All Chapters of Franklin the Secret Courier : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
170 chapters
Chapter 71
Clara listened as Franklin explained in detail about his relationship with Reyna. A relationship based on love. However, Franklin also didn't know why, after he put in all his efforts for Reyna, she ended up betraying their love.Franklin sacrificed a lot of money and energy to help Reyna, who wanted to become a famous model. He drove Reyna to interviews, even having to sacrifice his work hours to take her to her destinations.Not only that, Franklin also had to set aside his wages to buy suitable clothes for Reyna to hang out with her fellow model friends. Franklin spent a lot of his money to maintain the prestige in his girlfriend's life.Hearing all of Franklin's explanation, Clara wondered. She didn't expect Franklin to have such a bitter and suffocating love story."Didn't you ask why that slut cheated?""She told me in front of many people that I couldn't give her anything, so she chose Steven."Clara was stunned to hear Franklin's answer. "Didn't she see all your sacrifices? I'
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Chapter 72
Franklin entered a room filled with fitness equipment. In his house, there were many facilities that could be used by all residents without exception. However, this was the first time Franklin could enjoy a room typically used for muscle training.The man faced the long mirror in front of him. He took off the short-sleeved shirt that had been covering half of his body. Franklin examined his physique, which only needed a little more work to achieve the desired shape."Looking at the bodies of the Silver Clack members, I guess I should be like them too."Franklin knew a little about how to use the various types of fitness equipment. He started with easy movements, but his body could feel the effects. Franklin might make exercise a routine now that his current life could meet all his needs.The man trained his muscles well for two hours in that room. Although it was his first time exercising after a long break, Franklin was still strong enough for an extended workout. His main purpose fo
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Chapter 73
Hearing his sister Vina's story, Franklin struggled to contain his anger. He couldn't believe Reyna had returned everything he'd given her while they were dating. All his efforts to obtain those valuable items had been quietly returned by Reyna.Franklin felt deeply insulted. It was like facing the greatest humiliation Reyna could give. Not just betrayal, but his efforts now felt wasted. Now, Franklin had no reason to give Reyna another chance. His decision was final."Maybe your career needs to be destroyed so you'll hate me and our relationship will truly be over."Franklin opened his social media and saw his ex-girlfriend's account, which was very good at introducing her to the public. She appeared like an ordinary woman, when in fact she was nothing but unfaithful and obsessed with wealth."You're very good at building a personal brand on social media, Rey."Reyna seemed like a fairy or even an angel, with people praising her as a talented model. It could be said that Reyna was fa
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Chapter 74
"Have you lost your mind?"Franklin stared into Clara's eyes as she glared at him. Slowly, her eyes widened and her grip on Franklin's shoulders tightened. Franklin doubted his shoulders could withstand much more pressure before his bones would crack."I won't look at you, Clara. You just need to act like we're together. I know this seems childish at our age. But this juvenile tactic is perfect for igniting Reyna's anger," Franklin persuaded. "I still remember what she said - Reyna won't let me be with anyone else."Clara's eyes narrowed, and she loosened her grip on Franklin's shoulders. She took a deep breath and exhaled as if expelling all of life's burdens."Should the messages I type also contain annoying talk? Like what girls do when fighting over a guy?"Franklin nodded, the smile on his face indicating Clara had guessed correctly. "Disgusting," Clara muttered with a shudder."But if you object, that's fine. I'm causing you too much trouble anyway, right?"Franklin's expressio
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Chapter 75
Reyna never imagined her career would be ruined by a screenshot of thousands of messages sent to Franklin. The man who was once her lover used his opportunity as part of the Cendana Family. After Reyna's visit to Franklin's house, surveillance camera footage showing her anger was spread to the media by Franklin.The man wrote messages that swayed public opinion, saying that Reyna was a stalker who was disturbing him because of her brutal behavior in coming to Franklin's residence. All media naturally focused on Reyna, who was also known as a talented model. Although her modeling career was still new, the woman had already stood out when she joined a major agency that recruited her.News portals were buzzing with Reyna's name, which was now labeled as "Woman Obsessed with Cendana Family Heir." Published articles also mentioned that Reyna was too bold for messing with the Cendana family. The news written in a style that cornered one side made Reyna even more furious."What the hell is t
