All Chapters of Zombie Control System: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
188 chapters
71 – Back Again
When he arrived at Akira’s colony, Cody found black flags with several red lines in that place. They fluttered in the wind.“Well, over time, we operated like a small country.” Emily explained. “My father established several roles that you can find in government.”“I can see him doing that.” Cody shrugged. “I don’t know if it’s something bad or not, though.”The gate to the place opened, and when Cody’s car drove in, several people ran towards it.“It looks like they’re camping around here to wait for Gwen.” Emily sighed.Cody chuckled. “Well, apparently they still have this kind of freedom.”“As long as they do their job well and don’t cause problems, then we allow almost anything, basically.” Emily got out of the car and spoke to them. “Sorry, guys. Gwen isn’t coming with us.”They complained of disappointment,
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72 – Like a Leader
One day passed after Cody’s arrival in the colony. He pretended to be patrolling there by going around the colony area.The man paused upon finding the territory’s expansion. Some people are building a protective wall outside the colony, but still connected to the main wall. Furthermore, he observed a much greater number of people compared to his previous visit.“I hope this peace will last for a long time.” Shawn, who accompanied Cody, took a deep breath. “I don’t want to encounter those strange zombie attacks or people suddenly becoming zombies again. Enough is enough. I’m tired and afraid.”“Yeah, even before the zombie outbreak, we have always wanted peace. It’s actually the same as those who live during war. It’s just that this time the entire world is experiencing it.” After saying that, Cody continued his steps.They both entered an emergency hospital for the colony. Shawn guided Cody
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73 – The Qualities
They continued walking until they finally arrived at an outdoor volleyball court in the colony. Several of Akira’s personal guards were some distance from them, watching. This made Cody feel Akira was no longer an ordinary person. “I want you to be here for a few more days, Cody.” Akira spoke while his back was to him. “This is to ensure that woman doesn’t create new zombies. If she still does it or does more, I ask for your help.” Cody shrugged. “No problem. But I feel you brought me here to talk about more than that, right?” “Did you know that there are strange zombies that differ from usual? They once attacked us. Have they attacked you, too?” Cody knew Akira was referring to Jane’s zombies. “I know that, and I even have a cooperative relationship with them. Don’t worry, I’ve asked them not to attack you.” Cody was telling the truth. Akira turned around and raised an eyebrow. “What? What did you say?” “Trust me Akira. We can never b
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74 – Similar One
Cody experienced burnout, but he needed to address this problem right away. It’s uncertain that this new zombie tree will be like Jane, which won’t kill Cody and his friends.It could be more aggressive and could cause major havoc.Cody drives his car with one of Jane’s zombies as a guide. Several other Jane’s zombies also ran behind the car.They were ready to fight.“Stop here.” The zombie gave an order.Cody stops the car, discovering a series of organic roots entangling the buildings. However, this time, he didn’t see an enormous tree like Jane’s.“They have spread much further than last we checked.” The zombie hissed.“You said you guys would die if you got too close to that part of the tree, huh?” Cody found several rotting corpses of Jane’s zombies in the root area. “That’s why Jane asked for my help?”“As usual, mother will provide ade
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75 – Different Mother
Valerie’s zombie moves again, and its mother raises her head. The woman laughed and the wounds on her body released the bullets lodged in her body.“You think you can beat me that easily!?” Valerie keeps laughing. “I’ve defeated other system users many times! No one has ever come close to defeating me!”Cody tried to stay calm and assess the situation. One fact remains. Valerie was still only controlling one zombie.The tentacled zombie still entangled and attacked Cody’s zombie many times. Then, Cody used his liquify skill again, making the zombie melt.“What are you doing!?” Valerie gasped, and Cody didn’t know if she meant it.He just needs to focus on getting all of this done. He controlled the zombies, which were still in liquid form in various directions to confuse the tentacled zombies.Then, as they solidify, tentacled zombies attack them. However, there were only two of them.Anot
