All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
188 chapters
91 – Different Atmosphere
Cody felt that the morning air differed from usual. The awakened zombies are on alert around his house. Meanwhile, numerous Jane’s children were standing by around the farm.This is the third day since the announcement regarding the King’s minions and Akira’s community members going to Cody’s farm. As expected, they will come today.“They’ll be here in about thirty minutes.” One of Jane’s children gives her routine report. “But we can’t provide any more updates. They have killed the last scout.”“I see, thanks.” After Cody said that, the special zombie rejoined her comrades.Leaning against the sand wall, Cody took a deep breath. He hoped those zombies didn’t have troublesome powers like self-detonation and the like.When he was about to turn around to check his scope, Cody found Gwen was looking out the window next to a sniper. Cody just gave her a smile and motioned for her
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92 – The Raid
“F*ck!” Cody protected his face from the dirt flying in the air. “Stay focused on the attack!”Cody wanted to lament, but the fight continued. Any carelessness would lead to doom.The minutes passed like hours for Cody. Gradually, he and his troops made the King’s troops retreat.And finally, they ran into the forest, and the Jane’s children chased them.However, Cody didn’t feel any satisfaction. He didn’t even feel relieved. He came out of hiding with his body shaking, approaching the explosion mark on the ground.He couldn’t recognize which part of Kevin’s body was anymore. One object that stands out is a metal skull and several metal plates.No wonder the zombie bomber could survive the barrage of bullets.One of the awakened zombies approached Cody. “In the meantime, we found out that the rest of our members are still alive, Cody.”Cody closed his eyes, trying to cont
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93 – Pain from the War
Two days after the raid.“So, I really am your second in command and have to watch this place, huh?” Helena sighed as Cody prepared himself to leave in the truck. “It seems I have no choice.”Cody smiled as he threw his bag into the truck. “I’m sure you can, Helena. I heard from Gwen, you have always been the head of the organization you join, even since elementary school.”Helena shrugged. “This is something different, though. I’m not leading the boys, and these are actual war conditions.”“I know.” Cody approached the mechanic, who had just completed the final check.“I have checked this baby thoroughly.” He explained. “I fully charged the batteries. So, you can ride it for a few days.”Cody patted him on the shoulder and smiled. “You are the best, Trent. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to make this truck work optimally, and our solar panels wo
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94 – Observation
Danny observed the long binoculars Cody had set up. “Is this a device for observing long distances?”“Yeah.” Cody wiped the thing’s lenses. “I’ll let you try it later.”Cody then used the tool and pointed it at Akira’s community. He could see the King’s army, which was much larger than the one that attacked Cody’s farm.However, when we turned the binoculars towards Jane’s children, their numbers were no less massive.“I heard that one of us was also in the attacking force.” Danny gulped.“Yeah, her name is Stella. She’s been with us for quite a while,” Cody explained.Stella even left the day before Cody left. She didn’t say goodbye to him, Stella, or Helena. Cody didn’t mind that. He considered Stella an honored guest who was free to do as she wished. But Cody was a little disappointed because her actions made Helena and Gwen worried.
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95 – Old Friend
That night, Cody sat alone in his truck, imagining how many casualties were in that fight. In the end, Jane’s children choose to retreat, but the damage has been done.King’s army has destroyed numerous parts of the community.Danny entered the truck and put the cup noodles on the dashboard. Thin smoke comes out of its lid. “I read the instructions on the packaging. Hopefully, what I did was right.”Cody glanced at the food. “Thanks, but I’m not hungry, Danny.”Cody looked forward again. At times like this, he didn’t even think about filling his stomach.He knew he couldn’t prevent the fight from happening. Yes, he was innocent, but that helplessness felt like it would kill him.Why doesn’t he get stronger?“Is there anything I can do?” Danny asked. “It’s hard for me to explain this... But I feel something like negativity from you... It looks like you are in danger.
