All Chapters of Galaxy: One Against All: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
147 chapters
Chapter 110. Your end
'Well this is awkward. Should I just pretend like nothing happened and step out?' wondered Drake.Drake did not have anything in particular against any group of people. He respected people's hobbies and interests. These two before him were simply two lonely hearts who might have fallen in love with each other but had no place to release their pent up carnal desire for each other.Although Drake's mind was filled with such thoughts, his body was quick to act. Reversing his grip on his knife. He rushed forward to attack the closer guard.. the female. The guard was unable to react in time, and as she fumbled to draw her gun, Drake went for the kill. Unfortunately, the second guard kicked her to safety. Drake's surprise attack had failed, but he was not disheartened. Twirling his knife in his hand, he switched back to a standard grip and stabbed the second guard in his abdomen, followed by striking his neck with his free hand. The guard collapsed to the ground.. lifeless.«Ding!Overwhelm
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Chapter 111. Good luck
A bright light flashed and a humanoid figure dressed in military uniform appeared. This figure looked exactly human but a bit unrealistic. It looked human, but it wasn't human. It had an oval face, lean body and wavy hair. It's military uniform fitted his tall lean body. This was the character of Drake in the game 'Galaxy'.“Alright, the war between Germinal and the Six Nations is still ongoing. The quest states that I have to meet up an old soldier in a little bunker and obtain more information about the war from him.” Drake spoke to himself. Just as he was about to move, he heard a bang, and a red light flashed in front of him, he felt a stinging pain on his right shoulder.-48He had been been shot. He pulled his gun and turned around. Facing him were seven individuals dressed in all black, even their faces were covered with black colored masks. But he knew who theses were; The Gator Crew. This group always bullied him, both at school and even in the game.“What do you want! Tony.”
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Chapter 112. In the Unknown
Alex's eyes fluttered open, groggily taking in their surroundings. A hospital room. Beeping machines. A faint smell of antiseptic. A figure stood beside the bed, watching them with a mix of curiosity and concern."Welcome back, Alex," Dr. Lee said, smiling warmly. "You've been in a coma for a few days. We were starting to worry we might lose you."Alex's memories came flooding back, like a tidal wave crashing against the shore. The apocalypse. The screams. The betrayal. Death.But something was off. The apocalypse hadn't happened yet. Alex was five years younger. Confusion etched on their face, they tried to speak, but their throat was dry and parched.Dr. Lee handed Alex a glass of water. "Here, drink this. You need to rehydrate."Alex sipped the water, feeling it trickle down their throat. "What...what happened?" they croaked, their voice barely above a whisper."You were brought in with severe injuries," Dr. Lee explained. "We're still not entirely sure what happened, but it looks
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Chapter 113: Desperate Measures
As they spoke, a black SUV pulled up beside them, tinted windows reflecting the sunlight."Alex, get in," a low voice commanded from within.Alex's instincts screamed warning, but Sarah's grip on their arm tightened."Who is that?" Sarah whispered.Alex's eyes locked onto the SUV. "I don't know, but I think we're about to find out."With a deep breath, Alex stepped forward, Sarah following closely behind.As they entered the SUV, the door slammed shut behind them, enveloping them in darkness.The SUV sped through the streets, weaving through traffic with a precision that made Alex's stomach twist with anxiety."Who are you?" Alex demanded, trying to keep their voice steady.The driver, a tall, imposing figure with sunglasses, didn't flinch. "My name is Agent Thompson. And you, Alex, are a person of great interest."Sarah's grip on Alex's arm tightened. "What do you want with us?"Agent Thompson's expression remained impassive. "You have information, Alex. Information that could change
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Chapter 114: Aftermath
Agent Thompson pulled out a device from his pocket and pressed a button. The room was filled with a blinding light, and Alex felt themselves being lifted off the ground."Sarah!" Alex screamed, trying to reach out to their friend.But Sarah was nowhere to be seen. Agent Kim was fighting off Agent Thompson's agents, but she was outnumbered."Alex, get out of here!" Agent Kim yelled, as she took down another agent.Alex tried to move, but they were frozen in place. The device was emitting some kind of energy field, trapping them."No!" Alex screamed, trying to break free.But it was too late. Agent Thompson had already escaped, taking Sarah with him."Alex, I'm sorry," Agent Kim said, rushing over to them. "I didn't mean for this to happen."Alex's eyes blazed with anger. "Where did he take her?"Agent Kim hesitated. "I don't know, but we have to find out. We have to rescue Sarah."Alex nodded, determination burning within them."Let's do it," Alex said, their voice cold and hard.And w