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76 – Dilemma
Once he arrived at the farm, Cody found traces of the fight as burned parts of the ground. No charred zombie corpses could be found in that location, though. Maybe Helena and Gwen, or Jane’s zombies, have cleaned it up.Fortunately, their small house was still intact without the slightest damage. But that doesn’t mean Cody could just relax. He jumped from the car and rushed in.“Oh, Cody.” Gwen smiled weakly at that man. “Welcome back.”“Are you okay?” Cody asked her, looking her body up and down. “I heard from one of Jane’s zombies. You guys got attacked by zombies that can breathe fire, right?”Gwen’s smile widened, but Cody could see hints of sadness on her face.“Well, I’m fine, but I can’t say the same for my sister.” Gwen was still smiling.“Where is she?” Cody asked and Gwen led him to a room.“Hi, Champ.” Helena greeted wh
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77 – The Knock
Cody looked at the pile of zombie corpses between the trees. They were Jane’s reward after Cody beat Valerie.Cody barely managed to level up two levels, and he chose two skills.[Zombie awakener Lv2: You can restore the consciousness of a zombie. Can only be done twice per day][Zombie torturer: You can inflict extreme pain on one zombie]Will just one level of torturer skill be enough? Does he need to raise it once more? Maybe Cody won’t know until rebels emerge in his community he would build.He couldn’t bear to try it on the reawakened zombies. To him, they had returned to being human.If he used it on Jane’s special zombies, Cody wasn’t sure it would be effective as an experiment. They were never ordinary people, after all.In fact, Cody is still not sure whether his decision to build a community was the right one.But that was all he could think about for now. He hasn’t found another s
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78 –Humanity’s Problem
Cody headed in the direction pointed by the zombie, then hid behind a tree and used binoculars to check the camp in question.He found a few tents with several zombies surrounding them to guard. Five people doing activities around the tent.“Why didn’t your mother do something about them and instead tell us?” Cody asked the special zombie who was accompanying him.“Mother wants you to assess the situation because you are the one who is closer.” The zombie explained. “Maybe you want to collaborate with them or do something else.”Maybe Jane still wants to maintain Cody’s mood in their collaboration, even though the zombie tree has much greater power.“I will talk to them.” Cody said. “But I wouldn’t do it directly. Can you inform your mother? Ask if I can possess your body? I can’t do that to my zombies. I need them.”“Are you able to possess the zombies controlled
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79 – One Sided
“Can’t we just persuade them to join?” Gwen held back her tears after hearing Cody’s story about Eddy’s group.Meanwhile, Helena closed her eyes. “No comment.”“I don’t know if we can survive if they attack.” Cody’s lips trembled. “They have a lot of troops and I don’t know their strategy yet. I won’t take the chance. We must attack first, or we will die.”Even though he hates it, Cody admits that over time, he has become similar to Akira. He will do everything he can to defend his home and protect those closest to him.“I always say that your guts are always right, Cody.” A single tear fell from Gwen’s eye. “I guess I just haven’t gotten used to the killings yet.”“I know that.” A long sigh escaped Cody’s mouth. “This time I will not justify my actions any more. If you think it’s wrong, so be i
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80 – An Invitation
“Our mother said she agreed not to send her child here for a while.” The zombie who accompanied Cody raided Eddy’s camp explained in the morning. “She understands your mind may be exhausted.”Cody sighed. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”Helena, having just left the house, approached the zombies tied up outside the room. “So many zombies.”“There are thirty-nine in total. Some of them died because of the fighting. Their friends’ fire burned some of them, and then there are some other incidents.” Cody approached that woman.“You will return all of their consciousnesses?” Helena noticed they had no legs.“I do not know yet.”Helena narrowed her eyes at the three zombies with many legs attached. “You kept their legs alive even though they were separated from their bodies?”Cody shrugged. “Yeah, it’s ridiculous, but I think it’s the m
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