All Chapters of The Rise of the Urban God: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
310 chapters
Seeing the frustration building on Ulmer’s face, Rick put one leg on top of another and sat confidently.“Do you realize what kind of a situation you’re in now?” Rick blurted. “And your situation is only going to get worse because a bounty was put on your head.”“A bounty?”“Yeah, you fought one of the Thorns, so what else did you expect?” Rick raised an eyebrow. “Soon, all of the underworld will be after you. All the assassins, hitmen, vampires, and even the stinky reptilians who don’t like revealing themselves will be after your ass for the whooping bounty that’s put on your head.”“How much bounty are we talking about?” Ulmer curiously asked.“A lot more than you can imagine,” Rick said. “My point is that the assassins will not hesitate to go after your family if they can’t get to you. You maybe strong and capable, but you can’t protect your entire family, can you? You can’t be everywhere they go. You’re not God. You are definitely an intelligent guy, given that you managed to get
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Ulmer returned to the apartment in Bronich city. He was sitting out on the balcony of that apartment while his grandmother was sleeping.And he was talking to his system Dove.[What are you thinking about?]“What else? The future is going to be messy,” Ulmer slightly shook his head. “I am wondering if I should bring Ayana and her family to the Bronich city or not. Will they be able to live peacefully with all this chaos around me? If they can’t even go to a shop without my protection, then what would be the point of bringing them here?”[You’re quite correct. That’s why you should resolve this issue before you bring Ayana and her family.]“Huh! Easy for you to say,” Ulmer snorted. “I’m fighting against an unknown number of enemies here. And I’m wondering if I should find some allies or not.”[Did you forget what the vampire girl said? You can’t trust anybody.] Dove opined. [They might backstab you and steal your system from you.]“So I have to deal with everything on my own,” Ulmer c
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A few hours earlier, on that same night.At Ross’ duplex home, everyone was talking about just one thing.Why did Marcus Merry kneel and even kiss Ulmer’s hand?Ivy asked her son Ben to ask his friend Leeval. Ben tried to contact Leeval through mobile and online profiles, but Leeval was not reachable in any way.“It just does not make any sense,” Kristi was saying in frustration while sipping on banana juice mixed with milk and sugar. “Wasn’t Ulmer just a useless guy who couldn’t even get a job after graduating?”“He took seven years to graduate,” Ivy added to Kristi’s words. “Or was it eight? Either way, I think he must have something to blackmail Mr. Marcus. Otherwise, why would Marcus kneel in front of that brat?”“He even called him Master,” Jamie said, rubbing his forehead a little. “Just thinking about is giving me a headache. I can’t think of one good reason why Marcus would kneel before Ulmer even if Ulmer had something on him. I mean, he can just kill Ulmer by hiring some thu
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Ivy was taking Jamie away with him to another room so she could have a talk with him, but then an unexpected figure entered the hall.“Mr. Marcus!” Ross was startled.Everybody’s eyes widened because he brought a dozen gunmen with him.“W-What are you doing here?” Ross stepped forward as his instincts told him this was bad news.Jamie and Calvin were telling others to hurry and leave the hall.“Don’t fret, folks,” Marcus said in a loud voice. “I didn’t come here to kill you but to save you.”“T-To save us?” Ivy looked utterly confused. “What do you mean by that?”“Your family is in danger because of Rick Orsini and a few other men,” Marcus gave them just enough details. “So, I’ll be leaving these gunmen here. They will guard you all, so if you need anything, you will get it from them. And that means, you’re not leaving this house anytime soon.”“W-What the hell are you talking about?” Ross seemed quite perplexed. “Why would Rick harm us? He just talked with us nicely a few hours back
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The next morning.Ulmer entered the hotel room and said, “Grandma, it’s eight o’clock. Wake up. I brought sweet milk and cookies.”However, there was no response from her. She wasn’t moving at all.Ulmer’s heart skipped a beat. He went over to her and put his finger under her nose. Feeling her breathing, he felt relieved.She was too important of a figure in his life, and the last thing he wanted was for her to disappear. He may be quite powerful, but he still didn’t have the strength to stop her from entering the afterlife if that’s what God wanted to happen today.Feeling grateful for the current moment he was sharing with her, Ulmer then played the rock music softly on the record player.Ulmer sat on the edge of the bed and crunched on the cookies and sipped on the sweet milk.The smell of the cookies eventually reached Mollie’s nose. A few seconds later, her nose twitched whether it be due to excitement or irritation.She opened her eyes and got up. “Are those biscuits?” her eyes
