All Chapters of The Rise of the Urban God: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
308 chapters
From the same evening, everyone in the Revers family began to renovate the restaurant.The locals initially thought they were closing the business due to Henry, but then they realized that the Revers family were just remodeling and renewing the restaurant.Previously, there was no name for this restaurant, but now, it was called Revers Joint. Ulmer even created a board for them by doing woodwork himself. He didn’t even use any tools but just did everything with his hands and fingers.Of course, he did it secretly so that the others wouldn’t get shocked.The nameboard was fixed at the top of the entrance. It was just the name carved into a plum wooden board, which also gave off a faint, sweet fragrance when wind brushed against it.The news reached Henry, and he got frustrated. But without knowing where and how exactly Ulmer earned so much money, he couldn’t just act recklessly anymore. So, he began to work to find out who created Ulmer’s bank account, and how he acquired 850 gold.Lat
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BRRAAEEWWW~~!!The old man burped so loudly that Ulmer could smell it, and his face warped in disgust, but he controlled himself, not wanting to look unprofessional.Nevertheless, the old man noticed Ulmer’s expression. “Young man… Do you have a problem with me?”“No,” Ulmer kept his reply short.“Then why do you look at me without blinking?” he asked.Ulmer kept staring at him without blinking.“U-Uncle, how are the dishes?” Robin asked the old man. “Are they good?”“Good?” he coldly glanced at her. “Good doesn’t do justice! These dishes are super! I haven’t eaten this much in a long time. I feel like I want to eat again. Since there’s a free board, can I come back tonight for another free meal?”“O-Of course,” Robin said.Ulmer, however, was barely holding his anger back. Though it was his idea that they should feed the people for free for one day to show them the quality of the food, he was not expecting such a shameless old man with a bottomless appetite to be the first customer.
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Later that day, exactly four customers came to the restaurant. All of them were old people who had grown accustomed to eating in this place.And all of them gave excellent reviews, and when they went home, they told their family members about the new dishes available in the restaurant. Their words made people drool.Though nobody came to the restaurant straight away, the incident that was going to take place that night would change everything.At night.Ulmer told Dustin, “I’ll be here, so you guys go home.”“No, I’ll be here. You should go home because Ayana will be waiting for you,” Dustin told him.“Uh, it’s fine, Father-in-law,” Ulmer said. “For this one night, I’ll be here.”“Are you sure?”“Yes.”“Since you insist on doing this… stay here, but not past ten o’clock,” Dustin said.Ulmer nodded.Dustin and Robin then took some food and went home.About two hours later. It was nearing ten o’clock, and most people in the neighborhood had long shut their doors and were probably sleepi
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“Hallowed Strike!”The armored knight swiftly slashed the long sword with a double-handed move, unleashing a blue flame that cut through the air and earth alike and struck Ulmer in the blink of an eye.It was supposed to slice through him and then cut the restaurant asunder.However, the fire slash somehow vanished before it hit Ulmer, leaving the knight utterly puzzled.The knight’s expression changed. “What did you do?”“That was dangerous,” Ulmer said. “How could you use an attack like that in a neighborhood where people live?”“If you don’t want to talk about it, then I’ll force you to show it again,” he slashed his sword again. “Hallowed Strike!”Ulmer didn’t even raise his hand, and the flame slash disappeared just before it hit him.Though the knight had seen it for a second time, he couldn’t understand how Ulmer did it. He had never seen anything like it, after all.“What the hell?” he frowned. “Are you using some kind of an ancient artifact? Are you a Systemo?”“Systemo? What
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“Twisting Launch of Exalted Phoenix Flame!” He swirled the long sword, creating a huge tunnel-shaped fire that flew into Ulmer like a living, breathing, and screaming phoenix!“Whoa!” Ulmer raised his hand and punched the phoenix flame, completely blasting it away in all directions.It sent a strong heat wave in every direction, making the walls and the ground crack from heat. Even the water in the stone tubs boiled.“That was hot!” Ulmer was blowing his hand.Mobel looked astonished. (Did he just punch my phoenix flame? How is that possible? My flames can’t be fought that way.) He had never seen someone fight his flames like they were nothing. “W-What system do you have?”“Why would I tell you something that’d better your chances of winning this fight?” Ulmer said. “But man, your flame attack was no joke. My hand still feels hot. It feels so much worse than when you touch hot cooking pots.”Mobel felt his ego hurting greatly because his phoenix flame attack was being compared to the
