All Chapters of The Elevation Of August Steve: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
129 chapters
Mr. Doe Is Unconscious
Tina panicked as Don Maxino’s eyes remained fixed on her, demanding an answer. She considered revealing that they had met at a cafeteria while she was with August. However, she feared that Don Maxino might become enraged remembering the incident from that day—when he had been forced to break his own son's hand. Tina was still bewildered by why Don Maxino was so fearful of August and complied with all his demands.The best option to think of was to deny they had not met before. “No—no We’ve not met before, I think you are mistaken,” she stammered.“She? There is no way you could’ve possibly met her before. You are surely mistaking her for someone else,” Boris snorted with disdain. “Her father is not as significant as mine, more reason why her mother should take my punishment. I have an idea, why don’t you spare me and I’ll go talk to my dad, He will definitely listen to me and return all the money he backstabbed you and refuse to share with you thirty years ago,” Boris said slyly.Don
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Mr. Harrington's Call
****At the Gibson’s grand mansion, August and Mr Kane were seated in the living room. Mr Kane was enlightening him about the things he was yet to know about the Gibson family; their businesses, the people acquainted with the family, his grandfather, parents...As they discussed on, Mr Kane’s phone shrilled. He frowned and ignored the phone completely when he realized who was calling. But in as much as he ignored the call, the person at the other did not stop calling.“Your phone is ringing, Mr Kane why won’t you answer it?” August asked intriguingly.“Young master, the call is not worth a response in your presence, it is no one of significance. It is Mr Harrington, he only calls when he is in help and needs help. I wonder what trouble he is in now. But I’ve given him enough help, he’ll have to deal with this one by himself,” Mr Kane snorted dismissively.Harrington? Was that not Boris’ last name? Boris used his family’s last name to brag in every twenty minutes, why would August not
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What Happened Here?
“I guess its Aurora Diamonds, that’s the only store I know that is owned by Don Maxino,” Mr Kane disclosed, still puzzled.“Get a car to take me there, right now!” August instructed with a firm tone. Mr Kane could not understand why August wanted to go to the store all of a sudden, but seen his facial expression, he knew best not to ask questions. “On it young master, but would you not want me to come with you?” Mr Kane inquired.August shot him a glare and turned him down with a shrug, “No, I can handle it by myself,” he retorted.****Back at Aurora Diamonds the onlookers were horrified watching Don Maxino’s men slap Boris hard across his face. Though they had barely slapped him up twenty times, his face was all bruised and swollen with over 9980 slaps to go.Don Maxino glanced at his wrist, “come on boys, what the hell!” he yelped with a temper. “Is it that hard to give a powerful slap? You boys are rather romancing his face with those baby slaps. For goodness sake, someone hit th
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I Am Your Friend
“Forgive me for not recalling she was the lady with you at the cafeteria that day,” Don Maxino continued to plead, his voice trembling uncontrollably.He then gestured at his men, “you fools, what are you still doing there standing? Come kneel and plead for forgiveness from the young Gibson, you have slapped his friends face till it’s swollen. Beg for his mercy lest he have all your hands cut off!” August was not actually mad at Don Maxino and his men. Infact he was excited that they taught Boris a lesson he’ll live to remember, he deserved it!“Friend?” August sneered as he turned his gaze towards Boris. Though he had only been slapped for a few times his face had become swollen and shapeless, he looked like a swine at the moment. He couldn’t raise to his feet, he remained on the floor groaning in pain. “He is not my friend,” August dismissed. “He-he isn’t your friend?” Don Maxino stammered out, his face turning back menace. “If this bastard is not friends with the young Gibson, I’
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Blood Donor
At the hospital where Mrs Doe was taken, Tina panted on the corridor in front of the room. She paced back and forth several times, her shoe clinking on the ceramic tile. She and her mom have been apart for seven years, she had just return home with George barely a week ago, she would feel terrible and devastated if something were to happen to her.As she continued to ponder in front of the hospital room, the door finally opened and a doctor and a nurse emerged. “Doctor, please tell me my mom is okay, please tell me she is fine and out of danger. Please tell me that,”. Tina persuaded keenly.“Relax, Tina,” the doctor sighed. “I can’t lie to you, I’ll be frank with you: your mom is stable for now but I can’t promise you she is out of danger,” the doctor disclosed.“But why? You are the doctor, it is your duty to make sure she is alright and out of danger. What is this you are telling me now, that you can’t do your job?” she asked devastatingly.“It is not like that, my dear Tina,” the
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At Last, A Donor!
