Author: Imaginary pen
Chapter 1

Crescent High school is a standard school populated with students from different background. The school is filled with students with natural Talents while some were inculcated in the students through core learning. No one knows the Category Benjamin belongs because he is always quiet and Alone.

Inside one of the Classroom where he sat with head placed on a locker is Mrs Wilson their Chemistry Teacher at the front of the Classroom doing her Job. She wore a fitted White shirt and a shirt skirt which shows the outline of her inner wear. She noticed Benjamin after turning from the board.

“Mr West.” She began by Calling his surname. Benjamin raised his head to see not only the teacher staring at her but the other students too. “Why are you lost in my Class?"

“I was not lost ma." Benjamin averted his eye to the teacher who stepped forward.

“Then tell me why you are not paying attention when Lecture is going on?” She queried.

Benjamin Exhaled, She glanced at Cassandra, a beautiful girl she loves dearly but dares not to approach her because she is classic, even her appearance spoke of her wealthy background unlike Benjamin. He averted his eye when he noticed the girl staring back. “Am sorry ma." He said as an afterthought.

The class ended for break time and students began to troope out of the classroom. Benjamin looked around to see Henry, his friend approaching. He wore a plain trouser, well tucked into it is a shirt.

He stood before him “What bothers you Ben?" He asked, staring at him intuitively.

“Do I look brothered?" Benjamin replied. He directed his eye through the window of the classroom where he saw Cassandra hanging out with her friends. Henry followed his eye then stared back at him.

“I guess she is the reason you were lost in the class.” He said.

“Who?" Benjamin turned to him.

“Dont act dumb Ben, I saw you staring at her. it's obvious you love her." He sat on the locker before him.

Benjamin became mute, then Henry continued. “Don't ever think of approaching her because you'll be disappointed.”

“What do you mean?”

Henry adjusted forward on the locker. “Listen, She lives in gold while you live in dust. You're from two different world.” Henry said which got Benjamin more confused.

Henry noticed the confusion from his face then said emphatically “She is from a rich family and you're from a poor family. She is not going to relate with you mehn!" Henry concluded and stood to leave.

Benjamin glanced at Cassandra direction once again then averted it to Henry. He stood up “You don't get it bro, something feels so strange about her today. I can't decipher it." He said worriedly.

Henry shook his head “Now I agree with Mrs Wilson when she said you've lost it because you've totally lost it." He left.

Benjamin became quiet but suddenly stood up and walked outside the classroom to hear noises coming from students from all Angles. He placed his two hands in his pocket, stared at Cassandra's direction to see her smiling with her friends. She is beautiful with long dark hair and an attractive dimples which punctured on her cheek whenever she smiles. He began to approach her, admiring her the more.

Benjamin's Presence diverted their attention where they stood under a relaxation centre. Cassandra and her two friends disdained him immediately on setting eyes on him. Everyone hates him. The only friend he has is Henry.

“I want to speak with her." He said boldly, referring to Cassandra then the girls turned to him. None of them was smiling.

“What do you want!" Cassandra shrieked.

Benjamin brought out an Ice cream “I came to give you this." He said.

That is unusual of Benjamin, he hardly relates with people not to talk of a Females. Now, here is he Presenting an ice cream to one.

The two girls bursted into laughter on hearing that.

Cassandra chuckled “ Listen, I don't know where you stole that because I know you can never afford one. You need to get out of here!" She said meanly and turned to her friends.

Benjamin tried to persist but before he knew it, Cassandra took the ice cream forcefully and shove it to his face in such a way all the content splashed on his face. “Get out of her you filthy Thing!” Cassandra bellowed.

People watched Benjamin being embarrassed. The Ice cream stick to his face, making him look like a clown. He began to drag his feet away shamefully.

“He should have used the money to afford a better outfit. Poor boy!" He could hear one of the girls said amusingly.

“He's too blind by poverty to see that babe." The other girl supported wryly.

Benjamin stood before a mirror in the restroom where he wash his face. He stared at the mirror, remembering the embarrassing words Cassandra said to him. He should have listened to Henry. Just then, his phone rang which brought him back from thought. The phone screen is Cracked hence he didn't know who was calling until he picked the call to hear her mother voice came faintly.

“What!!?" He exclaimed. “Am on my way now!” He rushed out immediately to his classroom where he grabbed his bag hastily. Fortunately, the bell rang and school was over on his way out of the classroom.

“What is the matter bro?" Henry asked him on his way out.

“My mum called." He said hastily.

“Whats wrong with her?"

“I have no idea." He rushed out of the classroom. People who saw him running began to wonder if he had gone bunker.

He barged into their house Which was an old bungalow where he lives with her mother. The furnitures in the room looks neat though they were old. He rushed into the mother room to see her shivering on the bed with a cloth covering from her head to toe.

He rushed to the bed “What is the matter mum? Why do you shiver?"

The woman never replied rather, she keeps shivering like one who was drenched by intense rain and beaten by icy cold.

Benjamin rushed out immediately, flagged down a taxi and with the help of the driver, her mother was drove to the hospital. He jumped down at the entrance of the hospital still with his bag behind him. He look perplexed from head to toe merely looking at him. “Nurse!! Nurse!!" His voice attracted patients in the hospital and nurses who rushed out with a wheel bed.

She was placed on the bed and whisked into an emergency ward for immediate treatment. A doctor entered at the same time. Benjamin watched through a transparent door at the entrance of the Emergency ward how the doctor move up and down to get her mother back to normal.

Benjamin West, a handsome 22 years old guy with a slim body physique, average height and spouting bears around his jaw which added to his handsomeness though merely looking at him, one would know he's poor. He left for school in the morning leaving her mother hale and healthy only to return home to see her shivering. That's Strange!

Meanwhile, he stood up where he sat along a long passage in the hospital when he saw the door opened and Doctor Harvard stepped out.

The doctor wore a blue scrub and under it is corporate outfit. A stethoscope could be seen round his necklace. He has been in the medical line for the past 15 year hence his professionalism waves in the medical line.

“Doctor, how's my mum?" Benjamin asked from his standing posture.

The doctor breath heavily, he adjusted an eye glasses which was on his face then stared at Benjamin. From the stared, Benjamin could intelligently detect there is problem hence he became curious to hear from the doctor.

“Your mother is perfectly fine." Dr. Harvard said.

Bemused, Benjamin stared at her mother though the transparent door to see her still quivering seriously. He stared back at the doctor “Doctor, I brought her here quivering and nothing has changed about it. How is she fine?”

The doctor brought out a white paper “We conducted a quick test but nothing is wrong with her. She's perfectly fine medically but it's strange to see her quivering.” The doctor said, perplexed.

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