornering him, or at least finding an excuse for future actions.But now, by shifting the credit to others, Memphis had effectively told the government: “The heroes you're looking for are over there—more than 30 of them. Go ahead and honor them. I'm just a regular guy."An inflation of heroes, a surplus of good citizens.But Richard was quick-witted. If he couldn’t indirectly take power, he'd try a more direct approach, though first, he had to put on the mask of righteousness.He walked over to the excited group of 30 people, delivering a long speech full of praise, commendation, and heartfelt emotions, concluding by promising that they would be protected and rewarded by the government.Of course, if the government wanted to make inroads here, it had to project an image of justice, loyalty, and benevolence. Richard's display wasn’t just for Memphis—it was fo
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Chapter 429:
Memphis took a sip of his tea, answering casually: “That’s true, but you might not know, we used almost all the ammunition there to wipe out the zombie horde in the center of Renaissance County. There’s not much left now, only about 20,000 rounds, which have already been distributed among the team leaders under my command. I don’t have full authority over them.”Hearing this, Richard finally exhaled. As expected, the other side wasn’t completely rigid and left room for negotiation. Clearing his throat, he continued: “It’s commendable that you’ve safeguarded national assets. Though there’s no official reward, we recognize your efforts. How can we facilitate the government’s retrieval of these weapons?”Of course, this roundabout phrasing was typical of government officials, designed not to provoke offense. However, the bandits of Hope Town weren’t fond of such roundabout language. Hearing talk of an exchange, Wylie immediately blurted out: “Exchange each professional soldier for 500 bu
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Chapter 430:
This time, Memphis found himself genuinely thinking. Renting? That was an unexpected suggestion. After a brief consideration, he concluded that this must be a personal request rather than an official one from Lakeside. Lakeside District would likely want full ownership of such assets, allowing for continuous use without dependence on anyone, whereas renting would leave them reliant on Hope Town."Another sheep waiting to be fleeced.” he mused silently. Then he asked calmly:"What would you offer for rent?""Whatever you choose. But I only have 14 magic crystals, and I don’t have any zombie corpses with me.” Starla replied.At this, even Memphis reevaluated the blue-haired woman. Was she too "clever" for her own good? Negotiating by revealing all her cards upfront, without fear of being lowballed?He decided to probe further."One magic crystal per boat per day, but you can only use them under our supervision and within the local river area."Starla didn’t think too much about it. She
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Chapter 431:
Yes, this is the perfect environment to encourage rebellion, so why hesitate? Why not seize the chance to rise, to become a towering tree, a slippery fish, a fierce tiger, or an eagle soaring in the skies?Rebellion is an instinct of the weak, even if it starts as a mere thought. Once conditions are favorable, the seed of resistance will undoubtedly sprout, transforming thought into action—an unstoppable force.At this moment, even Richard felt a tinge of envy toward Memphis. He, too, wanted to rebel against his current circumstances, against the lack of real authority, the pressure from competitors and superiors, and the harsh quotas of this mission...To rebel against this harsh apocalypse.However, he had too many constraints, preventing him from enjoying the freedom Memphis had. Behind him were his family, his wife, and children—both his motivation and his chains, holding him back.He exhaled deeply, then smiled and said:"Leader Jackman, thank you for clarifying things. I assure
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