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Sixty percent of the food they made was sold the other day, so on this day, they prepared for only a little more than that, thanks to Dustin’s optimism.Even Ulmer said only sixty percent of the previous day should be cooked, but Dustin said that more people could come.And he was right as well as wrong.Because more people did come. In fact, a heck of a lot came to their restaurant. Too many to simply sit and eat in the restaurant. Ayana also had to come to serve the increased customers and keep up with the demand.And every single one of them was talking with Ulmer and asking him how he managed to fight off a knight!Their words shocked Dustin and Robin, but Ayana was surprised as much. Ever since she knew that Ulmer had 850 gold in his account, she guessed that he might be a system user, though she didn’t ask him about it.People asked Ulmer if he defeated the knight, and he told them that the knife just left. They took his words as if the knight got scared of Ulmer and left.“He s
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It was the busiest morning Dustin and Robin had experienced in a long, long time. They didn’t have the food to serve anymore, but the people just wouldn’t leave. They kept talking to him about this and that.Their excitement was understandable, but Ulmer had grown tired by the afternoon. And so did Ayana and her parents.They had to close the restaurant at noon and go home.Many people greeted and talked with them on their way home, and it didn’t really give a pleasant feeling for Ulmer anymore because these same people completely ignored Dustin and his family until today. Now that they knew Ulmer was a Systemo, they didn’t care about Henry anymore.Once they got home, Dustin had to tell everyone to give them some time to rest. If he hadn’t said those words, those people probably wouldn’t have let the Revers family be.Dustin closed the door and lastly entered the home.Everyone was sitting on the ground, with Suki and Kate smiling brightly as they sat on both sides of Ulmer, grabbing
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Ulmer and others rushed out of the house, and four flying chariots came down a smoky sky-road on a starlit night.Even the horses were decorated with cloth and gold ornaments, for all the chariot riders were High Knights.All the four of them were full-armored with gold and silver gear that made them look awing as well as intimidating.All of them had string-like feathers that were glowing in bright gold color like the brush of a painter.And their helmets and armor also had crystalline structures that covered their joints. These people did not have a single weak spot to exploit.Just their presence alone was enough to send shivers down the spines of everyone in the Revers family, except for Ulmer.Suki and Kate didn’t even dare to come out. They stood by the door and watched agape as the chariots stopped midair above the lawn of the Revers household.One of them jumped down and landed in the garden ever so silently, despite wearing heavy armor.Ulmer clenched his fist, ready to fight
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Ulmer didn’t say ‘Lord Dracarius’ but only ‘Dracarius.’Whether that was on purpose or not, the knights did not like it. They were more upset about that than the fact that Ulmer refused to join Dracarius’ side.Dustin quickly came to Ulmer and whispered, “It’s Lord Dracarius.”“The Revers family is no longer part of the noble family,” Nirvan said with a cold expression. “You are not allowed to call Lord Dracarius without honorifics. For disrespecting the lord, according to the moral code 4242, you are punishable by forty floggings.” He brought his hand to his right.One of the knights from above threw their whip, and it fell accurately in Nirvan’s hand.“Do you want to receive forty floggings?” Nirvan asked. “Or do you want me to talk about the fact that you let two criminals escape?”“I won a challenge agaisnt the night that came last night,” Ulmer replied. “By doing so, I earned the freedom for those criminals. That’s why you cannot punish me according to your law.”Nirvan smirked.
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The next morning.Revers Joint was opened as usual, and many customers visited the shop. They were more interested in the news than the food.“Is it true that four knights came to your house last night?”“Did your son-in-law agree to work under the noble then?”“It’s a great offer, so he must have taken up that offer with both hands, I’m sure.”“But is it true that your son-in-law got flogged yesterday? Is that why he didn’t come?”“He’s okay, isn’t he?”Lots of questions were asked, but neither Dustin nor Robin gave them straightforward answers.At Dustin’s home.Suki and Kate were both studying together. Suki was reading out loud, while Kate was writing with both hands.Ulmer had never seen someone write with both hands at the same time. Also, Kate was writing different things in two different books.“What are you writing?” Ulmer asked him.Kate said something in sign language which Suki didn’t understand.“So, you remember things by repeatedly writing about them, huh…” Ulmer smiled
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