All Chapters of THE BOY WHO KNOWS THE END: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 chapters
Chapter 11
Benjamin's blood boiled and pumped faster through his body. Goose bumps rose from his skin , emanating sweats at the same time. What he saw was horrific and devastating. He saw the whole world on Chaos, Dead walking human took over the world, blood became the only source of water that quenched people's thirsts, human suddenly became cannibal eating themselves like wild animals. Oh no!! The sight wa truly horrific that Benjamin pulled the glass away from his face breathing heavily with both hands on his knee. Silence and tension waved in the room as everyone stared at Benjamin in anticipation because they were dying to know what he saw. Degaldo stepped closer and paused before him with a fierce gaze “What have you seen from the glasses?" His voice cut through the tension in the sanctum, increasing their inquisitiveness. Benjamin glanced at Cassandra on the floor then back to Degaldo. He wondered the meaning of the revelation. He was supposed to see Degaldo's death not the world in
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Chapter 12
No one reminded Benjamin to take some step backward in precaution seeing the angry pace at which Mr Smith approached him. The man stood before him looking mean and serious “ I told you to stay away from my daughter! You went Ahead to kidnap her too. You criminal!" He twisted Benjamin's shirt, glaring into his face. The boy began to choke. Seeing that, Cassandra rushed to her dad with tears engulfing her eye trying to break his grip away from the boy “Dad let him go dad .. Please let him go!” She raised her voice which attracted the Attentions of the Officers. Sheriff Lyman interfered immediately. “Let him go sir!” He forcefully released the boy from the grip. Benjamin began to cough serially breathing in Fresh quantities of air. “Mr Smith, you'll be jailed for murdered if anything should go wrong with the boy!" Sheriff Lyman glared. Mr Smith stepped forward gazing intently at Benjamin who has straightened up after regaining himself “Am gonna kill you if I ever see you around my d
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Chapter 13
Mr Alpha is another scientist who journey to the Den of cleverness with Benjamin's father but he didn't last a day before he died mysteriously. Kelvin is his only son. The father had left a note for him before he died instructing him to get something which belongs to him. “What belongs to me?" He thought aloud pacing round the room in confusion. He waved the thought aside, grabbed his bag which was empty and he stormed out to seek information to what bothers him. He knocked on the door of a house looking around like a criminal. The door opened Swiftly by Mr Lyk. He was Mr Alpha's best friend. Their relationship before his death makes everyone wonder if they were actually twins. “Oh my boy!" He gave Kelvin a fatherly hug. “You've grown do big. How's your mother?” He stared at him. On his eye is a medicated eye glasses. Kelvin admitted the decors of the living room then turned to the man “Mum is fine. She sent her greeting." “Good, she must still be as beautiful as ever!" Mr
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Chapter 14
Anabelle stared at the boy curiously and inquisitively to state his purpose for visiting. Kelvin had his two hands in his pocket looking around like a criminal. “Why are you here?" Annabelle's voice brought out his attention. He analysed her dressing from the crop top through which her firm boobs pointed forward and a short skirt which stopped above her knees which made her close she legs properly. “I...I came to...” Kelvin stuttered. Of course he has to stutter because his mission in the house is not hideous. Silence lingered on the sanctum as both stared at each other. “I thought you came to see me? What for?" She repeated. “Ohkay, I get it." She stood up. “Let me inform my dad you are around.” “Wait!!" Kelvin found his voice. He grabbed her back in such a way the girl got closer. He could feel her breath on his face because both were about the same height. He lowered his gaze to see her voluptuous boobs staring at him in the face. Kelvin notoriously bent forward and kissed
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Chapter 15
Silence stretched across the room as the two guys began to make use of their thinking faculty. Henry stood up staring at Benjamin “Why do you say you're the problem?” He asked. Benjamin stood up with his two hands resting in his pocket “Kukushu talked about inner power!" He said while Henry's stared lingered on him. “What does inner power has to do with the situation at hand?" Henry said thoughtfully. “I think Mrs Smith knows me more than I know myself, that's why he hates me." Benjamin turned to him. “So, it's not about the glasses anymore.” Henry added smartly. Benjamin never replied, rather he walked to a refrigerator where he pulled out a drink and gulped it down because he was about going crazy. “Ben, drinking won't solve the puzzle at hand.” Henry forcefully collected the drink from him. “Am going crazy mehn!!" He walked back to the seat ruffling his hair haphazardly.*** Mr Smith could be seen entering into a building which was secluded at the fringe of Crescent City. H
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Chapter 16
“Who the hell are you and how did you get in here!" The man barked at Benjamin who began to step backwards slowly. “I got in though the Door to warn you not to take the drink otherwise you die!" Benjamin persisted. With anger in his voice, the man growled “Are you wishing me death!?” “Someone else wishes you death not me!” The man Stepped closer to him “Now tell me how you know the drink was poisoned!" He demanded. Benjamin kept quiet staring at the floor in thought “Ermm...I saw it sir." He stuttered. Bemused, the man stared at him “Saw it from where?" He asked. “Though the window sir." He pointed at the window only to realize it was locked. “You lier!! Am gonna call the security to bounce you out now!!" He grabbed his phone from the bed. “You need to Ask the hotel attendant who brought the drink tell you what he knows." Benjamin's voice interrupted him. He turned to him with the ringings telephone in his hand. “Hello, what service can we offer you sir...Hello..