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Chapter 115: Betrayal
Sarah emerged from the shadows, looking pale and frightened."Alex, I'm sorry," Sarah whispered. "I didn't know what to do."Alex's heart swelled with relief. They had found Sarah.But Agent Thompson's smile grew wider. "You'll never leave this place alive."And with that, he pulled out a gun."You'll never get away with this, Thompson," Alex spat, trying to keep their voice steady.Agent Thompson chuckled. "Oh, I think I will. You see, I've been playing a long game, Alex. And you're just a pawn."Sarah took a step forward. "Let us go, Thompson. Please."Agent Thompson's expression turned cold. "You're not in a position to make demands, Sarah. You're a prisoner."Alex's eyes locked onto Thompson's gun. They had to act fast."Sarah, get down!" Alex yelled, as they launched themselves at Thompson.But Thompson was too quick. He dodged Alex's attack and fired the gun.Alex felt a searing pain in their arm, and they fell to the ground."Alex!" Sarah screamed, rushing to their side.Thomps
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Chapter 116: Misunderstanding
Thompson raised his gun, and Alex knew they had to act fast. They launched themselves at Thompson, determined to stop him once and for all.The two of them crashed to the ground, fighting for control of the gun. Alex's heart raced with fear, but they refused to give up.Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Alex managed to wrestle the gun away from Thompson. They stood up, panting, and pointed the gun at Thompson."It's over," Alex said, their voice cold.Thompson smiled, a manic glint in his eye. "Not yet, Alex. Not yet."And with that, he pulled out a small device and pressed a button.The ground began to shake, and Alex stumbled. What was happening?"What have you done?" Alex demanded, trying to keep their balance.Thompson laughed. "I've triggered a temporal earthquake. And now, the very fabric of time itself is unraveling."Sarah stumbled forward, her eyes wide with fear. "What does that mean?"Thompson's smile grew wider. "It means that soon, nothing will be certain. The
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Chapter 117. Too late
That's when they saw it - a nearby fuel tanker, partially hidden by a pile of rubble."Sarah, can you hack into the tanker's controls?" Alex shouted above the din of battle.The older Sarah nodded, already working her magic on her cyberdeck. "I'm in. What do you need me to do?""Blow it up," Alex said, their eyes locked on the zombie Queen. "We need a distraction."The older Sarah's fingers flew across her keyboard. "Done. Get ready."The fuel tanker erupted in a massive fireball, sending zombies flying and momentarily blinding the Queen."Now's our chance!" Alex yelled, charging forward with their rifle at the ready.But as they approached the Queen, they saw something that made their blood run cold.The Queen was not just regenerating - she was evolving. Her body was contorting, twisting, and changing in ways that seemed impossible."You see, Alex," the Queen hissed, her voice like a snake slithering through the grass, "I am not just a zombie. I am the future."Alex knew they had to
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Chapter 118. No match for me
Alex and the older Sarah emerged from the library, gasping for air. They knew they had to keep moving, to find a way to stop the Queen once and for all."We need to find the Lost City," the older Sarah said, her eyes scanning the horizon.Alex's eyes widened in surprise. "The Lost City? But that's just a myth."The older Sarah shook her head. "It's real, Alex. And it's our only hope. The city holds the secrets of the ancient ones, the knowledge we need to defeat the Queen."Alex nodded, determination burning within them. "Let's do it."They set off across the desert, braving treacherous sandstorms and deadly creatures. Finally, after days of travel, they saw it - the Lost City, shining like a beacon in the sun.As they entered the city, they were struck by its beauty. Towering spires and grand architecture stretched towards the sky, covered in intricate carvings and mysterious symbols.But they knew they couldn't afford to be distracted. They had to find the knowledge they needed, and
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Chapter 119: R&R
The zombies faltered, their leader fallen. And the survivors took advantage of the momentary confusion.With a final, triumphant cry, they charged forward, overwhelming the zombies and emerging victorious.As the dust settled, Alex turned to Jax, grinning."We did it," they said, exhausted but exhilarated.Jax smiled back, clapping Alex on the back."We sure did, Alex. We saved the world."But as they celebrated, Alex saw something that made their heart skip a beat.The Queen, rising from the earth once more. Her eyes fixed on Alex, her gaze burning with fury."It's not over yet," Alex said, their voice barely above a whisper.Jax followed their gaze, his eyes narrowing."Time to finish this," he growled.The Queen's eyes flashed with fury as she summoned a horde of zombies, their eyes glowing with an unnatural hunger."You fools," she spat. "You think you can defeat me? I have the power of the ancient ones on my side."Alex stood tall, the artifact's power coursing through their vein
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