All Chapters of The mysterious identity of the useless son-in-law: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
140 chapters
Chapter 131
Mr. Eugen took the contract and turned to leave.“Kelly, you're great. Not helping Tarver's house but helping outsiders. Next, I want to see if you can still face your grandmother and everyone in Tarver's house." Dylan left a sentence and left.Kelsey and Peal were already afraid of peeing their pants so they quickly left there.In the office, it's a lot quieter.Seeing Kelly still stunned, Ketki was speechless: “Kelly, are you stupid? Tarver's house doesn't care about you. Mr. Eugen is right, Tarver's house always takes advantage of and oppresses you. You don't need to blame yourself. In this world, there is only Mr. Wycliffe who treats you well. You don't need to worry about the future anymore, just move forward courageously."Ketki's words were very sharp, Kelly felt much more comfortable after hearing: "Yes, as long as Mr. Wycliffe always supports me, what do I have to worry about?" Ketki smiled and said: "That's right. Now what we need to do urgently is to develop ourselves well
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Chapter 132
Many people around came to watch and talk.“Captain Azaria was slapped in the face by his useless son-in-law Justin. Justin is so arrogant.”"Relying on his wife as general manager, he has the right to be here, which makes Mrs. Kelly lose face."“Damn it, do you dare to hit me?" Azaria angrily raised his fist to strike forward, but as a result, Justin kicked him to the ground, he fell like a dead dog.After that, Justin didn't even look at him and went straight to the elevator.Behind him, Azaria's screams were heard: "Arrogant boy, wait there. I won't let you go that easily. I have to call and report you."---Entering Kelly's office, Justin once again saw his wife.Kelly wore a pencil skirt, sitting in a chair drafting documents. There was an almost empty coffee cup next to her. Justin placed a fresh cup of coffee next to her.Kelly unconsciously picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip. Then she felt something was wrong. She raised her head to look at Justin, raising her eyebrows
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Chapter 133
“What is the use of being weak? It's best to let him make a big deal out of it, in the end, he's the only one who gets fired." Justin didn't think so: "I beat him because I want him to not be arrogant at the hospital in the future, and not be allowed to bully the weak. Know when to stop. Otherwise, he won't be able to work at the hospital anymore."Anselm couldn't believe it and said: "Justin, you're talking too exaggeratedly. This time you're wrong, right? The bigger he makes it, the more unkind it is to you."“You're very young." Justin made him a cup of tea, took a sip, and said: "The more he makes a big deal out of it, it will only make Kelly and Ketki hate him. Right or wrong is no longer important at that time. The hospital requires order and stability, not causing trouble every day."The more Anselm listened, the more surprised he became.“There are many things, right or wrong is not important at all. What matters is how the leader feels." Justin said every word.Anselm thought
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Chapter 134
Justin and Vera got in the car and went straight to the Phoenix villa.On the road, Vera's expression was very impatient: “Justin, I bothered you this time, I'm sorry. My grandfather's condition suddenly worsened. Many doctors came but could not help him. They all thought my grandfather was dying. I remember you said before that grandpa's illness cannot be cured, so I can only come to bother you.”“It's okay, I'll go see Mr. Bailey first." Justin's impression of Vera is not bad, his impression of Mr. Bailey is also very good. Currently, when Mr. Bailey is in trouble, Justin also volunteers to help.Phoenix Villa, No. 5.This place is located near the top of the mountain, the view is extremely favorable, the area is quite large, like a fairyland on earth, everything you need is there.Dozens of equally luxurious cars stopped in front of the big gate.As soon as he entered the gate, Justin immediately felt the extremely solemn atmosphere.Two bodyguards wearing black suits guard the do
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Chapter 135
But people who can calmly face death like Mr. Bailey are very rare.Only people with hearts of steel trained over hundreds of years are calm enough to face death.Mr. Bailey gritted his teeth and smiled: “I know I don't have much time left, and I don't expect you to be able to cure me. Before I go, I just wanted to see you.”Justin suddenly felt speechless: “Mr. Bailey, don't say that. I'm still waiting for you to go practice early in the morning and fight together. Don't give up hope."Mr. Bailey smiled, his voice growing more and more whispery: “Kenelm, Atticus.”The two of them knelt on the ground and at the same time clasped their hands and said: "Father, what advice do you have?"When Justin heard these two names, he frowned slightly.Mr. Kenelm and Mr. Atticus are the two best people of the second generation of Bailey's house. They both hold power and manage most of Bailey's house's assets today. These are truly classy characters. Even a big boss like Mr. Abraham can only be on