Tina might’ve been friends with Mia for a very long time but it seems she was not quite aware of who her son called friend truly was.“Will you stop it there with your nonsense. I’m a business woman, and I keep away emotions away when handling businesses, what if she played motherly role in my life when I lost my mom as a child. Did I ask her to that? Don’t make it sound like I owe her a thing cause I don’t!” She spat callously.Tina was stunned to hear that from Mia. While they were both six years ago, Tina lost her mom and her father was up and down with business that he couldn’t have time to read her bed time stories nor pick her up from school or play any motherly role in her life.When Tina’s mom discovered this, she brought Tina to come stay with them for over three years where she took care of her like she were her own flesh and blood.But now that an opportunity presented itself for her to return the good deeds the woman did form her when she was still a child, she seems not t
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Boris With His Lies Again
His words lit a little form of light in Tina. “You’re O-?” she startled, her face beginning to gleam bright. “Are you sure you of what you are saying. How is it possible that you are O-?” she tried to doubt his words.“What are you saying Tina? I’ve been donating free blood to the hospital for over three years now. I know exactly what my blood group is, I’m O-negative,” August explained.“That’s great!” Tina exclaimed in excitement, a profound smile crawling her face. “Thank goodness, August, you’re an angel right now. Quickly, let’s go to the doctor and tell him I’ve found a donor,” Tina excited, led the way as they headed to the doctor’s office.The thirty minutes had already elapsed and the doctor was also leaving his office to come prepare Tina for a bone marrow transplant, they met on the walkway. Tina excitingly disclosed to the doctor that August was O-negative and is capable of donating blood to save her mother.The doctor arranged for August’s blood group testing and screeni
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Truth Vs Lie
“Bo-Boris brought you to the hospital? What are you saying mom?” her eyes widened in disbelief.“Don’t you dare lie to me Tina?” she warned her index finger pointed towards her daughter with a temper. “I can’t believe you hate Boris this much to deny his good deeds, when he is the reason why you are still alive. He told me everything, so you better not try to fill my head with nonsense towards my believed son in-law her voice menacing towards her own daughter.“W-what did he tell you?” Tina asked her brows raised.“When I passed out when Don Maxino’s men were about to slap me five thousand times. My courageous son wouldn’t let them touch me, he got into physical altercation with Don make and his men, courageously exchanging punches with them— a five on one, where he got this bruises on his face.Though he did not completely over power them, he was able to keep them up to protect you and me till his father and his men arrived. When Mr Harrington arrived, Don Maxino was trembling on his
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End Of Boris
Mrs Doe was exasperated, she jumped out from her hospital bed and swung her hand forcefully into August’s face.“You filthy swine! How dare you slap my son-in-law and label him a liar? You’ve crossed the line this time!” she growled angrily, her words filled with rage.“Mom? While did you slap August?” Tina protested quickly. “He has done absolutely nothing wrong by slapping Boris. This jerk deserves all the slaps in this world— he’ s despicable!” Tina spat angrily, her eyes scowling at Boris.“Shut up will you. Another word from you against Boris and I’ll slap you too,” Mrs Doe warned her daughter sternly, her brows furrowed.Boris covered his face where August slapped him and chuckled secretly. Not only had he deceived Mrs Doe into believing him, he also got her into defending him even against her own child.But Tina couldn’t shut it, she would rather receive a thousand slaps than let Boris take all the credits for what August did. Her blood boiled as she clearly recalled how Boris
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Shady Business
Tina had just finished the third consecutive bottle of water within the space of thirty minutes. Her mind was a to and fro of questions. “What if they don’t like my proposals? Dad will be disappointed!”Her father, Mr. John Doe, was away on a month-long business trip, leaving her to represent the company during one of its most critical moments. The opportunity to partner with a new PC company in Aurora Bay, launched by a young billionaire, was too significant to ignore.Tina adjusted her blazer, her mind racing with the details of the proposal she had presented earlier that day. The young billionaire was launching a cutting-edge PC company, and he needed an audio partner to produce the sound systems for his devices. Though her father was not around, Tina won’t Miss the opportunity to grab the eye catchy partnership. Many other audio companies were similarly in the race for the partnership. At the presentation, she clearly saw other big audio companies presented their proposals, includ
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