All Chapters of MECH WARRIO: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
140 chapters
Chapter 111: Sword in Hand, Follow Me
Sure! Here's the translation with context:Remaining energy: 91%.Fighting at full power mode consumes a significant amount of energy, but Ji Xinghe's mecha still has plenty of energy left. This is thanks to the most advanced mecha nuclear fuel cell installed in the 16th generation Federation standard mecha, modified by Shen Mu.If he had been using the mecha from his previous battle, the remaining energy would have been around 70% by now. The quicker pace of this battle also contributes to the difference. The saying "sharpening the axe doesn't delay the work of chopping wood" emphasizes the importance of having a good tool.The mecha is undamaged, and with energy and a sharp blade, Ji Xinghe swings his sword like chopping wood.The two Imperial noble mechas had been separated slightly due to Su Chuanyun and his team's earlier interference. While changing formations with Ji Xinghe, the experienced Su Chuanyun and his comrades did not entirely release the two Imperial mechas from their
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Chapter 112: Only Mechs Can Deal with Mechs
"Ji Xinghe, what are you trying to do? You're marching towards your death, do you realize that? Get back to the frontlines immediately!"The captain of the Xinyue Fox spacecraft demanded as soon as he established communication with Ji Xinghe. He didn't have much time; the two-kilometer distance was negligible for a mecha."Only mechas can fight against mechas," Ji Xinghe replied calmly, unaware of who was on the other end. "They will either split their forces to deal with us, reducing the pressure on your frontlines, or ignore us and let me destroy that spacecraft."Ji Xinghe said "me" instead of "us," but the captain of the Xinyue Fox didn't catch that detail—he was too angry."They'll definitely split their forces to deal with you. If you get completely separated from us, you're dead, do you understand?"Previously, Ji Xinghe's battlefield was on the flank of the frontlines. The imperial mechas could rush over to attack them, and the federation mechas could naturally rush over to su
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Chapter 113: Old Ji, Keep Going
"Ji Xinghe has defied orders again."In the command hall of Base No. 6, someone whispered a report to Lieutenant Colonel Tang Qiao, causing him to frown."What did he do?""He left the convoy.""What?"The Empire had launched a full-scale assault, but Base No. 6 was unable to join the fight. Launching missiles would reveal the precise location of the base, and deploying troops risked detection by the Empire's extensive network of reconnaissance drones, as well as spaceships and warships that had taken to the skies without regard for losses. If the true location of Base No. 6 were exposed, the Federation could lose two of its living bases in this war.Living bases were extraordinarily expensive to build and took a long time to construct. The interstellar war had been ongoing for over twenty years, and combined with the time before the war when humans first landed on the alien planet, the Federation had only managed to successfully construct nine living bases on the alien world. Longzho
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Chapter 114: It’s Today
Jì Xīnghé was unaware that many eyes were watching him, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. In his current state of movement, he began issuing orders as soon as he spotted an opportunity."Reduce speed, prepare for a maneuvering turn.""Yes.""Deaf, number them.""Yes... numbering complete."On Jì Xīnghé's visual display, a number appeared above the head of each of the twelve mechas, from one to twelve. The numbering was based on the proximity of the Imperial mechas to them. At the moment, mechas numbered one to six were in pursuit, while the other six Imperial mechas were circling around to block them off, three on each side."If we go after the mechas on either side, they'll definitely retreat and try to pin us down, leading us into a trap," Jì Xīnghé explained briefly before giving the combat order. "So we turn back. Six against five—they'll only dare to engage us if they have the advantage. Su Chuanyun, take number three. Andrei, number four. Deaf, number five. Cripple, number
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Chapter 115: Every Strike Hits the Heart
The situation on the front line remained grim. Without the ability to provide a preliminary firepower coverage and without an absolute numerical advantage, it was already challenging for the Federal mecha pilots to achieve a one-for-one exchange against the Imperial mechas.At the beginning of this frontal battle, the Imperial mechas held an absolute numerical advantage, causing considerable damage to the Federal mechas. If it weren’t for Jì Xīnghé’s appearance, the captain of the Xīn Yuè Hú would have had no choice but to detonate the nuclear warhead he had been authorized to use once the Federal mechas were nearly annihilated and the Imperial mechas were about to breach the Xīn Yuè Hú battleship.“Fortunately, their dog emperor is afraid of death. The nuclear warheads are only available to those damned Imperial Royal Guard units. Otherwise…”Despite the dire situation on the front line, the captain of the Xīn Yuè Hú felt a sense of relief. His usually stern expression softened a bit
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Chapter 116: In the Name of the Galaxy
“There are no new enemy reports within a 200-kilometer radius. We are safe; everyone, please don’t worry.”The voice from the reconnaissance vehicle did little to reassure those who had been transferred from Base 6 to Base 5. Their convoy was missing one person. They were safe, but was that person safe? Was he still alive?Ji Xinghe, who was supposed to guard the convoy, had left, but no one in the convoy blamed him for abandoning them. The value of a battleship is hard to overstate, and Ji Xinghe’s courage to go against the odds commanded respect.Aside from Su He, Shen Mu, Ji Rong Xinyue, and Brother Left Hand, no one believed that Ji Xinghe could make any difference in such a battle, even though they had witnessed his miracles before.Shen Mu wanted to ask about Ji Xinghe’s condition, but he feared the answer might be bad. Not sitting in the same transport vehicle as Ji Rong Xinyue and Su He, he was still very concerned about Ji Rong Xinyue’s state.Su He and Ji Rong Xinyue were in
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Chapter 117: Another Miracle?
