All Chapters of Chronicles of Aetheria : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 chapters
Chapter 41 - Mission III
Chapter 41 - Mission IIIA common trait among the Dwargons was their brown eyes, while Elves mostly had azure blue eyes. It was rare to see a Dwarf with black eyes looking so manly and hot like Kael. His journey in the Armed Nation of Dwargon would be a stressful one.Zodoba turned and started navigating his way through the dark. He had been in this house for more than a year and was sure to find his way even in the dark. He climbed the steps of the staircase and stopped at the third step.The guards outside...His gaze fell on the door. Since he caused the power outage, the guards outside should have turned on their torches, and the rays should be hitting the door. But tonight was strange; none of them were doing that."Or is this the work of the intruder?" His thoughts lingered as he went to check it out himself.He opened the door to the mansion and stepped outside. The cold breeze greeted him, slapping against his face.He didn't feel any presence; there wasn't a single guard in f
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Chapter 42 - The Intruders
Chapter 42 - The Intruders "Are you ready to talk now?" he asked, and the guard nodded, slipping to the floor."So, what's the fuss all about, Mr. Elite Guard?" he asked, smirking mockingly. His own blow had taken a toll on him; he wondered if it was the same for the others.'How dare he mock me?' The guard couldn't help but give him a stern look as he struggled to rise, his back aching."I don't have all the time in the world," Kael snapped, and the guard shivered with fear. Kael released a little of his magical essence, dominating the whole area and causing the guard to panic."An intruder is in the building," began the guard."Another intruder?" Kael exclaimed, his mind drifting back to the mission. 'I hope this intruder isn't here for my belongings.'"He's here to assassinate Mr. Stoneforge. My leader is on the verge of death, which is impossible. I thought it was your doing, so I came to confirm it," the guard rushed his words, but they still found their way into Kael's mind.It
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Chapter 43 - The Intruders II
Chapter 43 - The Intruders II"Alexa, is there a way for me to heal the Elite Guard without pouring essence on him?"[System Analyzing... Analysis will take two hours.]Kael heard the voice of his system and frowned. 'How can analysis take two hours?' By then, Zodoba would probably be dead. He didn't want to directly pour essence on him because it looked like performing magic, and from the books he read, he found out that magic is not generally acceptable in the Armed Nation of Dwargon. He could be executed for that."Alexa, you've got 30 seconds," he said sternly, folding his fists.[I can't complete the analysis in 30 seconds, but I have a suggestion.][The essence flows through every part of your body, most essentially your bloodstream. Employ total concentration and decentralize the essence into liquid.]"Wow...that's a nice idea. Let me try it," Kael replied, clasping his hands together. 'Total concentration,' he muttered, closing his eyes. He was by the stair corners, unwatched
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Chapter 44 - The Intruders III
Chapter 44 - The Intruders III"You've got spirit, I'll give you that," Kitbushi said, smirking as he steadied his breath. "But spirit alone won't save you."He lunged again, this time feinting to the left before striking from the right. Kael was caught off guard, his block a fraction too slow. The edge of Kitbushi's blade nicked his arm, drawing a thin line of blood. Kael winced but didn't falter.Kael retaliated with a quick series of slashes, his movements growing more desperate but no less determined. Kitbushi deflected each strike with practiced ease, his eyes never leaving Kael's. He could see the frustration and fatigue beginning to set in.Kitbushi pressed his advantage, launching a high attack aimed at Kael's shoulder. Kael parried, but the force of the blow sent vibrations through his arm. Kitbushi immediately followed with a low sweep at Kael's legs. Kael jumped to avoid the attack but landed awkwardly, losing his balance for a moment.In that split second, Kitbushi saw his
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Chapter 45 - King of Theft
Chapter 45 - King of Theft Kibutshi was as much as surprised to feel Kael's presence behind him. "My technique caused every part of your body to be useless.. How were you able to move your body?" Kibutshi asked turning at once, lodging his sword into Kael's stomach..But unfortunately, Kael was able to see through that attack as he suddenly vanished and appeared behind Kibutshi."Don't you get it?" Kael asked him sarcastically as Kibutshi turned to face him.."That's the Ethereal step.. My skill.. How come you're able to use it?" Kibutshi suddenly came to realization."I just acquired a new skill. It's called King of Theft." Kael chuckled loudly as he concealed all his magic essence back into his body. He could hear the footsteps of the guard advancing."You stole my technique?" Kitbushi asked surprisingly. He was having this feeling of emptiness but never knew it's because of that."Not only Ethereal step but this." Kael said and in no moment, his sword appeared on his hand. Before
