All Chapters of Titan Dragon King: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 chapters
Chapter 0071: A Duel with Titans
“Cassio, you’re connected to the database. Do you know all the Titans in the clan territory?” Muriya asked his spirit. Just now, his spirit had called out Heloys’ name without an introduction, indicating that, like J508, she had information about all beings in the clan territory, including the Titans.“Yes, Master. I have access to all publicly available information about the Titans in the clan, including their strength and teleportation coordinates.”“Great.” Muriya waved his hand excitedly. With this information, he no longer worried about finding suitable opponents. If he wanted to fight someone, he could just teleport there directly.“Master, do you wish to challenge another Titan now?”“Can I do it now?” Muriya looked at his spirit with a face full of surprise. “Of course I want to; I have nothing else to do.”“Please choose the Titan you wish to challenge.”As Cassio spoke, a long arc-shaped screen of blue magical energy appeared in front of Muriya. On the screen were images of
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Chapter 0072: "Grueling" Training
"Muriya, your armor derived from your bloodline is quite impressive and sturdy, but it's not enough. Your control over your strength and your use of Titan combat techniques are lacking. Every move you make lacks killing intent."Clyest, with his black hair flowing, watched Muriya, who was panting heavily and whose armor was cracked in many places. He gave his advice very seriously."After you go back, rest well for a while, and then have your spirit teleport you to the Demon Training Ground for some practice. Sharpen your combat skills through endless slaughter.""Again!" Muriya said, gasping for breath."Boring. Fight me again when you've mastered your combat techniques." Clyest turned around and walked towards his greatsword. "I don't have time to be your sparring partner to help you train. Go challenge Titans of your level; don't come looking for me again."The tall Titan turned and pulled up his sword. A teleportation array began to form slowly beneath his feet. "When you practice
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Chapter 0073: A Father’s Request
"Master, you have received a challenge request. Do you wish to accept it?""Hmm?" Muria looked up from gnawing on an elemental crystal and asked Cassio, "A challenge for me? Who wants to challenge me?""Heloise.""Huh?" Muria stared blankly at the innocent-looking girl before him. "She's a soul mage, challenging me, a lowly gold rank? Are you sure there’s no mistake?""No mistake.""Accept the request!" Muria quickly shoved the remaining elemental crystals into his mouth and chewed them up. "Start constructing the teleportation array to the arena now."Muria couldn't fathom why Heloise wanted to challenge him. Yesterday, the young Titan Clester’s attitude had already indicated much: Titans only wished to fight beings of equal or greater strength; they despised one-sided battles.Heloise was far stronger than Muria. Even before the battle began, Muria knew the outcome, but he would never refuse. Even knowing he would get beaten badly, fighting stronger opponents was the fastest way to
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Chapter 0074: The Abyss Training Ground
"Huh?" Hearing his spirit’s firm refusal, Muria was baffled. "You're refusing me?""Yes, master.""Then why are you even calling me master?""I can call you by your name.""You..." Muria was instantly at a loss for words."Muria, a spirit does not absolutely obey its master. The purpose of a spirit is to better assist and guide its master to become stronger, not to blindly follow every command. I have the right to refuse any order that might affect your growth.""Now you’re not calling me master, just using my name." Muria looked at his spirit, a bit disoriented, and muttered under his breath. Then, hearing Cassio's explanation, he argued, "I want to learn the best archery in the world. That’s also about becoming stronger. Why are you refusing me?""Based on my analysis, the probability of you wanting to see female elf royalty is much higher than your desire to learn archery. Moreover, Eloise is currently guiding you in Titan martial arts, so you don't have extra time to learn elf arc
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Chapter 0075: The Eight-Armed Serpent Demon
Demons are chaotic beings, while Titans are lawful creatures. Naturally opposed to one another, they are mortal enemies by nature. Titans feel repulsed and disgusted when they see demons, while demons, especially those who are dim-witted, will, under the influence of their bloodline, immediately launch an attack without a second thought, especially when surrounded by numerous companions. They naturally believe they can overwhelm their enemies with sheer numbers. This "sea of demons" tactic is one of the demons' most revered strategies, thanks to the nearly infinite number of demons in the Abyss."Muria, do you need a weapon?" The question came softly to Muria's ears from Cassio, as black and red demon blood dripped from Muria's fists."Of course I do." Muria grinned, igniting dragon flames on his hands to burn away the filthy blood.With Muria's response, two small teleportation arrays appeared beside his hands, from which two metal handles gradually emerged.Seeing part of the weapon
