All Chapters of PHILIP SCOTT: THE LOST HEIR : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
192 chapters
Jessica sat in the dimly lit living room of her apartment, her hands trembling as she replayed the events of the last few hours in her mind. She had barely made it home after the tense conversation with Philip and Clara, and now, she felt as though she were caught in a web she couldn’t escape. The sound of the rain pattering against the windows only heightened her anxiety, each drop echoing her fears.Just as she was about to get up and make herself a cup of tea, there was a sharp knock on her door. The sound made her jump, her heart racing. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and the thought of who could be on the other side of the door sent a shiver down her spine.Hesitantly, Jessica approached the door, her hand hovering over the doorknob. She took a deep breath and opened it. Standing there, drenched from the rain and with a cold, unreadable expression, was Andrew Lane—her father.“Dad?” Jessica’s voice wavered as she took a step back, allowing him to enter. “What are you doing here?”A
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Jessica stood in the doorway, staring at the spot where her father had just been. Her mind was reeling, struggling to process the conversation that had just taken place. Andrew Lane’s ominous words echoed in her ears: “Don’t make the mistake of getting in my way.” The threat was clear, and the weight of her father’s expectations pressed down on her like a heavy burden.She closed the door quietly, locking it with trembling hands. The apartment felt colder, emptier, and for a moment, she just stood there, trying to collect herself. The rain continued to pound against the windows, creating a steady, rhythmic noise that seemed to drown out her thoughts. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the fear that had taken hold of her.Jessica walked over to the couch and sank into it, pulling her knees up to her chest. Her mind raced, trying to piece together everything that had happened over the past few weeks. The secrets, the betrayals, the power struggles—it was all too much.
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Jessica entered the coffee shop, her heart pounding in her chest as she scanned the room. It was a quiet, dimly lit place, with just a few patrons scattered around, sipping coffee or typing away on laptops. The smell of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air, mingling with the faint sound of soft jazz playing in the background. She spotted Philip sitting in a corner booth, his head bowed as he stared intently at his phone.Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Jessica walked over to him, her footsteps barely making a sound on the polished wooden floor. When she reached the table, Philip looked up, his expression softening as their eyes met. But there was also something else there—worry, fear, maybe even a touch of desperation."Jessica," he said, standing up to greet her. "I'm glad you came.""Philip," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady as she took a seat across from him. "I almost didn't."Philip nodded, sitting back down. "I understand. Things have been… complicated."Jes
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The rain continued to pour down as Jessica and Philip darted through the narrow streets, their footsteps echoing off the wet pavement. The cold, biting wind whipped around them, making it hard to see or hear anything but the pounding of their hearts and the relentless drumming of the rain. Jessica's mind raced, trying to figure out their next move, but all she could think about was the man they had just seen—the one who worked for her father."Philip, we can't keep running like this," Jessica gasped, her breath coming in ragged bursts as they turned a corner and slowed to a brisk walk. "He'll find us eventually."Philip glanced around, his face set in a grim expression. "We need to find somewhere safe to regroup. We can't go back to my place, and I don't trust any of our usual spots."Jessica nodded, her mind spinning with possibilities. "Maybe... maybe we should go to Clara," she suggested hesitantly. "She knows the situation, and she might have some ideas on how to deal with this."
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The morning sun filtered through the thin curtains, casting a soft glow across the small guest room. Jessica stirred in the bed, feeling the stiffness in her body from the stress and tension of the previous day. She blinked her eyes open, the memories of what had happened rushing back to her all at once. For a moment, she lay there, trying to process everything. The revelation of her father’s plans, the constant threat they were under, and the overwhelming uncertainty of what would happen next.Philip was already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring out of the window. His shoulders were tense, and his face was drawn with worry. Jessica could tell he hadn't slept much, if at all. She reached out and placed a hand on his back, trying to offer some comfort."Philip," she said softly, "We’ll figure this out."He turned to look at her, his expression tired but resolute. "We have to," he replied, his voice firm. "We can’t let him get away with this, Jessica. Too much is at stake."
