All Chapters of The Rise of the Urban God: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
308 chapters
Brianna teleported over to him in a flash and thrust both the daggers this time. “Double Heavenly Bolt!”Ulmer used both of his palms to block the dagger. He was pushed back by the powerful energy, and there was the emperor’s barrier behind him. He was sandwiched between two opposing forces.The audience could feel vibrations filling their bodies and making their hearts shake. This gave the feeling of a dozen thunders striking at the same time somewhere close to you. The feeling of shock was indescribable for most of the onlookers. Many of them had never experienced such an oppressive feeling before that made them feel helpless. It was like they were up against a natural disaster, and what scared them even more was the fact that they were only experiencing the little bit of shockwaves that were passing through the barrier.It wasn't that the emperor couldn’t have stopped those vibrations from passing through his barrier, but he chose not to do that as he wanted to let the weakened sou
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Everyone in the audience stands eagerly awaited the emperor’s response.Mirianne and her family members looked a little anxious because the emperor’s word was final. If the emperor were to say that Ulmer needs to be punished, then nobody would be able to save him.At the same time, Ayana and her family members looked very worried. Ayana, in particular, had a frown on her face as she remembered Ulmer telling her that he entered the city on his own. And nobody questioned him because there was no disturbance in the barrier that surrounded Syslon.As many in the audience murmured to one another, the emperor, Dylan, took his time before saying, “He does have the permission to step foot in our empire.”Everyone went silent after that statement.Brianna frowned. (I wasn’t expecting him to say that. Does he know this guy in some fashion? Wait, the fact that Oscar supported him also makes things questionable. Just who the hell is he for SAC to be supporting him when it doesn’t look like it’s b
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Seeing the mask cracking, Brianna snorted. “You did well moving out of the attack’s path. I was trying to pierce your heart, but I only managed to pierce your shoulder. Nevertheless, in a few more hits, you’ll be finished. But before that, let me first see your damn face.”Brianna leaped forth and summoned another dagger instantly. “Emperor’s Dance!” She spun through the air, creating a dozen whirling figures, all of which seemed very real. And daggers were shot out through those whirling figures.Dozens of daggers came flying at Ulmer, forcing him to keep dodging. Some managed to graze past him, but some pierced his flesh. “Dammit. Their speeds are all different, and they are changing directions in midair. How the hell is she doing it? What sort of a crazy martial art is this?”Ulmer focused his spiritual energy into his fists and put all his focus into deflecting the daggers. But then the daggers flew back toward him with increased speed.Ulmer was forced to use all of his extreme a
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This wasn’t the first time Ulmer was rude toward the princess. And it astonished everyone again, even more so this time because mocking a royal was something that nobody with a working brain would do.Many people tried to look at the emperor and the other royals to see how they were reacting. As usual, Dylan didn’t show any emotion on his face.However, Regina was gnashing her teeth, thinking to herself. (She’s someone who’s going to become my daughter-in-law and will become the empress. How can this bastard badmouth her like this? He surely doesn’t deserve to live. Why does my father not punish that fool? Why is he just letting him talk like that to his own granddaughter right before his eyes? Just what are you thinking right now, Dad?)Ulmer, on the other hand, looked rather amused. He could tell that the audience were pretty upset by his words. “It’s so funny that you people are so sensitive toward useless things, but you still do not care about a poor man’s needs. A common man’s hu
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“I will assure you…” Brianna summoned a sword this time. “Your death will not be pleasant.”Ulmer raised his hand and gestured to her to come at him.However, Brianna leaped high into the sky.Ulmer looked up. Brianna suddenly began to appear everywhere in the sky, and she was everywhere.“What the…” Ulmer was startled. “Is she slipping through space? She looks like she’s present at hundreds of different places at the same time. And they’re not after images, but she’s present at all those places. That’s one crazy technique.”“That’s one of the emperor’s signature moves!” Many royal knights had their eyes light up in awe. “The ninth form of Emperor Arts… Space Glide!”“Mm…” the emperor Dylan didn’t look that surprised. “It’s a skill that can be learned from repeatedly teleporting in a complex pattern. I didn’t teach her that skill, though. She learned it herself. Commendable. Now, how are you going to react to that, Knight Beater? Mm?” Dylan squinted his eyes as Brianna charged her swo
