All Chapters of MECH WARRIO: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
140 chapters
Chapter 0051: No More Medicine
Eager to take the exam, Ji Xinghe didn't rush into it because he knew he wasn't ready yet. Just like getting a driver's license, knowing how to drive doesn't guarantee passing the test, as there are theoretical questions to answer. These questions are confidential and not openly accessible to someone like Ji Xinghe."It's okay, Old Ji, I'll coach you," Instructor Li reassured him. "These guys are still not convinced. Once you pass the exam, you can pilot a mecha and challenge them. If you win, your stipend can increase.""Thank you."Ji Xinghe could only express his gratitude but didn't promise victory because he knew Instructor Li didn't truly believe he could win. Piloting a mecha is vastly different from hand-to-hand combat. Even the best martial artists might not be able to fully utilize a mecha's capabilities, mainly due to age-related issues affecting endurance and reaction times—both critical for mecha piloting.Life at the training ground settled into a routine. Ji Xinghe spen
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Chapter 0052 The Instructor, I Want to Pilot a Mech
Finally, the blind man saw Jixinghe, thanks to his newly installed mechanical eye, a form of prosthetic. However, what the blind man didn't expect was to see the Jixinghe he had imagined in the training area. Instead, what he saw was not the indomitable sixty-five-year-old Jixinghe he had heard about from Wang Gui and others.This was an old man devoid of vitality, with a thin face marked by wrinkles. Despite his tall stature, he seemed somewhat stooped. Contrary to the stories of Jixinghe's full head of black hair, his temples now bore the silvery hue of age.Did Wang Gui deceive me?It shouldn't be, right? Not only Wang Gui but also the other mech warriors in the remnants battalion had described Jixinghe as having a full head of black hair, not resembling a sixty-five-year-old. Initially, everyone thought perhaps Jixinghe had dyed his hair before coming to the alien planet. However, after a month without hair dye services in Base Six, Jixinghe's roots should have turned silver, as e
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Chapter 0053 Don't Steal the Mechs for Me
"Instructor, I want to pilot a mech."This was the second time Instructor Li had heard this sentence today, but the first time he hadn't heard it; he had seen it, as it came through as a text message from Blind.Now, he was equally shocked, as the person saying it this time was a sixty-five-year-old man."Old Jī, are you serious?"Instructor Li knew that Jī Xīng Hé wanted to obtain a mech pilot qualification, but he didn't expect Jī Xīng Hé to take the exam so soon, especially under these circumstances."Yes, I'm serious."Jī Xīng Hé's reply was firm, a stark contrast to his gloomy demeanor in the medical area just an hour ago. It was as though he had transformed into a different person.Instructor Li furrowed his brow. He didn't really have a reason to stop Jī Xīng Hé, and he had previously promised to help and look out for him. Plus, with the intense situation of the war, there were hardly any mech warriors left in the training area. Those who had completed adaptation or rehabilitat
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Chapter 054: What About the Lame? What About the Blind?
Wang Gui blocked Ji Xinghe."Old Ji, just watch. The blind man is going to set an example for you. If he can pass the exam and you can't, don't blame us for laughing at you. Though you're old, he's blind, haha..."When Wang Gui referred to Li Lin as "the blind man," his expression didn't change at all, just as the blind man would directly call him "the lame man." Since they were all assigned to the Wounded Soldiers Unit, their relationship was actually very good. Such nicknames carried no insult or ridicule, just facts, just code names.And if they couldn't even bear that, how could they return to the battlefield? Others called them these names not because they wanted to, but because they themselves demanded it.Ji Xinghe looked at Wang Gui and asked seriously, "Why?"Wang Gui didn't look at Ji Xinghe but at the blind man preparing to take the exam."Do you remember what you said to us the first time you came to the training zone? At that time, I was saying that the gorillas on Azure
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Chapter 055: A Gift for the Blind Man
The Blind Man left, and it would take at least eight days for him to return. Jixinghe's life seemed to return to normal: repairing mechs when needed, conducting live tests when necessary, and heading to the training area when required.Although there were significantly fewer mech warriors in the training area, some still remained. The members of the Crippled Soldiers' Squad were also there, and Jixinghe had to provide special guidance to the mech warriors and soldiers of the squad, such as Wang Gui, the Cripple."This isn't the most suitable mechanical leg for you, but it's the best one available right now. You shouldn't just adapt to it; you should control it as if it were... like controlling a mech."Once again, Jixinghe made slight modifications to Wang Gui's mechanical leg based on his training progress and effectiveness. There were no performance upgrades or additions of extraordinary components. He simply made the leg more suitable for Wang Gui based on his understanding of the
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Chapter 056: Officer, What Is Your Choice?
