All Chapters of REVENGE OF AXEL STORM : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 chapters
Axel's heart raced as he sped through the streets, his mind consumed by worry and fear. Why? The question echoed in his mind like a mantra, refusing to let go.He couldn't lose her. Not now, not ever. They may not have gotten married in a good condition but he still couldn't afford to lose her.It will only ruin his plan and he is also worried about her. As he screeched into the hospital parking lot, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He leapt out of the car, not even bothering to shut the door, and sprinted towards the entrance.Collins and Asher were already there, their faces somber and worried. "Axel, thank God you're here," Collins said, grabbing his arm."Where is she?" Axel demanded, his voice rough with emotion."She's in with the doctors," Asher replied, his eyes filled with sympathy. "They're doing everything they can,'s not looking good, Axel."Axel's world came crashing down around him. He doesn't know how to begun explaining things to his grandfat
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Axel's eyes were sunken, his face gaunt, as he sat beside Raya's bed, pleading with her to speak to him. But Raya's eyes were empty, her face a mask of cold indifference."Rays, please," Axel begged, his voice cracking. "Say something. Anything. Just tell me you're okay."But Raya's gaze remained fixed on the ceiling, her expression unchanging.Axel tried again, his voice rising in desperation. "Raya, why did you do it? Why did you try to kill yourself?"Raya's eyes flickered, but she remained silent.Axel's face contorted in anguish. "You're scaring me, Raya. Say something. What happened to you? What did he do to you?"The urgency in his tune lingered as he pleaded with her to say something, even if it was one of a few things.She hasn't said a word since he got here. It's like she's devoid of any source of emotion, and for some reason, it bothered him.But Raya's silence was deafening, and her stillness was unnerving.Axel's attempts at conversation were met with cold indifference,
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As they pulled into the driveway, Axel's anxiety grew. He had been trying to get Raya to talk to him for days, but she remained stubbornly silent."Raya, we're home," Axel said softly as he helped her out of the car.Raya's eyes gazed blankly ahead, her face expressionless.Axel's heart ached as he led her inside, his mind racing with ways to get her to talk to him."Raya, please," he begged as they entered the living room. "Just say something. Anything."But Raya's silence was deafening.Axel tried again, his voice cracking with emotion. "Raya, say something. What happened? What did he do to you? I promise to protect you, and I can't do that if you don't let me." He tried to reason, but she wasn't going to listen to it.Raya's eyes flickered, but she remained silent.Axel's frustration boiled over. "Raya, damn it! Talk to me!"But Raya turned and walked away, her feet echoing down the hallway."Raya, wait!" Axel called out, but she disappeared into their bedroom, locking the door beh
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Axel's mind raced as he sat in his cell, his thoughts consumed by rage and anger. He couldn't believe he had been humiliated like this, thrown in jail for a crime he didn't commit.Mr. Mickleson had it out for him, and he knew it. They were trying to get rid of him, to silence him, and he wasn't going to be silenced.But why? What had he done to deserve this? He thought back to the events leading up to his arrest, his mind replaying every moment. He had been at the hospital by Raya's side, hoping for her recovery. He had nothing to do with her attempted murder—nothing.But he also knows that it was a plan to get rid of him, and he couldn't be more surprised that they were as daft as he had expected.Of course, what could he expect from them?But they didn't believe him. They thought he was involved and that he had tried to kill his wife. The thought sent a wave of nausea through him. How could they think that of him? He loved Raya more than anything.As the hours passed, Axel's anger
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Axel's eyes blazed with anger as Asher explained the terms of his bail. "You want me to work for Mickelson? As a personal assistant to Darius? You must be joking!"Asher's expression was sympathetic but firm. "I'm afraid it's the only way, Axel. Unless you want your secret to be exposed."Axel's face twisted in disgust. "There has to be another way," he says, the thought enraging him.He could never stand to work by Darius' side; he'd murder him before he even blinked his eyes.This can't even be an option; there has to be another way, because there's no way on earth he would agree to that term and condition.The thought alone irked him.Asher shrugged. "Call it what you will. But you need their help, and this is the price you have to pay." He reasoned, but Axel was too enraged to even answer or listen to what he had to say.He knew he couldn't stand out now, not when the mission wasn't completed, and it was the best thing he'd have to do now, but he didn't want to bow down to their m