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Chapter 76
"No wonder Clara has been avoiding me lately. Turns out she was caught by Vina."Franklin wiped his sweaty forehead. Last night, Vina had interrogated him as if she were the eldest and fit to advise Franklin. The misunderstanding occurred because Franklin had left the area in front of his room and gone to another room.So, there was nothing to prevent Vina from coming to Franklin's room. And finally, a very embarrassing moment happened for Clara. Vina entered without knocking and saw Clara's condition, which briefly looked like she wasn't wearing clothes.Clara and Vina screamed instantly. In that very large house, Franklin certainly didn't hear the shrill sound coming from his room. There were only two servants who approached Vina because they were surprised to hear the scream of their employer's child.The atmosphere became awkward, and Clara immediately spoke to explain the misunderstanding that Vina was thinking about.She said that night, "Wait, wait, this isn't what you think, V
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Chapter 77
Without asking permission, Franklin took one of Clara's cigarettes that was placed on the building ledge. He lit it with a match and inhaled deeply, exhaling white smoke that was carried away by the wind. The woman beside him didn't say a word; she had only smoked three of her own cigarettes since they'd been there."Clara—""Honestly, I don't have the face to confront your family anymore!"Franklin turned quickly, confused by Clara's sudden outburst. Although he had come to discuss the same thing, Franklin had intended to bring it up after their conversation warmed up."Vina... must have told your mother. There's clearly a misunderstanding here, Franklin." Clara's face looked sour. "Why did you let her in?"Franklin shook his head, took another drag of his cigarette, and replied, "I didn't know Vina had come in."Franklin was telling the truth. Clara didn't argue because the honesty on Franklin's face was clear. Besides, Clara wouldn't believe it if Franklin lied about something."I'
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Chapter 78
Charles[Honey, I'm sorry for being too busy here.]Clara, who was just about to close her eyes, woke up when her phone vibrated—indicating a new message. As hoped, it was her brother, who she had been waiting to hear from for the past few days, now giving her a reply.Clara[I'm coming to Russia tomorrow. No need to pick me up, just send me your new address. There's something I need to discuss.]Charles[Alright, but I don't allow you to come alone to this country.]Clara stared at her phone screen for a moment. She was confused about how to respond to her brother's warning. Although his concern was meaningful and justified, Clara still felt uncomfortable being escorted by the guards working for Silver Clack.Clara[Don't worry. My identity as the heir to Silver Clack is still very well-guarded, Brother. So, there's very little chance people could find out about me.]Charles[Don't argue, Clara. Just do as I say.]Clara didn't reply anything else. She put her phone on the edge of her
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Chapter 79
The cold of Moscow didn't stop Clara from daydreaming alone on her apartment balcony. She left the window to her room wide open. Charles' shocking confession, something Clara never imagined, now confirmed Silver Clack's involvement in Mr. Smith's murder - Franklin's father."What should I do?"Clara took a deep breath, looking utterly resigned. Part of her was angry at her brother. But her greater love for him made it difficult to unleash that anger. As Silver Clack's successor, Clara was unsure how to use her power."Franklin could never understand all this. He'd be furious if he knew Silver Clack was involved in Mr. Smith's murder."Even though Charles explained his reasons for agreeing to Frans' request back then - his youth and inability to make wise decisions, plus an obsession with violence without considering other aspects to develop.That's why Charles faced violations that enraged Silver Clack's elders and important figures. Leadership was vacant as Clara was still being groo
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Chapter 80
The woman with graying hair finally met Clara in a quiet place. She brought nothing except a picture belonging to Charles, left behind when he killed Eden's pilot. Karina handed it over silently. She knew Clara was in a bad emotional state."Come back the day after tomorrow. It's too tiring to head to New York tonight, isn't it?"Karina stopped when Clara spoke behind her. Looking confused, she replied, "I don't have much time to rest here without doing anything, Miss.""Were you—oh, no, don't continue yesterday's case, Karina." Clara quickly corrected her order when she realized Karina's meaning.Karina was silent for a moment, struggling to ask Clara a question. Sensing Karina's thoughts, Clara spoke up."Isn't it clear who was involved in Mr. Smith's murder?"Karina glanced at Clara's hand holding her small photo. The older woman finally nodded, trying not to argue. Karina also believed Charles was guilty of the murder years ago. However, she was just an ordinary member who joined
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