The special and complex environment of the alien planet greatly affects human communication technology, similar to how there are no conventional aircraft on this planet. Therefore, instances of losing contact are not uncommon. It's not just single mech actions that can go missing; sometimes entire squads can lose contact.It might be due to the magnetic field movements on the alien planet, the various ores that can emit electromagnetic waves, or the thin atmosphere unable to block the electromagnetic radiation from solar flares. But this time, Blind Man's disappearance was unusual."The high-altitude reconnaissance satellites haven't detected any traces of the Imperial Army. So far, there's no sign of Imperial mechs appearing in the 36 Canyon area. The frontline units have sent intelligent drones into 36 Canyon for reconnaissance, but they too have gone missing..."In the training area of Base 6, Lieutenant Colonel Chen Xun, who rarely appears here, brought more detailed mission intel
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Chapter 057: Praying to God is Not as Good as Becoming One
Jixinghe finally has his own mecha, although it is only temporarily his. This is a Federation sixteenth-generation standard mecha, the same model he piloted during his first practical test, and like that one, this one has just been repaired.At 4.2 meters tall, the mecha is not considered very high, especially since Jixinghe's height has recovered from 1.9 meters to 1.92 meters. However, when he stands beside the mecha, he still looks like a child standing next to a robust adult. This is because the mecha possesses not only height but also width and thickness, much like a 4.2-meter-long car that can accommodate five adults, with room to spare in the trunk.Initially, the Federation's mechas were only a little over two meters tall, more like exoskeleton suits than true mechas, essentially upgraded versions of standard spacesuits. Spacesuits capable of protecting humans in alien environments and space weigh an average of 60 kilograms. In the zero-gravity environment of space, this weigh
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Chapter 058: Do You See the Gold Stars on My Mech?
In the great canyon with an average depth of 3,500 meters, Blind Man was desperately running for his life without looking back. Despite this, he could clearly see the three Imperial mechs pursuing him from behind because he was no longer blind, and his mech had a rear camera.The vision from his mechanical eyes was still somewhat uncomfortable, like looking at someone through an old mobile phone screen during a video call. Nevertheless, he could not possibly mistake those three mechs for anything other than Imperial mechs.The Imperial mechs originated from the Federation's mechs. Because the Imperial gorillas didn’t initially need to wear bulky spacesuits on the alien planet, their relatively lightweight spacesuits made the already formidable warriors even more powerful in the low-gravity environment. When they ran, the bullets from heavy machine guns couldn’t catch up to them.It wasn’t that they ran faster than bullets but rather that they moved faster than the Federation soldiers
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Chapter 059: I am a Mech Technician
"Old Ji, we’ve lost contact with the base too. But don’t worry, it’s a normal occurrence. We’ll regain communication once we pass through this area."The voice of Lame Man was light and unconcerned, showing no sign of tension. After all, he was a Federation First-Class Mech Warrior with twelve gold stars on his mech. He had to act calm and collected, especially because he was with the Federation’s oldest new recruit.The words "oldest" and "new recruit" seemed unrelated, almost contradictory. But when it came to Ji Xinghe, the title of the oldest new recruit was justifiable.Ji Xinghe wasn’t nervous at all. On the contrary, he was filled with unprecedented excitement. This excitement was not about piloting a mech for the first time on an alien planet. It was the fact that, after long periods of controlling the mech, he felt no fatigue; instead, he experienced a long-lost vitality.It wasn’t physical vitality—his physical condition had always been good, barring a certain period. It was
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Chapter 060: A Five-Second Saga
Except for Ke Xinghe, no one knew what happened in the moment of the collision. Even the Imperial gorilla mech that collided with him had no idea. Blind and Cripple should have been very curious, but they had no time to ask at this critical juncture."Old Ke, retreat.""Retreat now."Five seconds is a very short time. Ke Xinghe, who had just turned around, was already very close to the second Imperial mech. It was like an ancient cavalry charge; when a cavalryman reached peak speed, their lance became an unparalleled penetrating force. Compared to the best horses in the world, the power and explosiveness provided by mechs far surpassed them.One of the standard weapons of the Imperial mechs was the lance, averaging 6.5 meters in length. Combined with their speed and strength, these lances often pierced the critical spots of Federation mechs before the first collision occurred. Not the heart or kidneys, as mechs had neither, and their frontal armor could withstand shell impacts unscath
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