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The morning sun filtered through the thin curtains, casting a soft glow across the small guest room. Jessica stirred in the bed, feeling the stiffness in her body from the stress and tension of the previous day. She blinked her eyes open, the memories of what had happened rushing back to her all at once. For a moment, she lay there, trying to process everything. The revelation of her father’s plans, the constant threat they were under, and the overwhelming uncertainty of what would happen next.Philip was already awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring out of the window. His shoulders were tense, and his face was drawn with worry. Jessica could tell he hadn't slept much, if at all. She reached out and placed a hand on his back, trying to offer some comfort."Philip," she said softly, "We’ll figure this out."He turned to look at her, his expression tired but resolute. "We have to," he replied, his voice firm. "We can’t let him get away with this, Jessica. Too much is at stake."
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Jessica felt a heavy weight settle in her chest as her father’s hand rested on her shoulder. The warmth of his touch was a stark contrast to the coldness in his eyes, and she knew that she had just stepped into a world from which there might be no return. She had convinced him, for now, but she knew better than to believe that Andrew Lane would ever fully trust anyone—not even his own daughter.“Thank you, Father,” Jessica said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. She stood up, mirroring his movements, and tried to match the same confidence in her posture. “I won’t let you down.”Andrew’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “See that you don’t. There’s much work to be done, and I’ll be expecting results soon.”Jessica nodded. “Of course.”Andrew turned away from her, his attention shifting back to the papers on his desk, dismissing her as if the conversation had never happened. Jessica took that as her cue to leave. She walked out of the study, her footsteps echoing in the empty
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Jessica felt a heavy weight settle in her chest as her father’s hand rested on her shoulder. The warmth of his touch was a stark contrast to the coldness in his eyes, and she knew that she had just stepped into a world from which there might be no return. She had convinced him, for now, but she knew better than to believe that Andrew Lane would ever fully trust anyone—not even his own daughter.“Thank you, Father,” Jessica said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. She stood up, mirroring his movements, and tried to match the same confidence in her posture. “I won’t let you down.”Andrew’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “See that you don’t. There’s much work to be done, and I’ll be expecting results soon.”Jessica nodded. “Of course.”Andrew turned away from her, his attention shifting back to the papers on his desk, dismissing her as if the conversation had never happened. Jessica took that as her cue to leave. She walked out of the study, her footsteps echoing in the empty
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Philip sat in his office, the weight of recent events pressing heavily on his shoulders. The loss of Barry Aton was still fresh, and the revelation about Jessica being his cousin had shaken him to his core. He hadn’t slept much since then, the memories of his relationship with Jessica mixing painfully with the new knowledge of their blood ties.The board meeting was just an hour away, and Philip knew that his leadership would be scrutinized more than ever. The investors were already nervous, and with Andrew Lane’s persistent attempts to take over, Aton Empire was on shaky ground. Philip needed to be at his best, but the emotional turmoil inside him made it hard to focus.He glanced at the pile of reports on his desk, each one demanding his attention. The company was losing ground, and without decisive action, it could all fall apart. But the thought of facing the board, of dealing with the men who would question his every move, made him feel like he was about to step into a lion’s den
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Philip and Jessica walked down the corridor towards the boardroom, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on their shoulders. Philip could feel the tension between them, not just from their complicated personal history but also from the looming presence of Andrew Lane, Jessica’s father and a man determined to take down Aton Empire.As they approached the boardroom, the large wooden doors stood like a barrier between them and the chaos that awaited inside. Philip took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He knew that this meeting was crucial. The investors were already jittery, and with the recent events, they would be looking to him for answers, for leadership.Jessica hesitated before they reached the door, her hand lightly touching Philip’s arm. “Philip, before we go in… I just want to say, no matter what happens in there, I’m with you. We’ll get through this.”Philip nodded, appreciating the sentiment, but he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. Jessica’s words were com
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