All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
188 chapters
111 – The Throne
Cody then used his special zombies more to attack the King, even though he occasionally joined in.“You’re so small-minded and cunning! King’s frustration grew as he had to keep fend off the special zombies that approached him. He continued to use his elemental powers to do so.Cody remained silent and continued to attack. For him, at a time like this, honor was not important. No other human would witness him and be inspired. His opponent would also die, not remembering the noble things he did.So, he would do anything to win.Cody was about to slash King’s body, but his opponent smiled. Then Cody widened his eyes and chose to retreat rather than continue the attack.The young man also stopped the special zombies’ attacks on the King. But it wasn’t because the King smiled.It was more than that.“Ah, you can tell what happened, huh?” King laughed. “I don’t know how you know that. But at least I don’t have to tell you.”Some of Cody’s special zombies provided information that several m
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112 – Not Really a King
“Now that I think about it.” Cody stopped walking. “Why would I fight alone? You have a lot of troops.”Some of Cody’s troops pushed their way in through the stadium doors. King was shocked, not expecting them to enter that fast.Yesterday’s fight was not only Cody’s attempt to defeat the King, but he also collected all the data he got from the special zombies.With the battle data, Cody could make an effective plan to be able to finish King’s minions. Yes, that was one trait he got from Jane’s ability. Basically, he created a giant brain in that tree to process large amounts of data.Cody’s troops overwhelmed King. They could read all of King’s attacks, so in a short time, they could hold King.They even broke both of King’s arms so that he couldn’t throw elemental attacks.“This can’t happen!” King shouted with a loud cry. “I’m already on top of the world! I shouldn’t be like this!”“I’m disappointed in you, King.” Cody sighed. “So you’re just an ordinary human with extra power, Adr
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113 – The Real Form
“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.” Helena stretched out her hand as Cody and the prisoners from King’s place arrived at the farm. “I won’t say much. Please eat the food.”Cody had already given a message to the special zombie to have Helena and the others prepare food for the 25 people. The residents had prepared tables and chairs of various sizes with plates filled with food.At first, the new people were confused and hesitant, but Helena, Cody, and the previous residents convinced them. Finally, they devoured the food. Some of them even cried. It was not surprising. They had not had proper food for a long time.“Is that Gwen Belluci?” A new member gasped when the blonde-haired woman started singing.Most of them were also surprised to be entertained by the famous singer.“Didn’t you enjoy it?” Helena patted Freya’s shoulder. The former fake Stella was indeed the only one who ate slowly.“This is delicious. I really like it.” Freya smiled. Since she didn’t actually need the food, she a
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114 – No Boundaries
Cody opened his eyes that morning, and a wave of shock washed over him. He got out of bed, then ran towards his truck.“Where are you going, Cody?” Gwen, who was in the living room, asked.“I have to see Jane immediately.” Cody kept running. “Please tell the others.”“You just got home yesterday.” Gwen followed that man. “Can’t you get some rest first?”As soon as Cody stopped in front of the exit, he turned around and said. “No way, Gwen. This is something very important and I have to take care of it immediately. Just tell the others that one of the special zombies told me something that I can’t discuss yet.”“But...” Gwen didn’t have time to continue her words as Cody walked out.The morning sky was still quite dark when Cody walked towards his truck. He could still detect the wet smell of dew-stained soil.After gathering several special zombies to guard him, Cody drove his truck.Cody had a feeling that his ultimate test had begun.***Because he didn’t need to rest, Cody had almo
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115 – Numbness
It had been a week, but Cody had only finished building the giant up to its knees. Of course, it frustrated him. At this pace, he wouldn’t be able to finish this thing on time.He used the brain he created inside the enormous tree to do various calculations regarding the construction of the giant. However, he always found various flaws in the construction of that thing. Sometimes, that flaw made him feel like he had to dismantle everything.“I’m disappointed in you, Cody Wolfe.” Exal sighed as he remained in his position without moving. “Lady Zeno hyped you as one of the best candidates, but you haven’t even made half of your champion.”Although annoyed at hearing that, Cody didn’t respond. It would only waste energy. Prioritizing the task in front of him was the wiser choice.When he was about to build the part above the knees of that giant, Cody sighed. Again, he found a flaw.“Please, Cody.” Freya looked like she was about to cry as she looked at Cody. “I can’t see you like this. Y
