All Chapters of System Activated: Rise Of The Bullied Student: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
105 chapters
The Ten
‘What was strength if not a series of scarifications?’ Gaine asked himself for the hundredth time.He looked at his trembling hands and they were dark with the answer. Blood, a rich red like nothing else. Also, there was a dull ringing at the back of his head. To say he was unwell was an understatement."You seem troubled," Eren Trost called to him. It was a sly jest as his own words were being thrown back at him.His eyes met Eren's. His opponent was not in a better place than he was. He too was leaking out his lifeblood.‘I could say the same for you.’ He wanted to yell back at Eren, but he was not sure he had the strength. ‘What was strength if not a series of scarifications?’ The question plagued him again. It is time to finish this, Gaine advised himself. It was way past time in fact.He knew exactly what to do.The night he woke from the Dream state, his father was a presence hovering over him."Do you feel it?" He had asked Gaine after the house servant who had been tend
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The Tournament Results
"I think they are about to call the results, sir." Silas's aide shouted at him, struggling to have his words heard over the people's clamoring. "You think Eren made it to The Ten?" The professor had both his hands folded over his stomach. He eyed the display before him with some concern. Solvane Winchester had risen in his seat and was whispering to the Granville clan head. The professor had hoped earnestly when he recruited Eren to his cause that the boy had his mother's fighting spirit. And his hope was not wasted. In the end, Eren surprised them all, going toe-to-toe with the most talented Awakened in the tournament. When Eren was paired against Gaine, the professor sighed heavily. He had thought the fight was over. He did not even expect Eren to make it past the third stage—the boy had trained in an empty gym, with little or no help, to fight kids who had gotten the best training from the best instructors over the course of their childhoods. But Silas had hoped
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Briefing The Ten
The Ten, Eren included, were led to the top floor of the arena, up a spiral of stairs far higher than the view of the arena from the stands. Into a large hallway, they were taken. The space was brimming with art - plaques adorned the wall and in the four corners of the room there were statues of varying sizes, all in marble. A table sat at the center of the room and it held a basket of fruits. Eren shuffled close to Sid and Tiana. In the past few hours that the world had practically shifted beneath his feet their presence had become the only stable thing. They were familiar territory, safe. For all the new power he was privy to, he felt vulnerable around everyone else, especially the Winchesters. Their blue eyes seemed to follow him everywhere. The other members of The Ten were more occupied with examining the room than worrying about Winchesters. The room seemed to be a muster point. A giant map of the countryside was painted on the wall in bright colors. Winchester
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Pain, Taunts & Rivalry
Eren stuffed his bloodied battle suit into his duffel. "It is a wonder Gaine's head is still attached to his body." Tiana said over his shoulder. "What?" Eren said. Now that the contests were over, the surge of adrenaline that carried him all day had passed, and he started to feel the pain from all the hits he took more acutely. Silas had warned him. MANNA could heal wounds, but the pain that came with them stayed. Pain always asked to be acknowledged. Awakened or not. The most Eren could think of was getting back to the professor's mansion, finding something warm to pour down his throat before falling face down into his bed. It was no surprise he was not paying any attention. Tiana jabbed her chin in the direction of his hands. "Your knuckles. You scraped the skin right off them." Eren glanced at his hands, and true to her words, he found that the skin there was still patchy, barely healed. "Winchesters are famous for ther hard-headedness. What can I say?" He joked. Ti
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Home Calls
One second Eren had his fists curled ready to smash it on the face of the fucker taunting him, the next Sid was suddenly in his front pushing him away. He also put a hand out to ward Gaine off. "Enough," he barked at them. "We have fought more than enough for one day. Stand down." Eren stormed off, leaving Sid and Gaine to themselves. As he went, he heard Sid say to Gaine, "If you want to fight so badly, how about you and I go a couple of rounds?" "Perhaps some other time, Sid." Gaine told Sid and stalked off into the Academy grounds. Gaine was itching for a fight, and when the business with his mother was done and the Winchesters and Granvilles who conspired to murder her were dead, Eren intended to give him one. ‘Until the day comes, I will stay my hand’ Eren promised himself. "Let's get out of here," He said to Sid and Tiana, quickening his pace. Outside the gates and in the streets of the city, the air smelled distinct from the arena's. Less alive, flat.
