All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
147 chapters
Chapter 90 : Buff up
Ren didn't quite get all that was happening around him, his focus was on the school assignment in front of him. He was doing his best to solve the problem, and at the same time thinking more on what the Celestial god had said.“What did he mean by other chosen individuals. Doesn't this mean I'm not the only one who was given a second chance?” he muttered before slapping his forehead.“That's exactly what he meant dumbass.”Sigh!“I just hope the other candidates are having a hard time.”[Meanwhile]"How much farther? At the moment." Micheal walking through the mud road towards his quest."Two miles" Her usual arrogant witty self was nowhere to be found as she was very silent during his journey."Someone's having a bad day, come on, princess, say something""Leave me be, human"Normally she would sound arrogant but now she sounded terrified.He thought he would like her to be silent but after traveling in silence for a long time, he missed the witty and arrogant princess. However, he kn
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Chapter 91 : A new mission.
Leaving the British airport, my next objective was to reach the embassy and collect my weapons and armor. I had figured that this new mission won't be as pleasant as my former one. And thus I requested for new weapons to be forged specifically for this mission.Alorea may be a country ruled by a Queen, but it didn't make sense if their soldiers could not handle the kind of threat they called me in for. I may be wielding a system but it didn't mean I was an immortal.As I stood by the road side taking in the scenery, I figured it's time I flagged down a cab. “Where to Sir?” The cab driver, an old man with thinning hair asked as I sat down.“The embassy if you please.” I said and turned my attention to the scenery of Alorea.“Will do Sir.” He said and ignited the engine.The cab driver kept glancing at me through the mirror.“You here on vacation?” He asked.“Just here on business.” I replied nonchalantly.“Whatcha a young kid like you searching for on the streets of Alorea?, what sort
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Chapter 92. Battle
On a chopper heading towards the outskirt of London. I was flanked on each side by Major Triston Allen and Sergeant Anderson Marshal.I found out they persuaded the embassy to send them along on this suicide mission, I didn't know why they insisted on coming along, but I became wary.“I heard Minos de First killed about 2,300 of his apprentice just to revive his dead soulmate. And in addition to the 2,300 souls he revived, he now commands a horde of death knights and skeleton soldiers.” Major Allen said over the headset. I kept quiet as I knew he was baiting me into a conversation. Sergeant Anderson decided to answer his question.“No one has ever gone into his cave and returned.” Anderson said.So he truly is the most terrifying Necromancer alive. No one has ever return? I heard an adventurer made it out but his body was already corroded by the dark magic and he died moments later.” Major Allen said, then he glanced at me. I wasn't a duchebag but I just didn't trust these men as they
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Chapter 93 : Rage
TISH BAM!I used my shield to block a fireball, then I saw the clone summoned a ball of lightening but it was too late.I couldn't react in time as no human was a fast or faster than lightening.I fell to the muddy ground and convulsed as I felt about a thousand volts racing through my body, the armor did its best to absorb the hit but I didn't go untouched.I tried my best to stand but couldn't, I felt my blood dry up.“You can't even take one blow from me? So pitiful, yet you pride yourself of being powerful.” He taunted.I felt so much pain and so much anger that I wished for Minos to just die. I then felt my breathing become heavy.“Your immense pain and anger broke me free from Minos' hold. Shall we make them know what true pain feels like?” The demon wolf spoke to me telepathically.“I want them to burn.” I said and stood up.“I WANT THEM ALL TO BURN!” I screamed with anger burning in my eyes. I just want to have this clone's head.The clone looked at me, he frowned and waved hi
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Chapter 94 : Hunting
We arrived at a small town, under the pitch black night. The folksweren't exactly the friendly type either. I strolled around the streetsearching for an eatery or at least a snack-bar.I found a bar and I went in. I was greeted with the silence themoment I got in. The bustling bar had turned into a graveyard.“You lost fella?” the male bartender asked as he reached his handbelow the counter.“You need food or milk?” He asked again and that's when I knewsomething was up. I turned around and looked at the fear strickenmen and women staring at me.“Good Sir, is it liquor you want?” he asked again. I smeltgunpowder and I knew the bartender was holding a gun ready toshoot in case I turn out to be the bad guy.He was a middle-aged bald man, he wasn't brawny, he seems to nothave eaten for a year.“Do you have steak? With lots of sauce. Oh yeah, I'll need that milkyou mentioned earlier as well.” I said. I still stood by the door.“Pick a table Sir. I will get your orders ready.” he said and w
