All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
163 chapters
Chapter 21
Kohler had to turn to him, with her mouth, gaped open.“I don’t understand.”She knew there was no other way around it; a way she could use to make him not to think that she was faking it.“I’m sorry. I was agitated. You were like, cheering me up to leave who I ought to have left. Enough is enough. I have tried a lot.” Kohler said, with energy, and it made Charles chuckle.His interest in her, sparked up, and he rose to his feet as well and held her by her waist.“I feel so lucky to have you, right now.” He said, then hugged her, and he began to kiss her neck, and everywhere possible around that part.Kohler was highly tempted to kick him in between his legs, but she had to stay calm, so she could execute her plan.Thankfully, the glass of wine was still in her hands, so, she could be able to get the perfect excuse to get him to leave.She managed to spill the glass, on his clothes, and he moved back, then dusted it.“Oh, goodness! This shirt is expensive.” He uttered sharply, then he
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Chapter 22
“You know what? It’s alright. It’s alright. I’m going to stop bugging her.” Charles relented, and Kohler felt relieved and happy that she managed to get him to back out.“Good. I’m glad you know what’s best for you. By the way, I’m done having a conversation with you. I’ve got to go.” Kohler said, then left. Kohler dropped her phone and let out a sharp relieved breath. She didn’t know that she would be able to pull it off excellently, but she was glad she was able to do it.Her phone rang again, and then she answered the call.“Oh, thank goodness. For you to have answered the call, it must have gone well.” Deborah uttered softly, sounding relieved.“Yes, it did. Although, it wasn’t easy, but then, I pulled it off.”“I’m so glad you did. Alright, I think we need to meet, so we can deliberate on what to do with the recording, and how to guard it, if it needs to be kept.” Deborah uttered, and Kohler agreed.She drove off to that same restaurant where they were meant to meet, and even wh
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Chapter 23
Since the tone of his voice, wasn’t that harsh and all, she was still calm and was able to continue eating. Quincy on the other hand, was having a good day, because the meeting he had earlier, went the way he wanted it to work out.~flashback~Quincy and Scott sat in the office, and when they had settled down, they began to talk on the reason for their meeting.“So, what should be the next step? Since we have announced the Garuma Contract, many people would have been waiting for the necessary process, needed to be done.” Scott spoke as he placed a document on the table.“I know. My representative is on his way, right?” Quincy questioned.“Yes, he is.”“Good. Make the process, public, so people can start coming to submit their proposals or whatever they have.”“Okay, I’ll do just that,” Scott responded as he wrote down some things.Not long after they had their meeting, they were informed that his representative at his company, in China, had arrived, so they went to the conference roo
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Chapter 24
“Can I get more of these?” Kohler asked, going about her shopping, trying to ignore the man staring at her. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over her. The man, standing across the aisle, was fixated on her, his gaze piercing through her like a dagger. There was a long nasty scar so close to his right eye, and it only helped his unwavering stare make her skin crawl. The feeling she felt could be likened to an insect under a microscope.Every move she made, every snack she picked up, was met with an unblinking gaze. It was as if he was studying her, analyzing her every action. Once more, Kohler tried to brush it off, thinking maybe he was just lost in thought, but the intensity of his stare made it impossible to ignore.Why in the world was he staring at her!? Was he a pickpocket waiting for her, or someone with a nasty intention?Kohler’s discomfort grew with each passing moment. Her heart raced, and her palms grew sweaty. “Can you hurry with that please, and where c
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Chapter 25
Kohler couldn’t stay calm as she kept re-reading the message over and over, trying to wonder who could have done this to her child.“Could it possibly be that man, because I told him I’m married?”~flashback~Kohler had felt the urge to ask him why he had been staring, but the situation was just too eerie for her to bother asking. “Who knows what it could lead to, if I tried to ask?” She thought to herself.Without wasting much time, she picked up all that she wanted to get, and then paid for it, even without collecting the change as she had told the seller not to bother.Just as she began to head back to where Quincy and the kids, were, she heard quick footsteps behind her, and she almost screamed, if not that he jumped right in front of her.Although, she gasped in shock as she wasn’t expecting him to pop up just in front of her.“Why are you stalking me!” Kohler voiced out, trying to muster up the courage to confront him.But then, he chuckled, and swept his flying hair, to the ba