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“Mm?” Just then, Zebron’s ear flickered. His gaze locked toward the hole in the colosseum battleground. “Something’s coming.”“I don’t feel anything,” Rever said. “What is coming?”Zebron dashed forth and snuck through the emperor’s barrier just as a massive creature burst out of the hole and went straight after the princess who was floating above that giant hole.It was a colossal worm with thick, hard shells on its body.“I-Is that a dragonworm?!” The royal knights and the nobles were shocked because it was an extremely nasty creature that was known to eat almost anything from animals and humans to even metal and dirt.The dragonworm was very fast. Though Brianna was surprised, she was about to react to defend herself. However, someone else intervened.“Dragon Thrust!” Zebron thrust his sword and also swirled it through the air, which released a powerfully sharp shockwave that burst a hole through the midsection of the dragonworm, making it scream and writhe in pain.Its scream was
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The dragonworm aggressively sucked everything in its sight, creating a pulling vortex in front of its mouth which was even visible to the naked eye.Not just Ulmer, but also Zebron and Brianna were also pulled into its mouth. The emperor’s barrier also began to crack and break, and the people in the audience stands were also getting pulled out of their places.“Beat the ones on the side and give way for people to escape!” Oscar shouted.Neodus, Regina, the royal knights, and other powerful characters fought the rest of the dragonworms that surrounded the colosseum.Many knights rushed and attacked the dragonworm in the center, but their attacks barely left scars on its thick outer shell.“H-How’s this possible?” Even the knights in their level 80s were only able to do little against this mighty monster.Just then, Oscar punched the dragonworm in the belly. “Hell Hitter!”A massive flame burst through its muscles and exploded its body from within, causing it to shatter to pieces.Ulme
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At the colosseum.Neodus was repeatedly punching a dragonworm like a maniac and took it to the sky with him, leaving many people astonished. His raw strength was what made him very popular among the ladies, and he was once again living up to his name.“Instead of focusing on helping people escape, he’s busy enjoying himself,” Dracarius said. “I don’t like him, but he’s someone I can’t make an enemy out of.”Dracarius’ High Knight, Nirvan, was fighting another dragonworm, albeit with Mobel the Armored Knight’s help. They received more help from others, though only Nirvan was able to injure the scary-tough beast. He had to be in the front and lead others. After he injured its scales, the others used that opportunity to damage the dragonworm as much as they could. Their tactic was simple, but because of a master fighter like Nirvan, it was still effective.Regina, on the other hand, was fighting a dragonworm alone. “Marionette.” She used her skill to stop the beast in its tracks.Her pin
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At Ayana’s house.Ayana and others were inside the house, looking quite anxious because they could see that their opponent was Alveron.Though they couldn’t see his face, Ulmer’s clone had already told them that it was Alveron and to not come out of the house no matter what happens.Dustin wanted everyone to go into the basement and hide there, but Ayana didn’t agree. She wanted to see the fight between Ulmer’s clone and Alveron.“Who sent you, Alveron?” Ulmer’s clone asked. “Was it Brianna?”Alveron was surprised that he was easily seen through. “You’re as dangerous as she said. But I just reached level 93 yesterday,” Alveron said, “thanks to Princess’ help. I feel like really testing my strength right now. Why don’t we move to a different location so we can let loose a bit?”Ulmer’s clone frowned.Alveron smiled and said, “Don’t worry. No one else other than me will come. It will be decided between just the two of us.”“You… Do you know why you were sent here?” Ulmer’s clone asked.
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Dozens of miles away from Ayana’s house.Ulmer’s clone and Alveron landed nearby a river. They were standing on either side of the river, staring at each other intensely.Ulmer’s clone had already seen Alveron’s attack once. He used his sword to create a destructive wind with just a mere swing of his sword. “You are certainly strong. You can erase a hill with but a swing of your sword.”“Why are you suddenly praising me now?” Alveron asked. “I’m not going to go easy on you or let your family go just because you try to suck up to me now.”“You know… not long ago… I was in love,” Ulmer’s clone said. “Whether my eyes were open or closed, I used to only see her face. I used to think about her before going to sleep every night. And she would be in my dreams, too. I believed that the entire world was a shitty place except for her. She felt like the reason for my birth. She was the only person I trusted in this world.”“What are you going on and on about with your untimely poetry?” Alveron a
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