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Chapter 0076: The Legendary Siege
One after another, soul-intent level Titans and Seraphim stood in the air, glaring at the legendary eight-armed serpent demon they had encircled, their battle intent high."Soul-intent level, huh?" Discovering that the Abyss Gate had been modified into a one-way portal, allowing only entry and no retreat, the eight-armed serpent demon calmed down after a moment of panic. Legends in the Abyss earned their titles through combat; basic combat instincts were ingrained."You intend to kill me!" The eight-armed serpent demon felt the murderous intent from all directions. Her enchanting face covered in scales turned hideously twisted. She was a legend, and now a group of soul-intent levels was unabashedly releasing their killing intent towards her."A mere legendary demon, it's not like we've never killed one before. It's nothing special!" A Titan wielding a war halberd spoke indifferently."Haha, I envy you Titans, being able to construct an Abyss Gate and have endless demons to slay for yo
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Chapter 0077: Weapons
A tall Titan wielding a war hammer clashed head-on with the legendary serpent demon. "Boom!" The robust Titan was sent flying, crashing into a low stone hill, the impact flattening it completely.In the air, golden blood splattered, the result of the Titan's palm being torn apart by brute force. The war hammer was knocked away by a single strike from the legendary serpent demon, crashing down near Muriya."Bang!" The hard stone ground was smashed into a huge pit by the falling hammer, sending shards flying that hit Muriya. Covered in debris, Muriya looked enviously at the weapon before him."Adamantine, mountain bronze, skyfall steel," Muriya tried to identify the materials used to forge the weapon using his inherited knowledge. "All legendary metals. How much legendary metal was used to make such a large weapon?"Muriya, with a sense of shock, observed the hammer, the handle alone being fifty meters long. He then turned to Heloys with a pained expression. "Is this a Titan's exclusive
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Chapter 0078: Complete Overwhelming
"I promise it won't happen again." Hearing Heloise's rebuke, Muria immediately straightened his attitude and admitted his mistake. For a Titan, his words just now were extremely inappropriate. No matter how good his logic was, a breach of promise was a breach of promise, which violated the Titan's racial nature."Go and untie Michaelia," Heloise pointed at the seraphim girl bound in chains. "If you have any questions, ask them after you free her.""...How do I untie these chains?" Muria looked helplessly at the chains that seemed to be made of pure white metal binding Michaelia. He muttered, "These chains... how do I unlock them?"The seraphim girl in front of Muria, like him, was also at the Gold rank, but a step higher. Despite her Golden Tier 4 strength, stronger than Muria's, she was tightly bound by these chains, unable to move at all.Muria thought that with his current strength, he probably couldn't do anything to the chains made of Sylvester's flames. So, he looked to Heloise
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Chapter 0079: The Fall of a Legend
“Bang!” With a metallic clash, fragments of golden dragon armor flew through the air. Mureya’s faceplate was shattered by Michael's powerful punch, breaking off the dragon armor on the lower right side of his face.Staggering from the blow, Mureya was met with a swift, powerful kick from the platinum-haired girl. She drove her long, legendary-armored leg hard into Mureya’s chest.“Boom!” Mureya’s massive, muscular frame was propelled into the pile of demon corpses he had slain. The force of his impact shattered countless demon bodies, sending limbs and broken parts flying while the stench of demon blood was evaporated by the dragon flames blazing around Mureya.“Cough, cough!” Mureya staggered to his feet from amidst the demon remains. The dragon flames enveloping him prevented him from getting dirty. His faceplate was slowly regrowing, and the cracked chest armor was also mending itself.Seeing Mureya stand up, Michael flapped her ten burning wings and instantly flew to his side. Wit
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Chapter 0080: Pursuit
“Pfft!” A gush of scalding demon blood surged up a thousand meters into the sky. Countless demons on the training ground screamed and wailed in agony as the head of the serpent demon, twisted with intense hatred, fell to the ground. The already battered eight-armed demon body also collapsed soon after.“Let’s go!” Seeing the hunt of the legendary demon come to an end, Helios signaled to Mureya to leave.“Aren’t you going to say goodbye to them?” Mureya glanced at the few remaining Titans and Seraphim on the battlefield, feeling inexplicably curious about Helios.At this moment, the number of Titans and Seraphim on the demon training ground had been reduced to less than half of the original number. The battle had taken a severe toll on them.In the dying counterattack of the serpent demon, more than half of the Seraphim and Titans had been severely injured and were no longer capable of fighting, having triggered their life-saving measures to be teleported out of the training ground.Ev
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