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Axel trudged through the front door, his feet heavy with defeat. He felt like he was surrendering like he was losing himself. The thought of working for Darius and being at his mercy made him feel cold and numb.He went straight to the bedroom, seeking to clear his mind. As he walked into the room, he came into view of her lying on the bed, her eyes closed and her face pale. Axel's heart ached with what he couldn't fathom. He wanted to talk to her, to tell her everything, but he couldn't find the words.He stood there, frozen, his eyes fixed on her face. He wanted to say something, anything, but his voice was trapped in his throat. He felt like he was drowning like he was losing his grip on reality.He watched her split open, knowing that she was never asleep but was only pretending, and he didn't make any attempt to wake her up or anything. Their eyes locked as she sat properly, her eyes roaming around his face, which had bruises that had already begun to heal due to the ring.He w
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Axel trudged through the front door, his feet heavy with defeat. He felt like he was surrendering, like he was losing himself. The thought of working for Darius and being at his mercy made him feel cold and numb.He went straight to the bedroom, seeking to clear his mind. As he walked into the room, he came into view of her lying on the bed, her eyes closed and her face pale. Axel's heart ached with what he couldn't fathom. He wanted to talk to her, to tell her everything, but he couldn't find the words.He stood there, frozen, his eyes fixed on her face. He wanted to say something, anything, but his voice was trapped in his throat. He felt like he was drowning, like he was losing his grip on reality.He watched here's split open, knowing that she was never asleep but was only pretending, and he didn't make any attempt to wake her up or anything. Their eyes clocked as she sat properly, her eyes roaming around his face, which had bruises that had already begun to heal due to the ring
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Axel's eyes fluttered open, his gaze falling on Raya's peaceful face. She was lying on his chest, her body warm and soft against his. A chuckle slid out of his throat as he gazed at her, finding her adorable in her sleep.He gently placed a kiss on her forehead, not wanting to wake her. She stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open, but then closing again, her body relaxing into his.Axel smiled a guilty one, knowing that he was responsible for her current situation.He felt a sense of pride wash over him. want to protect her if it's the last thing he's been doing.But as he gazed at her, his smile faded, replaced by a scowl. He remembered where he was going and who he was working for. Darius.His anger palpitated, and his heart raced with resentment. He didn't want to work for Darius; he didn't want to be at his mercy. But he had no choice.With a heavy sigh, Axel carefully removed himself from Raya's embrace, not wanting to wake her. He disappeared into the bathroom, his mind alrea
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Axel's eyes narrowed as he waited in line at the cafe, his mind still reeling from the morning's events. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder, and his ex, Ashley, stood before him with a smug smile on her face."Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The poor, worthless Axel," she sneered, her voice dripping with venom.Axel ignored her, but Ashley wouldn't let up. "Hey, I'm talking to you. You're not too good to respond, are you?"Axel's eyes flashed with anger, but he remained silent."Oh, I see. You're still as mute as ever. No wonder you're stuck in a dead-end job, working for my sweetheart, Darius," Ashley taunted.Axel wanted so badly to ignore her, but no matter how much he wanted to resent her, she had been his first lover.He can still remember when he made things official with her and how she showed him what it meant to be loved.She made him believe in love; they had plans for each other, and he wanted to fight the world for them just so he could give them a decent li
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Axel trudged through the front door, exhausted from a long day of work. He expected to find Raya asleep, but instead, she sat in the parlor, her eyes blazing with anger."Where have you been?" she demanded, her voice low and menacing.Axel sighed, too stressed from dealing with Darius all day to engage in a fight. "I've been working, Raya. Where else would I be?"Raya's eyes narrowed. "Don't lie to me, Axel. I know you've been leaving early in the morning, before I wake up, and returning late at night, when I'm asleep. What are you doing?"Axel shrugged, trying to brush her off. "I'm just working, Raya. That's all." He responds, wanting the conversation to get over real quick.He didn't want to get involved in an argument, and he wouldn't tell her about working for Darius, but he knew he had to tell her about it, not just that it had to do with Darius.But Raya wasn't having it. She stood up, her eyes flashing with accusation. "You're cheating on me, aren't you? That's why you're neve
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