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Chapter 26
A message then came on his phone from a strange number.“Having fun, trying to breach my walls, then. Well, you ought to have known by now, that it isn’t possible, except you’re okay with being destroyed, and still not getting what you want.”Quincy squeezed his face, and could almost punch through anything to let out the frustration which was eating him up. Then he texted him, back.“Enough of these games, and cut to the chase!” He texted, feeling impatient, already.Then another text came in.“Alright, If you are ready to work on my terms, to get your daughter, you’ll have to pay 5 billion dollars and I give you just three days to provide that.”Right there, Quincy felt something huge drop in his heart, like a sinking rock.Although, he was capable enough to provide that money, but he had to keep his identity, hidden. He couldn’t possibly pay it, without Kohler questioning him on how he got the money. Even though he told her that a friend or a Samaritan helped with the money, she wo
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Chapter 27
Quincy and Scott, stayed in the bar, until evening, as that was the best time to drink and feel the impact of the drink.“So, now that we are here, I believe we can talk better. What do you plan on doing with this? Your child’s life is on the line. You will have to pay the money.”Quincy shook his head, several times, finding it difficult to choose that option. He recalled that he was not to reveal his identity, or the moment many people began to know, there would be chaos in all that had ever been worked on. He would become a total nobody, and obviously, no human would be able to tolerate abject poverty, for years.His wife could leave him, because he had come to know that people change, with time.“No. I don’t think I can do that.”“Look. To hell with the source of your breakthrough. You know family will always be there.”“I feel we should wait a little. Once he makes his findings well, he will discover that we don’t have enough. We could send him twenty thousand dollars, and send
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Chapter 28
Kohler got home that night, feeling devastated. She wished none of this never happened. She wished that she was there to protect her child and that they took her, instead of her child.On getting home, she just sat in the living room, thinking deeply.“Kohler, Kohler.” She heard her name, suddenly, and then came back to reality.Quincy had just come back from where he went to, and he reeked of alcohol.“So, the next thing is to drink alcohol? Why didn’t you invite me over, so, we could both wallow in sadness? Oh, you didn’t tell me the full story of what I needed to know, right?” Kohler confronted him but spoke calmly as she looked at him.“I don’t understand, Kohler. Where is this coming from?” Quincy questioned, not expecting her to react this way, after leaving her.“Why didn’t you say anything about the abductor, telling you that you should provide a sum of five billion dollars?”His expression changed, and his eyelids fluttered, taken aback by her sudden question.“How…. how did
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Chapter 29
The next day, Quincy headed straight up to meet Charles in his home, as he had gotten the address. He wanted to meet with him before he could go out to work, or any daily activities he did, early in the morning.“It’s quite a surprise to see you, Quincy. Let me guess, Did you get wind of the news that I offered to help your wife? Are you probably feeling insecure?”“Just shut it! Shut it, okay? You are shameless. So shameless, and you do not deserve to be roaming around with your head, held up high. How would you be offering to help a married woman, on the terms of her, having to leave her husband? People like you can’t find true love.”“Yada yada, whatever. And who cares about that? What’s love, without money? Come on, I see gold in Kohler, and all you’re doing is get it rusty. Allow me to take care of her for you.”Quincy grabbed Charles’ collar, and his upper lip twitched as he tried his best to control his anger.“Get your filthy eyes off my family. The abductor might have texted
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Chapter 30
Quincy drove off to his office and threw away the milkshakes as he couldn’t see any time, close enough that he would have the appetite for it.“Good morning, Quincy. How was your night?” Scott asked as he walked into his office, and stood before him.“Well, it was okay. My morning was just a little sour.”“What happened?” Scott asked, out of concern.“That brat, Deborah, I bumped into her, and she tried to poison my mind, saying different things about how Kohler would eventually leave me,” Quincy spoke his mind.“Come on, you should know better than to take her word for it. You know Kohler very well, so anything anyone says, shouldn’t bother you.” Scott spoke, to make Quincy feel better.“I know, right? It’s just difficult to wash off the annoyance that still lingers in me. But I’ll be fine, soon.” “You will. I know that.” Scott added.“Anyways, what’s the schedule for today? I shouldn’t allow my experience, this morning to rid me of my responsibilities.”“Exactly. That should be the
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