All Chapters of Edward loyld: Rise of the underated biochemist : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
52 chapters
With the severity of the case, Mr. Thompson had to book the next available flight and flew back to the country the next day. When he arrived, he met with the DEA, who asked him several questions, as well as checked all his paperwork before proceeding to run an evaluation on his products to see if the allegations were true. During the evaluation period, his company was locked down. There was no production, no buying, and selling. All workers were sent home. The DEA thoroughly checked his labs, chemicals, and drugs, and after three days, the results came out, exonerating him. He was clean, not found wanting. This made all of Edward's statements to the press false. Afterward, Mr. Thompson's company was reopened and allowed to resume production. The DEA released their verdict to the public, along with test results proving Mr. Thompson's innocence. But to their surprise, many people refused to accept it. Instead, they accused the DEA of fraud, claiming that Mr. Thompson must have bribed t
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Edward was pacing back and forth on his balcony, troubled by an unsettled mind as he awaited the return of his men from their mission. The moment he saw Gerald's car drive into the yard, he felt a bit relieved. Gerald quietly came upstairs to meet him."Did you do a clean job?" Edward asked Gerald, his tone curious."Yes, I did. There's no trace. I hid the chemicals in the lab just as you instructed," Gerald replied."Did anyone see you?" Edward questioned further."Nope, except for the scientists in the lab, but don't worry, we injected them to sleep," Gerald responded nonchalantly.Edward's eyes widened in shock. "You did what? You injected them to sleep and expect me not to worry? What if they wake up?" Edward locked eyes with Gerald, who remained unbothered."Boss, you don't need to worry. The substance I injected them with contained GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyric Acid), a chemical that clears memory. They won't remember a thing when they wake up," Gerald reassured Edward with a smile.
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A week after Mr. Thompson’s arrest, Edward was once again plotting the second phase of his revenge. With a glass of wine in his hand, he sat in his office in the middle of the night and invited Gerald, who smirked when he spotted an expensive bottle on the table."Greetings, boss," Gerald said as he entered the room.Edward looked up at him proudly, a smile on his face, and replied, "Gerald, you’ve done well. Have a seat and join me in a celebration." He gestured towards the chair.Gerald gently sat down and poured himself a glass of wine from the bottle on the table."I told you my strategy would work," Gerald said proudly, taking a sip from his glass."Exactly! Even though I wasn’t comfortable with framing him, Mr. Thompson got what he deserved." Edward gulped down the remaining drink in his cup before continuing. "Now, it’s time for the second revenge. This one is more important to me than the first."He opened a drawer and took out a file labeled "RICHARD DAVIDSON'S FILE" in capit
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At noon the following day, Gerald's flight landed at the airport in Ashville. The moment he descended the stairs of the plane, he saw a group of men standing next to a black Lamborghini. They approached him to collect his luggage."Welcome back, boss," they greeted him. Gerald exchanged pleasantries and was escorted into the car before they drove off.Minutes later, they arrived at the Lloyds mansion. Gerald left his luggage with the men to drop off in his apartment while he marched to Edward's office with a file in hand. This time, he didn’t just find Edward alone but also two others, a man and a woman, seated in front of Edward, engaged in conversation."Oh, he's here!" Edward exclaimed as soon as Gerald stepped into the room."Greetings, boss," Gerald said as he walked over to the table and handed the file to Edward."Gerald, allow me to introduce you to my journalist, Miss Kate, and my lawyer, Mr. Abram. We’re all going to be working together," Edward said, taking the file from hi
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Twenty-five minutes after Richard had left the house, Sandra Hudson was pacing to and fro in the sitting room, struggling to think clearly. The revenge Edward had exacted on them still came as a shock to her. She must have been very stupid to have underestimated him.As she wallowed in thoughts and regrets, a knock on the door abruptly snapped her back to reality."Who the hell is at the door?" she muttered, running toward it. She froze in place when she saw three policemen standing there."Good day, ma'am. I'm detective Hades. We're here for Mr. Richard." The first police officer replied, showing her his card."And why are you looking for him? What's the problem?" she asked, feigning ignorance."We've been asked to arrest him, ma'am, and I believe you’ve heard the news.""Well, he’s not around," she said, and the officers exchanged glances, looking incredulous."Oh, you don’t believe me? Come in and see for yourselves, then," she stepped aside, and the officers entered. They spread o