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Chapter 17
A man dressed in a black outfit could be seen at the top edge of a sky scrapper. He wore a black jacket which occasionally flew backward due to wind. On his head rested a black hat which gives him the appearance of a cowboy. He began to laugh hysterically then suddenly frowned “Am death! Soon, everyone will be incurred with my wrath! None will survive it!" He laughed again and jumped down from the skyscraper “Thud!!!" He landed on the floor which cracked due to the impact of the fall yet the strange man remain unscratched. He walked with an air of Confidence and a strange Aura emanate from his body. Dogs in nearby houses barked ferociously on beholding him. He paused, narrowed his sight along the lonely road where he walked like the world was left for him all alone. He could be next seen walking on the stair Case leading to a building. He flipped his hand and the door opened magically. He looked around the house to see everywhere deserted. “Who the hell are you!?" A voice cam
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Chapter 18
Kelvin sighted people waving at the President's vehicle. He could only imagine how a bullet from nowhere would pass through the window and hit the president to death. “Move it! Move it!" He shouted as he rode through the cluster crowd. Kelvin was following the president's convoy from behind. “Where do you think you're going!" A police stop him on his way. “Listen! I need to warn the president before it's too late!" Kelvin said impatiently. The cops glared at him “You aren't answering my question young man! Where the heck are you going!?” He persisted. Kelvin kept quiet, allowing the shouts from the citizens ringing into his ear. He faced the cops “The president is going to be killed and if you don't allow me though now, you're going to regret it!?" He glared. With surprise plastered on his face, he exclaimed “What!! Who .." He was about to get more inquisitive but Kelvin throttle the bike which raised the front tire from the floor before he sped away. “Oh fuck!! We have a
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Chapter 19
Mr shakes, the man who stood up was their leader. He's the Vice chancellor to the president but he hates him to stupor. Anger could be seen visibly on his face. “You couldn't kill a common man with a sniper!” He raised his voice. “He was heavily guarded by securities, and before I knew it a rider dragged him out of vehicle.” He said, referring to Kelvin as the rider. Me shakes hit his first angrily on the table “Should that stop a bullet from going into his head!?" “Am sorry sir, I'll make sure I bring him down next time.” The young assassin said. “There will no next time because you're going down!” He swiftly brought out a pistol from his suit and shot him dead instantly. Fear creep into the heart of everyone in the room . They knew Mr Shakes as a very dangerous man who would get anything he wants and anyone who step in his way pays with his life. He cleaned the nozzles of the pistol on his suit and turned to the men “Listen, I killed him because I know he's going to leak
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Chapter 20
The main reason why the secret group of Apex comprising of Dr. George, Mr Smith and co wants to prevent Benjamin from having intimacy with the girl he loves is to prevent him from unlocking his emotional intelligency which would make him a genius hence he'll find out his father was killed by the people of Apex for their selfish purpose but here he is about to get laid with Cassandra, the girl that set butterfly flapping on his previous belly. The sound of two lips clashing became the only sound that could be heard in the living room from the sofa where Benjamin and Cassandra explore their sexual feelings and body. Already, Benjamin had became erected and one would notice it from his disfigured knicker as his d*ck kicked hard against the elastic materials. Cassandra on the other hand couldn't take the sensual spark ignited by Benjamin that runs through her whole body hence she grabbed the boy on the waist feeling her thigh wet. Just then, Mrs Smith who has seen the two from the Ape
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