All Chapters of My Rich Harem System: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
88 chapters
Contract Signing
Erin marched to Ethan’s house, knocking on the door. “Ethan!” She yelled, angrily. But there was no reply. She stood there for several minutes but there was no sign of him. She whipped out her phone to call him but at the same time, she received a call. It was from her rental apartment close to the Police station. “Miss Erin! Come down here immediately!” The manager screamed on the phone, breathing heavily.“What do you mean? What is going on there?” Erin asked, Immediately sensing there was something wrong. “There are–” “Ahhh!!” The manager suddenly screamed in pain, he was being beaten up. “Hello!” “Hello!” She tried to get to him but in the next second, the call ended abruptly.Erin clutched her phone tightly, her eyes moving frantically as she thought of what was happening.Jonathan! He was the only one she could think of. The manager’s life was in danger and it was probably because of her. She knew she needed to leave immediately. However, she couldn't let Eva be alone in
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In Danger
Erin swerved her car into the parking lot of the apartment building. She rushed out and took the elevator to the fifth floor. The building was a bit run down and she had used it as a cloak to who she really was. No one in the police force knew she was from a wealthy and powerful family who helped her mask her identity. She got to her apartment to see the door had been broken down, she got in to see the manager kneeling on the floor, his hands up in the hair. There was no one beside him. “What happened here? Are you okay?” She rushed to him, trying to help him up. Taking out her phone, she wanted to call 911 but then, a knife was hurled at her. “Fuck!” She cussed as the knife cut through her hand and fell to the floor, she whirled around to see Jonathan with two men coming from the door. None of the men were police officers. “You are here…” Jonathan said with a wicked smirk on his face. “What do you want?” Erin wasn't surprised to see him there. “I will go straight to the point.
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Shattering Glass
CHAPTER 53:Eva was still glued to Ethan’s body and she wouldn't let go. They were now seated on the couch and she still had her legs and hands around him. “Eva…” Ethan called out, wanting her to get off but then he couldn't be too harsh on her. “Yes?” She answered. “Can you get up? Have you had something to eat? What do you want to do?” He asked and he started to peel her hands off his body. “I just… I just missed you.” She commented and truthfully that was what she felt. When Ethan was away earlier, she felt at a loss, and then when she saw him with Erin earlier, she felt a certain type of way that she couldn't understand. All she knew was that she wanted to be around Ethan. “That’s all?” Ethan asked, finally getting her to sit beside him. She nodded and he sighed. He then started to realize that the Women Soothing Technique he used on her, was working in a way he never expected. Eva’s eyes were filled with different emotions and he knew what she was thinking in an instant.
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Ethan went silent, his eyes moved, recognizing Jonathan who was at the forefront of the men and then he glanced at Eva who was shaking on the couch. Her head was buried in between her folded legs and a gun was pointed at her head.The odds were against them. The men were armed and they were so close to Eva. His priority was to save her but any wrong move he made now, a bullet would definitely go through her head.“It’s nice to meet you again, Ethan Blackwood.” Jonathan stepped into the house, majestically like he owned the place. There was a permanent sneer on his face, belittling Ethan.“Do I know you?” Ethan asked with a confused gaze, adding a smile to the mix. His hands were folded behind him and his stance showed that he wasn’t afraid at all. He knew never to show his fear to the enemy.“Ohh…” Jonathan looked taken aback by that question as anger flashed in his eyes. How dare a flimsy human, like Ethan not know him? He wanted to lash out but then he kept calm, knowing he came fo
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Upper Hand
Jonathan was knocked out, by a hit to the head. Ethan wasn't even fazed by this and even by the deaths of men who came to attack him. However, he was worried about Eva. Eva was still in Ethan’s arms and she had lost consciousness. He was quick to carry her toward the couch and without thinking twice, he tore a piece of his cloth and tied it around her bleeding leg. “Call the ambulance, Ray.” He ordered. Meanwhile, the other two men had gone to deal with Skyline Avenue security personnel. A few neighbors had come out as well as they had heard the gunshot. “I have done that. But she has lost a lot of blood.” Ray pointed out. Eva now looked like a ghost and Ethan also noticed that her breathing had turned shallow, almost like it was never there. “She might not make it.” Ethan felt her breath and her pulse. “How long until help arrives?” “Thirty minutes to an hour,” Ray replied, his brows knitting in worry for Eva. She didn't deserve to be pulled into this web. However, he was quit
