Chapter 2

Silence lingered along the passage where Benjamin stood with the doctor. Tension and confusion waved along with the silence. Benjamin found the statement from the doctor strange because he couldn't phantom how his mother who was seriously quivering on a sick bed could still be medically fine at the same time.

Sweat broke out from Benjamin's face. He stared seriously at the doctor looking confused and frustrated “Doc." He called calmly. “Are you trying to say my mum is okay?" He asked with the same tone.

“She is 100 percent medically okay.” The doctor said emphatically. At the moment, a Nurse rushed out hastily from the Emergency ward. Benjamin stared at her inquisitively likewise Doctor Harvard.

“The patient is awake sir but she requested to see her son” The nurse Said.

Doctor Harvard rushed into the Emergency ward, followed by Benjamin and the nurse. One could see Mrs West lying on the bed with several tubes connected to her body. Already, she has stopped quivering which got the doctor surprised. “Have you given here any medication?” He became inquisitive, staring at the nurse.

“No sir.”

Benjamin stood beside her mother's bed. Tears engulfed his eye seeing her mother lying helplessly on the bed. He held her palm and squeezed it softly. Mrs Wilson opened her eye in response to the touch. She smiled faintly. Of course the smiles carries unbearable pain judging from her facial expressions.

“Come my son...Come” Mrs Wilson said weakly while Benjamin stepped closer to her. She whispered into his ear then Benjamin straightened up staring at her mother who had began to shiver again. He became confused.

Benjamin rushed out of the hospital immediately. He took the next taxi and headed home. He barged into the Living room but he was bewilded to see everywhere looking messy and scattered. His footsteps dwindled drastically and his heart flatters in qualm. “Why is everywhere looking messy?” He mumbled.

He rushed into her mother's room to see clothes lying on the floor then he wondered who could have come into their house to turn it upside down. Beside the mother's bed is an old warehouse where his mother had told him to retrieve a device.

He opened all the drawers of the wardrobe but couldn't find anything except papers. He scattered the paper on the floor yet the device he was told to find was nowhere to be found. He was perplexed, frustrated and devastated and it could be noticed from the sweat that soaked his cloth.

“They came before you to take it." A voice said from behind which Startled him. He turned to see an old man with long white beard on his jaw. The length of the beard reached his chest. He wore a white long dress which sweeps the floor as he stepped closer to Benjamin. On his hand is a long wooden staff.

“What do you mean.. Who took it..I mean Who the hell are you and how did you get in here?” Benjamin said, taking some precautions steps backward.

“You ask too much questions just like your father. Like father like son." The man hits the staff on the floor.

“You know my father?"

“Yes, he was the possessor of the magical glasses before he was killed.” The old man said.

Provoked, Benjamin said “Who the heck are you to talk about how my father died!?" Benjamin shrieked.

The old man stepped forward boldly. His face suddenly became mean and serious “My name is. Kukushu and Your father died because he failed to do the needful as the bearer of the Glasses."

“ Ku..Ku .. what!?" Benjamin was beginning to get very angry. He turned to the wall, rubbing his head in frustration because everything was beggining to look scary. He turned back to him. “Listen Kuku or Kiki whatever you call your damn name, I don't care how my father died but you're going to regret it if I don't find the Glasses because it's the only cure for my mother's illness!”

Kukushu Chuckled “You still don't know what your mission is lad. The glass is not meant to cure, it's meant to see the Future" He stepped closer glaring at him. “ The future your father fails to Stop when he was the bearer of the glass.”

“Where is the glasses?" Benjamin asked fiercely. The life of his mother matters to him dearly but how would he knows his mother had died immediately he left the hospital. Poor Benjamin!

“You need to get to them i before they get away." Kukushu pointed at the window.

Benjamin turned to the window and returned his gaze only to see Kukushu gone. He became surprised. “Kukushu, show yourself now!” He sounded enraged.

Just then Henry barged inside to see the room looking messy. He looked from the floor to Benjamin to see the young boy sweating seriously like one at gun point. “What happened here Ben are why are you looking frustrated?”

“Have you seen him?”



“Are you okay Ben? Who the hell is kukushu!?” Henry stared at him for an answer.

“An Old man with white bears and and .." He stammered. “He had a wooden staff.”

Henry exhaled exhaustively to the crazy drama his was demonstrating. “I never see any kukushu or Whatever. You're not yourself Ben.” Henry analysed him .

Benjamin held him on the shoulder and shook him seriously “Am not okay Henry!! am going crazy!If I don't find the Glasses, my mum's life is at stake because that's her only cure!" He left him to the window while Henry stared at him. He thought his friend has only lost it but now he could see he's going crazy too.

Benjamin could see a black car driving out of the vicinity. That was when he remembered Kukushu statement; You need to get them before they get away.

He rushed out immediately followed by Henry who keep asked where he is going to but the Boy never replied.

Benjamin chased the car which had now zoomed off. He stopped at the middle of the road breathing heavily with hands on his knee. He sighted a bike parked by the side of the Road. He rushed to it but Henry rushed to him and pulled him back.

“What the hell do you think you're doing Ben? This is beginning to look like some action movies with the Hero and the side kick Chasing the bad guys.”

Benjamin turned from the bike sweating profusely “Thats because there is problem which my mum is involved but am not going to let anything happen to her!”

“Whao!!! Whao! Whaoo! I shouldn't get involved with your problem then because it doesn't always ends well for the side kick. He's either killed or tortured!" Henry concluded.

Without wasting time, Benjamin jumped on the bike and ignited it “Oh no!! I got no choice." Henry lamented before he jumped behind him and grabbed waist then Benjamin rode away Speedily in pursuit of the car.

Benjamin's father, Clinton West found a mysterious glasses when he journey to the forest of mouth loom some years ago. He returned with the glasses without knowing it is a glass that sees the Calamity of the future which he must prevent as the bearer. He died mysteriously after some month because he didn't make us of the glass as the bearer. Now his son, Benjamin is to carry out the mission which his father couldn't accomplish.

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