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Chapter 46 - Devourer
Chapter 46 - Devourer "Don't worry.. I can bathe myself." He said and ran off into the bathroom before she could say any more words.She went to his bed and rearranged it then to the wardrobe and was selecting an outfit for him.While she was doing this, he came out of the bathroom still in the same boxer he went in with. His body dripping with water.She turned at once and a gasp almost leave her mouth as her eyes fell on his chest. She was shocked and dumb founded. Not only his chest was clean but she couldn't found any traces of wound on it. Not even the marks.Her eyes wandered every part of his body and she couldn't find any bandage and then to his face. His red hairs was dripping water down his chest. She bet if Kael could actually used the shower."I'm done bathing." Kael announced spreading his palm."You shouldn't have wear that old underwear. There's a towel in there, let me get it for you." She said and quickly rushed inside the bathroom and came out with a white towel.Sh
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Chapter 47 - Devourer II
Chapter 47 - Devourer II"Your secrete are safe with me. I won't tell anyone or let anyone know. So that's a 1 - 1." He added and Kael grinned without saying anything."But why did you storm my house in the first place? You've the ability to massacre all the whole Elite guards including their Leader Zodoba....why didn't you do that?" Asked Mr. Stoneforge causing a smirk to curl beneath Kael's face."I don't use my powers for negative reasons. I just stepped into the Armed Nation of Dwargon yesterday and I read through the politics and social affair where I found out about the House Stoneforge. I just decided to take a look...""Oh.. I see.. You just came into the Nation and decided to take a look at the house of one of the High Council. Isn't that blissful?" Mr. Stoneforge mocked and Kael gnashed his teeth. He was caught red handed."Am I that bad in lying?""You do Boy. So about your sword, it's something out of the ordinary. Where do you happens to stumbled upon that sword?" Mr. Sto
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Chapter 48 - The Meeting
Chapter 48 - The Meeting ***Five Days Later, The Armed Nation of Dwargon***Eight figures sat around a rectangular table. The table was almost empty except for the map and some scrolls resting on it. These figures represented the powerhouse of the Armed Nation of Dwargon.They were the members of the High Council, the ruling body of the Armed Nation of Dwargon. Sir Stoneforge of the House Stoneforge sat to the right of the vacant chair belonging to the High Chancellor. Opposite him sat Sir Fred of the House Ironfist. Beside Sir Fred was Sir Balmoral of the House Balmoral, and opposite Sir Balmoral sat Sir Geld of the House Goldvien.Sir Giyu, Sir Dwarki, Sir Dwarta, and Sir Azaka occupied the remaining chairs. They were the leaders of the most prominent noble houses in the Armed Nation of Dwargon and members of the High Council.Though all were powerful forces in the nation, four of them held the highest power."Welcoming Lord Dougor, the High Chancellor of the Armed Nation of Dwargo
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Chapter 49 - The Training
Chapter 49 - The Training "That's a joke. Does your adopted son know the way of the sword?" asked Sir Balmoral."He has been training with Zoboda for the past three days," Sir Stoneforge replied."The competition kicks off the day after tomorrow. How sure are you that he can keep up?" asked Sir Fred."We have witnessed many aspirants dying. Do you want to risk that for your son?" asked Lord Dougor, and Sir Stoneforge nodded."My lord, I think we should give his son a chance to participate. After all, he is the heir to the Stoneforge Mansion," Sir Geld said with an evil grin."If so, then it is done. Your son will be added to the aspirants and will participate as one of the nobles in the Armed Nation of Dwargon," Lord Dougor said as he stood."I then declare this meeting over," he said, walking out of the room. Everyone began to leave, but two figures remained seated: Sir Geld of the House Goldvien and Sir Giyu of the Noble House."Why did you persuade Lord Dougor to accept the compet
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Chapter 50 - The Valley of Shadow
Chapter 50 - The Valley of Shadow ***Two Days Later, The Valley of Shadows in the outskirt of the Armed Nation of Dwargon***Twelve figures stood at the entrance of the Valley of Shadows, their eyes scanning the rugged landscape before them. Towering cliffs bordered the valley, casting long, dark shadows that gave the valley its ominous name. The participants, each chosen for their skill and bravery, were about to embark on a journey that would test their limits.Standing at the front of the group was Instructor Valeria from Nevermore Academy. Her stern gaze swept over the participants, her voice carrying the weight of authority."Welcome, brave souls, to the Valley of Shadows," she began. "Within these treacherous grounds lies the golden ticket to Nevermore Academy. Only one of you will emerge victorious. The rest will face trials that will test your strength, wit, and resilience."She paused, allowing her words to sink in. "Remember, this competition is not just about skill with a
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