All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
163 chapters
chapter 111
Quincy, Scott, and Lauren clinked their glasses and chuckled as they raised them to drink.“Whoa! Tastes nice.” Quincy uttered, feeling pretty good.“Victory tastes nice,” Lauren added.“I'd like to take my leave now. I've got some other things at the office to take care of.”“Alright, Scott.” Quincy permitted and sipped the wine again.Scott smiled and excused himself while Lauren and Quincy stayed back.“I hope you edited out your name. The recording had Alexander calling your name.” “Yes. I edited it out.” Lauren confirmed with a smile.“So, Alexander is practically into a great debt and at least, Kohler knows who she's married to. We have completed our mission.”“Exactly. Let's hear what the news says. They got a good story.” Lauren urged and they turned on the TV._*” It's been heard that Alexander Darwin, one of the richest businessmen in the U.S.A. has hit rock bottom in his business due to an investment rejection. And I have two gentle businessmen here with me to discuss what
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chapter 112
It was clear that Alexander was looking for a way to get the money he had lost for the investment. Alexander ended the call, and Quincy felt very troubled.“What happened?” Scott asked out of concern.“Alexander. He got Lauren.”“Did he know it was an intentional scam?” Scott asked, looking terrified for Lauren.“No. I don’t think so. Right now, I think he is just pissed that she was the one who introduced him to something that didn’t go well for him.”“Goodness. What do we do, then?” “Well, he just got himself a jail pass. The worst we wanted to do to him was what we had done. He could always rise to his feet without a bad name. But since he had to be involved in a crime in this, then he’s going to have a bad name. We will inform the cops of this.”“Okay. But I’m certain he’ll be on the watchout for cops. And you know how these things work.” Scott made his worry known.“I know. We’re just going to play this smartly.” Quincy said, then sighed.Then he put a call through to Lauren ag
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chapter 113
Quincy drove as fast as he could to be able to get her in sight, because the moment he lost her, it could become a problem; especially if she wasn't heading where he had in mind she was probably heading to. "Drive as fast as you can, but I must not lose you." He said under his breath as he fixated his eyes on Lyra's car. There was nothing that could make him lose his concentration at this point since so many distractions had come his way, yet, his eyes didn't waver. As they drove further, he confirmed his guess. She was truly driving off to Alexander's house. Probably they had agreed to meet there or she was just heading to his house first thing. There was only one way to tell, and that was following her and waiting until he caught sight of Alexander. Soon, they got to Alexander's house and Quincy halted his car a distance from them just so no one would suspect him being there. He watched as Lyra got down from her car and ran into Alex's compound. "Currently at Alex's house.
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chapter 114
*Thirty minutes ago*Quincy was still waiting in his car, contemplating if he should just inform the cops to come over and surround this place or not. A knock on his window caught his attention and he looked towards that direction only to see Kohler.He wasn’t expecting to see her or not, and he couldn’t tell if her being present at this moment was going to be destructive for their mission or not.He wound down and looked at her, wondering why she had bothered to knock when she could have just passed by.“Hey.” He uttered.“Really? Are you stalking me right now? To know if I’m busy crying or sulking? Yeah, I guess it must be typical of you now. You are probably happy that my husband fell into this dipshit, and it seems like our ship is crumbling down.” Kohler accused Quincy right away.“Oh, take a chill pill. You saw me here, and the next thing you do is to start accusing me of things you’re not certain about?”“It isn’t what I’m not certain of. It is what I am so certain of.” Kohler
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Chapter 115
Quincy rose to his feet suddenly and both Scott and Lauren looked at him; wondering what he was up to.“I need to get somewhere. Got to see someone. Will be back before it gets too late.” He informed them.“Alright.” Both Lauren and Scott responded.Although Lauren was curious to know exactly where he was going and who he wanted to see, she had to bury that curiosity and put her mind on something else.Quincy then left and headed to Kohler's home. He got there in an hour and he was invited in.“You asked to see me,” Quincy spoke as he walked in, following her to the living room.“Yes. You told me you were going to finish the conversation we started earlier. We can do that right now.” Kohler said as she made to pour his drink.“No. You don't need to do that.”“Why?” Kohler asked, wondering why he didn't want to have a drink; especially as it was one of his favorite wines.“I'm not going to be here for long. I'm going to make things brief.”Kohler feared that he was going to break her