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Chapter 95. Torture
I jerked up and looked at her with anger.“Don't spout lies against Simran, she can never break my trust.” Isaid pointing my sword at her.“You do not believe me? Then allow me to convince you.” she saidand walked over to me in a sexy manner, tracing an invisible line onmy shoulder, then to my chest, I held her hand.“Tell me why I should not kill you right now.” I said withannoyance.“Because I have proof she's not your soulmate anymore. Your matehave always dreamed of a threesome fuck (two males and onefemale), so we sent her a lot of males to choose from. Who knows,she may already be in the bed with Drake Diamond and Austine,they are the males she's compatible with.” she laughed lightly andstepped back.I stared at her for a moment and then laughed.“You can't fool me, I know exactly what my mate can do and whatshe can't and won't do.”I then swung my sword at lightspeed and a thin line appearedaround her neck, blood seeped out and the head fell, and so did thebody.*AHHHHHHH*A hi
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Chapter 96. A failure
In a superb football field. Well trimmed grass, sunny weather, fans screaming in ecstasy to show their supports to the individual teams, flags were waving in the air. Twenty-two men clad in two different uniforms were running around the field doing their best to outdo the opponent team.Wardens F.C team were known for their gold uniform, while their opponent, the Crowders wore their signature Red and Black.Zachary Bemba was a striker for the Wardens F.C and right now he had managed to get the ball for the first time since the match began.“Zachary has just gotten the ball at his feet, will he be able to cope with his knee injury?” a male voice was heard through the speaker of the soccer field.“We all know that he won't score, I wonder what the coach was thinking when he put Zachary Bemba on the pitch.” another male voice came from the speaker.Biff Bradley and Antonio Espera. The two best commentators in all of TSF (Tron Sports Federation).Tron Empire mostly valuable sport was socc
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Chapter 97. My Familiar
Zachary Bemba was woken from adeep slumber by the crowing of arooster. His eyes abruptly rolledopen, glazed over with the remnants of a dream or rather anightmare.Zachary was first aware of the foul polluted air with a stale fragrance. It was nothing similar to the coolness of the air and its fresh fragrance he'd grown accustomed to in the big city of Alistair of the Tron Empire.He was lying on an abnormallysmall foam which didn't seem to be the same as the king-size bed the TSF provided all it's players. It wasvery uncomfortable and hurt hisback when he stirred.Zachary blinked as his as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in the room before propping himself up and orienting himself to the surroundings.He was in a room with worn out brick walls that had holes in it. Small sewed in ragged curtains hid the shabby small glass window on one side of the cramped chamber-just leaving a shy peek of the dirt filled road beyond. One wooden seat and a roughly made table stood at the
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Chapter 98. Mission Completion
Zachary was jogging at a steadypace. He was mindful of neither the ever-present potholes in the dirt-roads of the Kinsh town nor the mud heaps brought about by the rain of the previous day.He hummed the Chris Brown song(Don't Wake Me Up) that was supposed to be released two yearslater.Zachary smiled softly. He was in a good mood. Above him loomed the blue sky with just a few stratus clouds making their unhurried way toward the town hall. The sun was already a golden ball of yellow above, promising more heat as the day progressed. All in all, he could not have asked for better weather to complete the system mission.It had been six days since Zachary returned to the past, and he was very close to completing the tasks in his first system mission.He had been exercising like there was no tomorrow in his vocabulary.With the Superstar system, he hadthe motivation to work hard andthus never once thought aboutgiving up when the going gottough.Every morning, he would start witha r
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Chapter 99. A call
I regained consciousness only to find myself in a pitch black room. It was so dark I couldn't even see past myself. I was seated on some kind of chair but I don't know what. I tried to stand but my body won't obey me, I decided to meditate and link to the demon wolf but I felt nothing.“Do not trouble yourself with that which is out of your reach.” a voice said. Though sweet and soothing, I felt malice and hatred from it.“Who's there? Show yourself!” I said trying my very best to remain calm.“The great and mighty Roman Prince, Maximus Aurelius, harbinger of death, now degraded to a lowly captive.” she said and laughed maniacally.I tried to recall how I got here, how I lost consciousness and who this crazy girl is.“By now you must have known you can't connect to the demon wolf inside you.” she laughed again.I knew then that this witch may have something to do with me losing connection to the demon wolf.“What did you do to me witch?” I asked.“Temper, temper. Tsk tsk tsk. You know
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