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The car arrived at Ross’ house, but Marcus sat silently in his seat because both Ulmer and Mollie were sleeping.Marcus was feeling proud of Ulmer, thinking, “Even after knowing that he’s got a trillion dollar bounty on his head, he’s still able to take a nap. As expected of someone I accepted as my master! Just when I think that things might be getting too much for him, he proves me wrong.”A few seconds of silence passed.“But this time, the enemies are not one or two groups… the enemy is the entire swamp itself,” Marcus thought. “It’s not something just one man can fight against. I’m not able to hire anybody to come to our side as they could all be tempted to go for Master’s head. Only the closest associates to me are on my side, but they are nowhere near enough. In any major war, the pawns play a significant role. Since we don’t have the pawns, we have to strengthen our defenses even more. So, instead of spreading out, staying in one house is the safest option.”Marcus looked in t
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Ulmer, who was in a dream despite being a mere clone, suddenly felt something strike him, and it forcefully brought him out of his sleep.When he opened his eyes, he saw Marcus’ face up close, and Marcus’ hand had pierced right through his chest.There was no expression of happiness, anger, or anything on Marcus’ face. He looked like a robot on a mission. His eyes looked dead.However, confusion soon filled Marcus’ eyes as no blood poured out of Ulmer’s chest. And Marcus felt like he had stuck his hand in a quagmire. He tried to pull his hand, but it wouldn’t come.“Why Marcus?” Ulmer’s face thickened with anger. “Why did you do this? I had a feeling that you might shift sides again, but I didn’t expect you to do it so quickly. Was it for the trillion dollars?”Marcus, however, didn’t say anything. Instead, he tried to grab Mollie’s throat.Ulmer couldn’t let that happen. Before Marcus’ hand could reach Mollie, Ulmer’s fist struck his face.Marcus should have gotten blown back, but hi
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In an underground city called Crimia, which was built under Bronich city on the western side of it.This city had an area of exactly 1000 square kilometers, and it was built hundreds of areas ago and stood the test of time to this day, thanks to its thick red brick walls.From thieves and larcenists to bank robbers and airplane hijackers, all kinds of criminals of all levels gathered here.This city became a hub for transportation of drugs, humans, and other illegal goods from one end to another.Manslaughter was the most common thing in this almost-lawless region.The city had 109 levels, with the lowest level 1 being closest to the surface and the highest level 109 being the bottom-most. The higher the level, the more dangerous the criminals and creatures and mysterious beings got.A typical human would need a great amount of luck just to get past level 30.Currently, on all the 109 levels in Crimia, one poster was being fixed on the walls, being shown on the televisions and everywh
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Mollie entered the duplex house carefully because she was afraid of slipping on that marble floor.Jamie, Ivy, Ben, and Ruth were in the hall.“Grandma,” seeing Mollie, Ben quickly came over to her.Mollie felt happy that at least he came to her even though Jamie didn’t.Ross and others came out of their rooms. Calvin and Fiona were happy to see Mollie.“Where were you, Mom?” Jamie asked her. “Where did Ulmer take you?”“Are you asking because you were worried about me, or you just want to know what happened?” Mollie asked him back.“O-Of course, I’m worried about you!” Jamie quickly blurted. “But it’s just that you’re too old to go out.”“I’m old, but I still managed to go to Salem and roam the city and eat at Tuna Waves,” Mollie said. “You know, while returning, my grandson booked a private jet for us. I have never experienced such a smooth and peaceful ride before. I used to think that the rich people were ignorant fools for buying luxury cars and flights, but now that I’ve roamed
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A couple of minutes earlier.Ulmer was outside the duplex house, and he looked at his mobile before it even rang. It was Ririka calling.Ulmer’s brows drew together. His Drevon bank account was canceled overnight, so he was not able to use his card. It was only because of Marcus’ assistance, he was able to travel to Salem and come back without having any monetary issues.Naturally, Ulmer was quite upset with the Drevon bank for freezing his account without even telling him.Still and all, he wanted to know why Ririka was calling him now, so he answered it.“Mr. Ulmer, is that you?” Ririka asked.“Did you call me to check if I’m still alive or not?” Ulmer asked her.“I-I’m extremely sorry for what happened. I told my dad to not listen to Rick Orisini, but Rick threatened to kill my mom and her side of the family,” Ririka quickly said. “They were taken hostage, so my dad was forced to remove your account. However, I managed to transport all your storage items to safety. They are still s
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