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chapter 116
Taking her beautiful parcel, and her phone, she made her way to the kitchen, while making sure she transferred double the price of the plant price to her dealer. _*Lauren Shane wouldn't know what hit her. She would only wake, and realize something had gone wrong.*_ Kohler thought to herself and giggled at such a lovely thought.In the kitchen hall, she scattered her hair all over her face and tried to produce fake tears. She didn't want to be suspected of anything. Alex’s sister, Rayah was still around; although, she had been in her room all day. But rumors could fly if she was suspected of anything.Immediately Kohler's eyes were well watered, she stormed into the kitchen. “Everyone, out!” She shouted, and they all turned to her, stunned. “Out right now! Out of this miserable place.” Kohler continued, and they were all giving her shocked looks, a few with pity, they all filed out of the kitchen.They probably thought the whole situation with Alexander had gotten to her which had a
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chapter 117
Chapter 118Kohler watched Lauren enter the hotel with her little apricot dress and smirked._* Who knows if she would make it out with that dress intact?*_“Did you prepare the tea, especially with the ingredient I gave to you?” Kohler asked the trembling girl in the car with her. “Y…yes, ma'am. I did.” The girl responded.“Chill! Why are you acting like I poisoned her? I didn't poison her. She just refused to test my special ingredient, so I'll wait for her to ask why the tea was so good, and then tell her it was prepared with my special ingredient.”She looked at Kohler with her large green eyes, still looking scared. It was why Kohler hated using intermediaries if she was in a situation to use one. The girl looked like she'd spill if anyone just sent a question her way. “If I get found out, I'll get fired. The hotel doesn't take favors like these.” She spoke her mind.“But you did it already, didn't you?”“Yes, ma'am. I did.”“Even if you get fired, you can always come back to m
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chapter 118
Finally, they approached room 1408, and she let the men go in first. They walked in, and she walked in after them, quickly moving to the wardrobe, where she would stay out of hLauren’s sight if she should happen to see what was going on. “Oh my God. She pretty, no?” One of them asked the others in a thick accent. “Come on, baby. We're here for you.” Another uttered.Lauren opened her eyes slowly, and let out a little moan, trying to sit. The men caressed her, and Kohler could see her shudder. Her eyes flew wide, and she began to jerk crazily. Kohler smirked, moving to hide behind the drapes, where she could watch, and laugh, and make videos. “Let the fun get started. Let me make my videos, girl.” She said, in excitement, laughing to herself. “Who are you!? Get off me! Get off me. Stop this insanity. Ah!” Lauren screamed, her eyes wide in fear. She wondered why something negative had to happen to her again, and she couldn't tell who else would be against her to have instigated
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chapter 119
Maddox had taken her home and self-treated her using the instructions given to him by his doctor.When he was done, he covered her up with the bed sheets as she had fallen asleep. He had also reached out to Quincy and told him all that happened, so Quincy was on his way to get Lauren back.Maddox was well aware that Kohler wanted Quincy back for her to have made such a move on Lauren, and that was wicked of her.Soon, Quincy came over, thanked Maddox, and left his home with her.He felt a little lonely with that, but he managed to control himself.He also thought of what to do because it was Kohler who was behind the instigation. Maddox felt it wouldn't be nice if he ratted her out. Then he decided that he would wait until the next day to go to see Kohler's father.He was also going to ensure to do something to cover up traces because if he didn’t do anything to this, Quincy would certainly find out who was behind it and would track her down.If he found out, it would only cause a big
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chapter 120
Lauren woke up feeling a little better than the way she felt all through yesterday. But one thing that didn’t change was who had sent her that letter and drugged her just so those ugly men would have a taste of her.Quincy had already promised her that he was going to get to the root of it, so, she was quite certain that he would find a way around it.Her phone buzzed on the bedside table and she sat on the bed with her feet touching the ground, then she picked her phone up. It was a text from Maddox._*” I hope you’re much better now. If you don’t mind, I would love you to check out something with me at a clothing store. Would need your skills.”*_Sometimes, they did this. He was only being a manager for an undercover reason, so, she accepted him since he was a good friend of hers.Lauren smiled as she read the text and let out a sigh. _*He saved me from those men. I ought to show my appreciation as well, but I can't seem to think of any nice idea to show my appreciation.*- She tho
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