Su Chuanyun and his three comrades parted ways with the Ji Xinghe Squad and joined the frontline. They couldn't keep up with Ji Xinghe, and even if they could, they wouldn't be able to exert the same level of deterrence as he did. Ji Xinghe did not stop them, because it was their own choice, their responsibility, and their duty. Compared to Ji Xinghe, who could only operate on the periphery of the battle, Su Chuanyun and the others could integrate well into the Federation's mecha formations and cooperate with the supporting soldiers. With the severe losses on both sides, their addition to the battle made a significant impact. As the first batch of mecha warriors officially incorporated into the Xinghe Squad by Base No. 5, they had personally participated in the Squad's battles from its inception, which might be one of the reasons their abilities had undergone a qualitative change. With the Federation now possessing a deterrent that the Empire's mechas couldn't ignore, and w
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Chapter 118: They Can’t Take It
"Where's Ji Xinghe?"The captain, just finished with his tasks, stepped out of the Xinyuehu battleship once more and found that Ji Xinghe and his team members were nowhere to be seen."They left.""Left? Wasn't he supposed to help us repair the mechas and the battleship? How could they just leave before finishing the job?""He said his suit was running low on oxygen and that the temperature control system was about to fail.""Didn't I say we have long-endurance suits? Why didn't you give him one? He's dismantling those mechas faster than our mechanics! How could you be so stingy with a suit? What's wrong with you?""Well..."Faced with the captain's questioning, the personnel involved were at a loss for words. They could only pull up footage from the battlefield recorder on their comms and send it to the captain.The captain was stunned as soon as he saw it. It was the image of Ji Xinghe's team leaving. Aside from Ji Xinghe's mecha, the other four were all loaded with various parts, t
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Chapter 119: What If Ji Xinghe Sacrifices Himself?
The convoy from Base No. 6 to Base No. 5 had safely arrived within three hours. However, many people in the convoy did not disperse to their designated positions after conducting routine checks, cleaning, and disinfection processes.By an observation porthole in a corridor, Ji Rong Xinyue occasionally stood on tiptoe to look out, as the porthole was somewhat high for her. Behind her stood more than half of the convoy’s members. After arriving at Base No. 5, they had not been assigned new tasks. Though they could have chosen to rest after the long journey, they chose instead to stay close to Ji Rong Xinyue.A six-year-old girl with no power or influence except for her grandfather was surrounded by a group of important individuals who needed to be relocated early. It seemed unusual, but because she was Ji Rong Xinyue, she was adored by everyone.“Is that… Grandpa and the others?”Ji Rong Xinyue suddenly exclaimed in surprise, her hands gripping the edge of the porthole as she tried to s
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Chapter 120: Why?
Jixinghe's mecha repair tasks, scheduled for tonight just like Shen Mu's, involved only damaged mechas that would be transported in the evening. Daytime transport convoys were likely to be detected, while at night, there was no need for headlights; drivers could use night vision goggles. The desolate surface of the alien planet had few obstacles, and the special environment made any traces of vehicle tracks disappear by dawn.If the transport distance was too long for one night, the convoy would find a place to hide and rest during the day and resume their journey when night fell again. Jixinghe’s convoy was able to travel during the day due to their small target and the presence of interference and stealth devices.Without mechas to repair, Jixinghe, who had originally planned to sort through his spoils, temporarily separated from Su He, Shen Mu, and the later-arriving Su Chuan Yun."You all go ahead. I’ll take care of sorting out your spoils," Jixinghe said.Shen Mu took Su Chuan Yu
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