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96 – Being a Leader
Once Cody arrived at the farm, he put Emily and Shawn in the basement prison. Since he had built that place to separate prisoners of different genders, Cody could separate his two friends.He came to Emily the next day with Gwen. The blonde woman brought spaghetti to her friend.“I’m sorry, Emily.” Cody took a deep breath. “No matter what, you’re part of the King’s side. They attacked this place once. I can’t let you wander around here. That would be a problem.”“It’s okay.” Emily then looked at Gwen, and she saw tears already filling her eyes. “You don’t have to cry, Gwen. When the world is at war, this happens. I just realized it.”Gwen wiped her tears, then handed the food through the small door of the cell. Emily accepted it and ate it.“Damn, you guys can make spaghetti this delicious with limited ingredients? I’m impressed.” Emily nods in agreement.Cody, now sitting in front of the cell, then spoke. “I know. Maybe you still want to mourn what happened. However, we need to move
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97 – A Hard Decision
“I told you we could use them to our advantage.” Cody continued. “At least, Akira should think twice about attacking us again because they…”“And I told you, we don’t believe it!” Max snapped again, this time even pointing at Cody’s face.Max’s four friends were also getting fiercer in scolding Cody. Helena tried to defend Cody, but they didn’t listen to her.Cody closed his eyes, remembering the incident with Akira and Igor. Maybe the circumstances this time were different, and Igor didn’t speak as loudly as they did.But the essence was the same: they were putting up a fight that could destroy the community they had just built.Suddenly, Cody’s zombie dashed over and hit Max hard, sending him flying until he hit the wall. His four friends immediately fell silent.“No, Cody.” Helena warned the man. “Don’t do that, or you’ll become the very thing you’ll hate.”With a face that showed no change in expression, Cody opened his system menu as Max tried to get up.“Argh!!!” Max fell to the
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98 – Something Never Changes
After the incident with Max and some of his friends leaving, life on that farm went on as usual. The residents did their activities from gardening, teaching Jane’s children, to training.However, Cody could feel a distinct atmosphere. Except for Gwen and Helena, they all only talked to him when necessary. Even Stella was like that.Cody didn’t mind that, and he focused on waking up the other zombies to become new members. He also leveled up occasionally.He felt that maybe that was the price he had to pay as a leader.“Don’t you think this will destroy the harmony of this place?” Helena, who was writing something in a book in the dining room, sighed. “The old members have influenced the new members to stay away from you.”Cody, who was sitting in front of Helena, was silent. She has a point.“To be honest, I don’t know what to do. It seems like the wound from that incident is still there, even though a month has passed.” The young man took a deep breath.Helena folded her arms across
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99 – Their Destiny
A few days later, King’s Army raided Cody’s place again. But this time, Jane’s troops were better prepared. They had a special squad to intercept the bombers, those who could shoot projectiles at flying zombies. and many more.Cody suggested most of it, but Jane had her own idea too. It seemed like the mother’s strategic ability had improved, although not significantly.Explosions, screams, and gunshots continued to echo from all corners. However, Cody and the awakened zombies remained alert around their base.That was because Jane’s army’s ability was much stronger than before. Besides new strategies, Jane’s children were also stronger, not to mention the variety of their attacks had also increased.However, that did not mean the battle lasted only a short time. This time, the King sent more troops than before.The battle didn’t end until almost evening. Jane’s zombies gathered the corpses that were lying around, whether from King’s or Jane’s side, and burned them.Like the previous
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100 – Brothers
Randy looked up, as if he was looking for the source of the voice. “Did you hear that, Cody?”“Yeah.” Cody then spoke to Zeno. “What do you mean, Zeno? You want to pit us against each other?”Zeno replied. “You two are the candidates I think are the best among the others, but I feel like your powers have developed little.”“So, what do you want?” Randy chimed in.Cody could already figure out where Zeno was going with this conversation, and it made his heart beat faster.Zeno chuckled. “Great power alone isn’t enough. I need strong-willed characters like you guys as my opponents.”“Cut ​​the crap off!” Randy snapped. “Just say what you want!”“In short, I’ll give one of you more power.” Zeno continued. “But it might differ from what you think.”Cody closed his eyes and hissed. “Whoever wins this fight will get that power, right?”“Yeah, and that power will really help you guys become the strongest.”“Wait, wait, wait…” Randy massaged his forehead. “We can’t do this.”“Why?” Zeno asked
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