Apocalypse System: How To Destroy My Resources?
Apocalypse System: How To Destroy My Resources?
Author: Huang Sp-Wang
Chapter 1: Boss Causing Pressured. Being Demanded Debt.

Company Diamond Valley.

"You fool, you worthless scum, don't you know how to act like a decent human being?"

Memphis Jackman stood in front of the director's desk, his head bowed, eyes fixed on his shoes, silently enduring the stream of vulgar curses. If it weren't for the 3000 USD monthly salary, he would have long since stormed up and kicked that idiotic fat man.

His director, Lionel Hester, was a hybrid between a hippopotamus and a wild boar. Clearly, Diamond Valley was a scam company, yet he demanded that Memphis Jackman do upright and legitimate work.

Like a brothel forcing its prostitutes to build a temple for chastity.

Of course, Memphis could do it, but the righteous tasks he performed were just to cover up for the other idiots in the company, allowing them to reap the benefits.

If those idiots were also only getting 3000 USD like Memphis, he wouldn't have cared. But they were getting 10,000 USD. Wasn't this a blatant exploitation of him? Clearly, their skills were equal, so why was he receiving such a low compensation?

Because of the income disparity, he decided to trick a lucrative contract. He thought he would be rewarded with a commission, but the fat and foolish director scolded him so harshly that he couldn't even wipe his face.

The scolding had already lasted over 10 minutes.

'It's because you all are oppressing me...' Memphis gritted his teeth and cursed silently in his heart, but he didn't dare say those words out loud.

This scam company had some very strong security guards, and he had suffered a few times already, which made him a bit fearful.

The fat director vented for a while longer, then panted heavily from exhaustion. He reached out to press the red button on the desk, and immediately there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The director spoke gently to the person outside, then immediately changed his attitude, growling at Memphis:

"Get out and go revise the contract for me."

Memphis hurriedly bowed, putting on a servile face, quickly agreeing and then turning to leave.

"The boss called for me..."

At that moment, the door opened wide, and a soft, supple figure walked in. It was the director's secretary, Amanda Owens. As Memphis and she passed by each other, he caught a whiff of her enchanting fragrance, mixed with an indescribable allure. This made him swallow a bit of saliva involuntarily, but he didn't dare lift his head to look at her, just holding his breath to suppress the reaction in his groin, and quickly walked out.

The secretary belonged to the director; if he dared to harbor any thoughts, especially right here, he would surely get beaten up.

"Damn it, if only I had some power too..."

Memphis could only feel envious in his heart. As he stepped out and closed the door behind him, he caught a glimpse of the director's hand reaching under Amanda Owens' skirt, accompanied by her coquettish voice.

That woman’s moans were enough to make one’s bones melt. Ha ha, Amanda wasn't anything special. That haughty look she gave him just now—she ought to look at herself in the mirror first.

As Memphis walked back to his office, fantasizing about obscene scenes, a harsh voice suddenly rang out beside him:

"Memphis, have you gathered enough money yet?"

Memphis hurriedly turned to the side, unaware of when two burly men had been standing ready for him in the hallway.

Memphis, his face pale, suddenly softened his voice to plead:

"Mr. Leyton, I just made a payment a few days ago. You know, my company doesn't pay salaries for another three days. Can you possibly give me a little more time?"

Kieron Leyton was a security guard at Diamond Valley. Memphis had borrowed 10,000 from him, or rather, borrowed it for his best friend to do business. As it turned out, this so-called best friend gambled away all the money and then disappeared, leaving Memphis to bear the debt alone. Memphis had been paying 1,500 a month, but after four months, the principal amount remained the same.

Furthermore, he had to pay interest with slaps.

Kieron cracked his knuckles, his large frame pressing forward as he growled:

"Don't mess around. This month, you pay me 2,000."

Memphis nearly fainted at this. 2,000? How could he manage his expenses with only 1,000 left?

But fearing the other man's imposing strength, he could only exhale and say:

"Yes, Mr. Leyton, I understand."

Kieron glared at Memphis, his voice low and cold:

"Don't think you can fool me. If you don't pay in full, I'll make your life worse than death."

Memphis felt a chill in his heart but didn't dare to retort. He could only nod repeatedly and hastily return to his office.

He opened his computer, intending to tidy up some work. Just then, a voice of doubt sounded beside him:

"Memphis, what are you doing?"

The sudden arrival of the speaker startled Memphis. Seeing that it was Jonny Byrne, his colleague from the next desk, he angrily replied:

"Of course, I'm working. What's the matter?"

Jonny Byrne scratched his head slowly, saying:

"I don't understand some points in the contract. I wanted to ask you about them."

Memphis gritted his teeth. This guy had asked several times already and still forgot. He irritably glanced at Jonny and slowly said:

"I'm busy with work from the director. I'll help you later."

Jonny, seeing Memphis's unpleasant attitude, didn't mind too much. He nodded in thanks and turned back to his desk.

Memphis muttered a few curses. This company was full of idiots.

He returned to his seat, opened a message, and sent a text to his cousin:

"Don't wait me for dinner."

His cousin, Jarred Lawton, was the son of Ishmael Lawton - his big uncle on his mother's side. Jarred had just turned 18 this year and had come to the city to prepare for university exams, aiming for the military school of the third military zone. He was staying at Memphis's apartment.

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