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The Saint & The Sculptor
At night, the city was a muddy version of itself in daylight. Lampposts cast a sickly yellow glow over the roads as they navigated their way through the labyrinthine streets. "You hungry?" Silas asked from the front of the car. Eren shook his head. Exhaustion had slowly begun to take him, and his eyes struggled to keep up with the changing streets. He was hungry but tired. Too tired to think. Too tired to worry about eating. All he wanted was the softness of his bedsheets and the flora smell of fabric softener. "You sure, kid?" Eren shrugged. "I could eat." He said. Despite all that had happened that day, it was Tiana's parting words to him that stayed with him. ‘Oh Eren, I think your mother would be happier if you just stayed alive.’ The words haunted him. They haunted him because they were the truth. They felt like it at least. Was she not the same woman who talked at length so often about how barbaric the contests were, how small-minded their society had be
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Fittings & Fawnings
Eren slept through the first nightmare. They came for him in the night like ghosts of a different lifetime, and the first one began shortly after he had eaten and crawled under the covers of his bed. In his dreams, he found himself being led down an unfamiliar hallway by William Winchester. "Come on," the man kept saying. His eyes were like Eren's—a glowing, ruby red—unlike their usual blue. Eren followed him until he was led right back into the arena. Daniel awaited him there, except this time there was no beating him. He towered over the arena, a basilisk, warming in the sun. He beat Eren nearly in half. The second dream was less visceral. Eren was eleven again and his mother was still alive. He had returned from school with a handful of cornflowers, only to find her standing in a river of red. The entire house was drowned in waist high blood. "Mom?" Eren called out, wading towards her. He would recognize that curly hair anywhere, that gait. She was sta
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A Lesson In Etiquette
Under the haloed light of chandeliers, the professor started Eren on an intensive crash course in manners. Silas drilled him on proper greetings, the art of small talk, and the subtleties of table etiquette. They practiced until Eren’s responses flowed smoothly, his posture straightened, and his smile was so practiced it looked genuine. The night wore on and Eren watched himself transform before his own eyes. Outwardly, at least. Inwardly, it was another matter altogether. He bubbled with frustration. “Did you learn this the way I am learning it?” He blurted while Silas was trying to instruct him on table etiquette. The professor looked up, tilting his head. “What?” “All of this,” Eren swept his hand over the table, the silverware, the cutlery, the finery. It overwhelmed him. “Is it not a little too much for one to learn sharply?” Silas rolled his chair a few feet away from Eren and contemplated the question for a while. “It is not. Also I was already well versed in all
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The Banquet
Eren went to the banquet unchaperoned. Murray dropped him off at the gates of the Academy and he was left to make his way into the building. Sid was waiting at the gates. He had an unlit cigar stuck between his lips, and, in that suit, it gave him the air of a hardened detective. When he saw Eren, he did a double take at Eren and whistled. “You clean up nice, I can’t lie.” He said. Eren grinned at him. “Different days, different person.” They clasped hands in a handshake and together they ambled into the Academy. From a distance away, Eren could make out the lights in the banquet hall. When they entered the grand hall, they were immediately struck by the opulence on display. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting a warm glow over the marble floors where elegantly dressed guests mingled and made conversation. Round tables dotted the room. Each table held a vase of freshly cut flowers and a set of silver cutlery. Glasses stood next to bottles
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The Banquet 2
Sid had not felt as human as he did now in a long, long time.He was wearing a navy blue suit with shiny brass buttons, a waistcoat of the same colors and black tie. His hair was slicked back with thin oil and it settled smoothly at his nape. Sid slid his hand over it every now and then for effect. He went through the crowds, stopping to greet an old acquaintance, smiling when he made a new one. He felt tangible, purposeful, like he was just becoming a solid thing after months of being a sliver of nothingness. Perhaps it was the contests, the fact that he had seen his own blood spilled for the first time in years. The sight of one life’s blood outside their body could do that to a man, he had read somewhere, make them see themselves. Added to that, he spent most of his MANNA in the arena so he healed slowly, humanly.A hand stole his arm and he looked sideways to find Tiana clinging to him as if she was drowning in open water and he was a lifeboat.Through clenched teeth and a f
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