All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
163 chapters
chapter 151
Quincy quickly ran to the dining room to find out what happened, only for him to meet Kohler writhing in pain on the floor. The dark veins were now visible, and she was crying so much that his heart broke for her.“Kohler, hold on! You’ll be fine.” Quincy assured her, and then his maid also joined in.“It’s fine. Don’t worry, I’ll take her to the bedroom. Just watch out for the doctor and others.” He instructed the house to help.“Alright, sir.” She responded, looking worried for Kohler.Kohler kept groaning in pain, and tears were streaming down his eyes.“It’s too much for me to bear, Quincy.” Kohler cried out as Quincy opened the door, and rushed her to the bed, then he laid her on the bed.“Just endure it for a little while. The doctor should be here soon.” Quincy said, trying to get her calm.Then he dialed Scott’s number again he had hung up when he heard Kohler’s scream, and even Scott had been trying to reach him back, but Quincy couldn’t answer his calls.“What about the doc
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chapter 152
The doctor went over to Kohler immediately to check her pulse and everything needed, then he noticed that her pulse was truly dropping.“She is dying slowly. Her body is beginning to get too weak to endure the poison.” The doctor said, then went on to the things he brought along.Quincy stared at him as he brought a serum out.“I thought you said you don't have anything that can help the situation until her blood has been drained,” Quincy said, with a frown.“Yes. I said that. But I have something for her current health condition.” The doctor said, and hurried over to Kohler, then injected the serum into her. “This should stabilize her for a while.” He informed both Quincy and Scott.And they hoped that things were going to go just the way they planned it.~A few hours later, the whole blood draining and transfusion had been done successfully, and Kohler's health was stabilized.Quincy himself was relieved of the whole tense situation. It was nightfall already and he needed rest, so
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chapter 153
The next day, Kohler met Quincy awake, and she wondered if he slept or not. At some point, he slept, but he woke up later on. He was thinking about Kohler who he was about to set free. Quincy was thinking about his decision if it was the perfect one because he had to be certain that Alexander’s right-hand man wasn’t watching from somewhere, and waiting to strike.“Good morning.” Kohler greeted him, but there was no response from Quincy.He was too deep in his thoughts to hear her.Then she waved her hand before his face, looking at him in worry.“Hello, earth to Quincy?” She said, and the waving of her hand caused Quincy to snap out of his thoughts.His eyes blinked, and he looked at her who was looking a little worried.“Are you alright? What are you thinking about?” She asked with concern.“I’m fine, Kohler. I’m just thinking about the man who poisoned you. He has been too quiet, don’t you think? And when a perpetrator is quiet, it either means he is watching you or strategizing. It
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chapter 154
Quincy on the other hand was happy to see the text that Kohler sent to him. That was progress; and now, what he had to hope for was that the strategies they had for this plan would work out without any obstruction.He let out a relieved sigh, dropped his phone on the bed, and headed downstairs again to the living room.“What would you like me to serve you, sir?” His house help asked humbly.“Uhm… I just need a cup of warm tea.” He requested.“Alright, right away, sir.” She said, and then walked back into the kitchen.Quincy turned on the TV and watched different news channels to keep him occupied as he wasn’t with his phone. It had been a while since he last had time for something like this, and so far, it was nice.After watching the news for a while, he decided to change the channel to something else because he was tired of listening to the breaking news.Then his maid approached him with a cup of tea.“It seems today is a little free for you, sir.” She said with a smile as she plac
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chapter 155
Just after he was done with his sex, he got a text from Kohler._We already secured our target._Quincy smiled and nodded his head. He was happy with the progress, and that the plan was turning out well, so he was relieved a little.“Who is making you smile just right after sex?” Kenzie said, trying not to sound jealous.“I’m a businessman, Kenzie. You can’t always think it’s a who making me happy, and not a what.” Quincy said as he walked to the bathroom.“Then what made you smile?” She asked as she got down from the bed., and walked to the bathroom, but Quincy didn’t leave the door wide open for her.“That’s none of your business,” Quincy replied her.“Then at least, allow me to come in to have a shower as well.”“No. We never agreed on that.” Quincy said, then shut the door close.Kenzie frowned and went back to the bed, feeling upset about it. She wondered why Quincy was still closed up, and proving hard to penetrate. She just wanted them to get to a level in their relationship wh