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116 – The Big Fight
“You’re going to ride that thing yourself?” Freya asked, two weeks to the day after Cody met Exal. “You once said that you would die if the body you’re possessing dies, right? Well, you might think you can switch bodies before that happens. But what if you don’t have the chance?”Cody made some of the organic roots ensnare his body. “I feel like this is the most effective way to control the Big Jordy. I can connect directly to his nerves.”Freya frowned. “Big Jordy? Have you already given him a name?”Cody just smiled, then the roots took him to the inside of his giant body. He wasn’t in a room like a cockpit, but he was fused together with the big Jordy.So, if the big Jordy dies, then he will also lose his life.“Soon, I will move to attack your tree,” Exal said. “Are you ready?”It took a while for Cody to truly fused with that enormous figure. “I guess I’ll never be ready, but I have no choice, right?”“I see.” After two weeks of staying where he is, Exal finally walks, and Cody t
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117 – What He’s Doing
Exal tried to get up and struggled. Cody found that the giant’s upper armor parts had come loose. So Cody pulled it.Of course, Exal didn’t give up. He tried to fight, but his condition was too weak because of the explosion. After struggling for some time, Cody removed the chest armor from that giant.Cody found a large beating heart in Exal’s chest. Then, without hesitation, Cody squeezed the heart, making Exal scream in pain.Cody then pulled the heart with all his might, making it come off its place. He then squeezed the still-beating organ hard, destroying it in an instant.“Holy sh*t. I didn’t expect that I could lose like this.” After saying that, Exal didn’t move anymore and made no more sounds.Cody also let his giant body fall. After that, he got out of it and lay on the asphalt. He tried to stand up, but his legs were too weak.Maybe because he had just connected all his nerves to Big Jordy, Cody felt unbearable pain all over his body. He wanted to die because of that, but h
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118 – When They’re Happy
From a distance, Cody watched Gwen singing while playing the piano they got from a musical instrument store. As time went by, Cody felt that the woman was getting further away from him. They rarely got together and talked like before.Cody felt that it wasn’t because they both intentionally separated themselves. It happened because they had realized each other’s feelings.Yes, Cody felt sad that it happened, but he felt that this was better than them having a one-way relationship. Cody was sure that Gwen was still his best friend and would continue to be with him, no matter what.Suddenly, Freya put her arms around Cody’s neck from behind. “What are you doing, babe?”Cody took a deep breath. “You’re still going to call me that even though I said I don’t like it, huh?”“Well, you can always force me to do that with your torture skills.” Freya kissed Cody’s cheek.“Of course I won’t do that...” Cody’s words stopped when he saw that everyone there was gone, except for himself and Freya.
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119 – The New Reality
Cody drove without direction because he didn’t know what he was doing anymore. Unlike the illusion that Clara had done to him in the past, Cody did not know at all how to get out of this fake world.But he knew he had to get out soon. Maybe if he stayed there too long, he would forget who he was and what was really happening.Cody turned his truck into a gas station. He didn’t just want to fill up on gas, but also buy food and drinks. Even though he was in an illusion, Cody still felt hungry, thirsty and wanted to go to the bathroom.After doing his business in the toilet, Cody filled up on gas and entered the convenience store there. While he was doing those things, he found nothing strange.Everything looked and felt so real, down to the smallest detail.Cody took a burrito and mineral water and brought it to the cashier, an old man with a thin body who wore thick glasses.“Do you want to take this burrito home or are you going to eat it right away? If you want to eat it right away,
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120 – Acting Weird
“Birthday, huh?” Without realizing it, Cody smiled faintly. He had forgotten about it. Ever since he got the system, many things have been filling his mind.“Go home, Cody.” Helena approached Cody. “Your wife must be concerned about your well-being. Besides, your friends have taken their time to come to your house to throw a party. Without you, it would be meaningless.”Cody was about to get into the truck and continue the journey, but Helena grabbed her arm. “Please, Cody. They’re all there. They won’t go home until you get back.”Cody felt as if his heart had an explosion. “Does that include Kevin and Randy too?”Helena frowned. “Of course, they’ve been your best friends since high school, just like me. Why do you ask that, Cody? You’ve been acting really weird today.”“I’m going home,” Cody answered coldly, then got into the truck.“What do you think, Gwen?” Helena asked her little sister. “Do you still want to come?”Gwen shrugged. “It’s okay if you still want to go there, and I’l
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