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First Time Kill
“You don't want to speak, right?” Ethan was livid by his absurd proposal. He stumped toward the police officer and smashed his feet on his back. Ahhh!!Jonathan’s scream echoed through the room and the breaking sound of his hand could also be heard. His eyes had turned bloodshot and he breathed heavily. “Kill me! Kill me and you will never find her!” Jonathan threatened and then hissed. “If I am going to die, she is going to die with me!” He continued. Ethan waved his hand through his head, in worry. He was about to raise Jonathan, so he could deal with him but the ambulance arrived. He turned around to quickly carry Eva out of the there and soon the paramedics were set to leave with her.Thankfully, her life wasn't in danger and they only had to remove the bullet in her leg and also give her blood. “I will go with her,” Ethan said to Ray. With the mysteries surrounding Eva, they couldn't leave her by herself. However, Ray wasn't even listening because he just received informatio
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Innocent Lives
“Erin…” Ethan breathed heavily and ran straight into the garage. He found her quickly, tied up, and put in an empty oil barrel. “Ethan…” She called out seeing him appear. Tears welled up in her eyes, her face was swollen and battered. Ethan was shocked to see this, his hands fisted beside him. “You came. Please, save me.” She pleaded, breaking him away from his angry and shocked thoughts. Swiftly, he took her up, wanting to drag her out but his arm oozed out more blood. He dropped Erin back into the barrel with a loud bang and held his arm. “I am sorry.” He said to her quickly as his back hit the wall closely by. The pain shooting through his hand was tremendous now. He didn't feel this much pain earlier because he had an adrenaline rush. Now, his body was more aware of the pain. “System, activate the Super Healing Technique.” He ordered, bracing himself for the pain that was about to come. [Activated.] As soon as the system activated it, he let out an excruciating pain. His e
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“I can't seem to take out the thought that I caused their deaths. If I wasn't so persistent about the case, Jonathan wouldn't have targeted them.” Erin cried while she held Ethan’s hand for support. However, he pulled her in to embrace her, giving her comfort. He was a bit shocked by the news of those deaths, he wasn't surprised that Jonathan could pull off such a thing. “It's okay. It's going to be okay.” He whispered, patting her back.“How is it going to be okay? That bastard is probably out there and looking for his next victim.” She pulled away from the embrace and fisted her hands angrily. “If I get my hands on him! I am going to–”“What are you going to do?” Ethan chuckled while smiling. “This is not a laughing matter! I want to kill that bastard! I'm going to lose my job anyway and I do not mind taking him down with me.” She hissed angrily but she noticed the smile on Ethan’s face only grew wider. She glared at him, “What?” “What if you can get your hands on him now?” Et
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The Boss Of The Vanity Club
Erin held Ethan’s hand tightly, her eyes going wide in the darkness. However, they didn't find themselves to be scared as they continued to walk down the stairs. Two minutes passed and they got to the foot of the stairs. They saw a narrow passageway that was lit with burning torches hanging on the walls. “Did we go back in time?” Erin joked but it didn't quite sound like a joke because she was starting to get scared. “I guess we did,” Ethan replied, his eyes reflecting the burning glow of the torches. But they were burning for something else as well. He wanted to explore. Erin could only hold onto him, and soon they got out of the passageway and a foul stench hit them. “The fuck is that?” Ethan hissed but all they could see were metal double doors that were slightly open. “I think we should go back. This will not end well.” Erin was on the verge of passing out from the stench. The smell was like the one from rotten bodies. Immediately she knew if they crossed the metal doors, t
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Brutal Path
Ethan stared at Jonathan coldly, not even feeling an ounce of remorse. He figured that the other prisoners too would be just like Jonathan and they deserved whatever was being done to them. If he didn't subdue Jonathan, Ethan would have been dead instead. It was dog eat dog world and only the strongest could survive. “Let’s go in.” Ray pointed out. There was another double metal door before them. Ethan guessed they would finally be out of the prison area. Ray opened the door and held it for Ethsn to cross through. He did and he entered into the next area which was painted all white. It was a meeting room and it wasn't empty.“Welcome.” Four men stood up to their feet immediately when they sighted Ethan. However, Ethan stood frozen, wondering what was happening. Where did the men come from? “Ethan Blackwood.” One of the men called out to him and then pointed at the head of the table. “You may have your seat.” Ethan looked at Ray who looked back at him with a reassuring look. He t
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