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Chapter 136
If one were to completely transform energy, the energy that could be generated equal to the square of the speed of light multiplied by body weight could level a large country.How great can human potential be?The scope of human imagination is limited to the world of science.Is there anything in the world before us that is impossible?Mr. Bailey smiled bitterly and said: “If you want to heal my wound, only a strong person of this level can do it. You said my injury could be cured, so I thought, you have met this kind of powerhouse.” Justin didn't hide: "That's right."Mr. Bailey said: “You're great, it's just a shame my body can't hold on anymore. I have a request before me, I hope you agree."Justin said, "Please keep talking."He said. “Our family is one of five large families in this city, controlling the entire city's transportation system. Boat centers, transport ships, elevated railways, etc. are controlled by our family, all are under my authority. If I fall, the remaining fo
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Chapter 137
“Mortimer, shut me up. Grandpa passed away peacefully, don't talk nonsense in front of grandpa's remains." Vera almost roared.Mortimer pointed at Justin and said coldly: "Grandpa is still safe and sound. Not long after he arrived, Grandpa passed away. He killed Grandpa."“Shut up. Thanks to Justin coming here, our grandfather was able to convey his last will, so he passed away peacefully.” Normally Vera was very afraid of Mortimer, but right now she couldn't think too much about it.At that moment, Mr. Atticus spoke up and asked: "Vera, whether good or bad, you are also a member of Bailey's house, why do you talk about helping outsiders?"Hearing that, Vera became silent.The tall and strong Mr. Kenelm asked: “Why did my father kneel before this child before he returned to heaven? Did he do anything to my father?”As soon as Mr. Kenelm asked that, everyone's attention turned to this issue.They couldn't accept it, why did Mr. Bailey, who was often considered a god on high, suddenly k
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Chapter 138
Having finished everything, Justin hugged Mr. Bailey, put him on the bed, and then covered the old man with a blanket.In front of the dead, normal people will be terrified.Even if it is the closest older person, children, and grandchildren will still feel scared when they see that person's body.But Justin is someone who often witnesses death. He does not feel fear, but on the contrary, has the highest respect for the deceased.Every move of Justin makes everyone here feel surprised, even touched.Justin raised the brocade box in his hand: "From now on, the seal of Bailey's house will be held by me, and everything of Bailey's house will be managed by me. In the future, until Bailey's house overcomes their difficulties and gets back on track, I will find a suitable person from Bailey's house and return the seal with both hands."“What nonsense. What qualifications does an outsider like you have to keep the seal on our house? This time you came here to take over the property, right?"
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Chapter 139
Bailey's house is different from the family style like Westwood's house.This difference is not only shown in the level of wealth but more importantly, it is also shown in life and background.This "terrible" type, only when you fight it will you know how terrible it is.Before that, with just one sentence, Justin had asked Mr. Abraham to evict Westwood's house from Union xxx.But it's not that simple if he wants to hold Bailey’s house.Even Mr. Abraham couldn't help much.Justin had to act on his own.Mr. Bailey is still in the process of worshiping, his bones have not yet cooled, so Justin does not dare to make a big deal about it. Furthermore, he still had to protect Bailey's house. In an urgent situation, it is difficult to act. He still needs to prepare more. ---The June sun is scorching.At noon, Justin went to the cemetery alone with a bottle of wine and worshiped Mr. Tarver."Grandpa, I'm here to invite you to drink."Justin took out two glasses and filled them one by one.H
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Chapter 140
Mrs. Yashashree gritted her teeth and said angrily, "That's right. No matter how big his connections are, if he dies, there will be nothing left. He has caused our family to lose two-thirds of its assets and also made my son a cripple. I have to make him pay with his life to relieve the hatred in my heart. Only by destroying him can our family rejoin the xxx Union." Mr. Walter said thoughtfully, "What I'm worried about now is whether Garrick can defeat Justin. If he can't defeat Justin and Justin attacks us again, then we're done for." Previously, Justin had caused the Westwood family to lose two-thirds of its assets with just one sentence. Justin's power made even big people like Mr. Walter tremble in fear. What made Mr. Walter feel lucky was that Justin only chased them out of Union xxx this time and didn't make any further moves, otherwise, Mr. Walter would worry that the Westwoods would no longer exist. Mrs. Yashashree said: "Let Garrick challenge Justin in his name. That w
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