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chapter 156
“What's going on?” She asked, feeling anxiousness grow in her chest.“The attackers. They are at the beach and will storm this place anytime soon.” Drake replied and Damien held her hand and led her out of the room.They all hurried down the stairs and just when she felt they would lead her outside; they were heading somewhere else in the house; somewhere unlikely.“The guest restroom? What are we doing by hiding in here? They'll find us out.” Lauren peaks, feeling scared about their choice of hiding. Besides, she expected more from them.“There is a secret vault in here, beautiful. Trust us.” Damien informed her and as they all entered the restroom; Daniel reached his hand to the tiled wall and placed his hand on a block.A blue light appeared beneath his hand and scanned it, then the wall began to push back like it was paving a way for them to go in. Her mouth opened in shock as the wall continued to push in.Suddenly, a loud clanging noise came up and the noise that came after sh
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chapter 157
Lauren then picked up her phone, and put a call through to Quincy, but there was no response from him despite that she had attempted to call him three times. She let out a sigh and then decided to text him._What’s going on, Quincy? You’ve been distant ever since this Kohler’s situation. You shouldn’t be too far._As she sent that text, she stared at her phone, hoping that Quincy would check his text, and then respond to her, but unfortunately, for over thirty minutes, she had not received any response from him.“I guess I’m just going to go over to meet him.” She said under her breath and then picked up her jacket, then put it on.She had lost Damien, and some others in the past, but she just couldn’t let go of Quincy because she felt he was so close to considering her. But Kohler’s presence might begin to shake all possibilities. She couldn’t risk that, so Lauren was bent on doing all it was going to take to get Quincy to look at only her.Lauren left her home and headed to Quincy’s
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chapter 158
Lauren was sobbing so hard in his car after letting out what was disturbing her. She was able to talk to him because they also related like friends at some point before the whole loving situation came in.“It's okay, Lauren. I understand you, and… I think I can also help you.” Damien said to her.As Damien let out those words, she turned to look at him with curiosity.“You can help me? How?” She asked and sniffled.“I'll just help you get your man. We'll find ways to do that, but you must help me in return. More like we should have a bargain.” Damien told her.“Okay, what's that?” “I want you to act like you're my fiancee and we'd like to get married. Just act that way before my mom and grandfather, then we're good to go.” Damien asked of her.That was a little difficult to do because claiming such could end up destroying her marital life one day, and she didn't want to take chances like that.“If you're scared about this, I'm assuming, you are one hundred percent safe,” Damien said,
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chapter 159
Damien didn't see this coming. He never thought that his mother would go to the extent that she didn't want him to get married to anyone but Talia. “Lauren!” Damien called out as he ran after her.She stomped her feet while walking towards the gate, and wasn’t willing to answer him. “Lauren!” He called out to her again as she passed by the gates, and then she stood close to the car and turned abruptly to him.“What is it!” Lauren snapped at him. “You brought me here just so your mother could speak demeaning words to me?” she questioned, feeling so much hurt in her.She hadn't recovered from the one Quincy gave her, so getting one from his mother wasn't what she signed up for.Suddenly, she noticed a lady walking towards them, and while she smiled at Damien, she gave her a sneer.The lady walked up to Damien and placed her hand on his chest as she trailed her finger on it. “Baby, I’m so happy I found you here.” She spoke cutely. Lauren rolled her eyes and was about to walk away wh
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chapter 160
“Pfft!” Lauren scoffed and rolled her eyes at the answer he gave her.There was no way on earth that his answer was believable.Does Talia mean nothing to him? Lies. She said in her mind.“Oh, come on. Do we need to introduce lies to this newly found relationship? A friend of mine who looked into the case quickly told me that Talia is a crazy woman.” Lauren uttered, peering into Damien’s eyes as she waited for a response from him regarding that.But suddenly, his calm expression turned into a displeased one. His brows curved downward, and he maintained a cold look.“You know what? I’m not in any way comfortable with you keeping people like that as friends, talk more of someone that close to you since she doesn’t know how to mind her business.”“And how should that be something for me to consider? Remember, our contract doesn’t include you getting to choose my friends.” Lauren spoke also raising her brows.It was quite annoying to her that he had to attack her friend just to play his
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