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"He's at South Pole, Creson Village. That's where his aunt stays, and he sometimes goes there to clear his head."Edward quickly picked up his phone and called the police, revealing the location that Sandra had just given him. After a brief conversation, he placed his phone back on the table and bent his head, resting both hands on the desk."Edward, you haven’t said anything. I’ve already told you his location. It’s time to keep your promise," Sandra urged."I'll get back to you. Leave," Edward replied calmly."What do you mean, 'leave'? I already told you what I know and—""Sandra, I have to confirm the location you gave me, just to make sure you both aren’t playing tricks on me." Said, Edward, as he took a glance at her."Edward, you know I can’t lie to you, right? At least not at this point." Sandra tried to convince him but he stood firmly to his words."That’s the problem, Sandra. At this point, I’ve lost trust in everyone except my dear mother. But she's dead. Now, leave. When
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“Police? Why are you looking for Mr. Richard? What has he done?” Her eyes widened as she replied to the men, her hand still on the door.“Ma'am, Mr. Richard got involved in some illegal activities that we are not at liberty to discuss with you. Is he inside or not?” Detective Hades said.Meanwhile, Richard, who was eavesdropping on the conversation, was overwhelmed with shock. How did the police know his location? He was sure he hadn’t told anyone where he was going.Still in shock, he stood up and made his way to the back door, trying to escape. But he didn’t know that there were police officers stationed there too. The moment he opened the door and walked out, he heard, “Freeze, Mr. Richard! You are under arrest. Put both hands above your head,” the police commanded. They didn’t give him time to obey as one of the officers quickly rushed at him, grabbed him, and forced him face-down on the ground while they handcuffed his hands behind his back.“Aunty! Aunty, help! Aunty!” Richard s
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The following week at court:Operating with a forged certificate and involved in various criminal activities, including money laundering, Mr. Richard Davidson, you are hereby sentenced to 20 years imprisonment with a fine of $10 billion. Your license as a medical practitioner will be revoked, and your property is hereby seized by the government. It will not be used by you or any member of your family."*Knock.* The gavel sounded on the desk.Richard broke into tears as the judge gave her final verdict while he stood at the dock in the courtroom. There was mourning and murmuring from his friends and loved ones who had come to give their support to him in court. Sandra Hudson was seated with her mom in the third row, crying bitterly, her conscience laced with guilt. The police officers grabbed Richard by the arm, taking him outside the courthouse, headed towards the van. Sandra Hudson followed to say her final words to him."Richard… Don’t worry, I’m here for you. I won’t leave you in t
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BILLIONAIRES CLUB PARTY**A month had passed since Edward ended his revenge game on those who had hurt him when he had nothing. Not that he had no victims left, but he felt their wrongs against him were minor. Now, he wanted to relax and enjoy the pleasures that came with wealth and the reputation he had built.So, what’s trending? There’s a billionaire’s club party coming up in a couple of days, and Edward, being one of the most influential people in the world, received a VIP invitation. The party was to be held in Dubai. Edward was thrilled about the invite. He had heard stories about Dubai, watched documentaries showcasing the city’s beauty and extravagance, and always dreamed of visiting. This felt like a dream come true.He had never been to Dubai and didn’t know his way around, so he hired a travel guide to assist him upon arrival. The guide was responsible for his lodging, which he had paid $35,000 for, along with an additional $1,000 as the guide's fee.It was 6 p.m., and Edw
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The lady paused, staring at him. As they waited for what he was going to say, they exchanged glances and spoke in Arabic, then faced him again."Do you not want this, sir?" the one sitting asked."No, let me entertain you first... have a seat," Edward replied. The ladies both smiled, and the one standing took her seat.He went to the fridge, which had different kinds of drinks."Would you care for a bottle of vodka?" he asked, his face still toward the fridge."Yes, we don't mind," they responded.He gently took out the bottle of vodka and three glasses, then returned to the sitting room. He opened the drink and poured halfway into his cup, and the ladies did the same."So, what are your names?" he asked as they drank. Both ladies exchanged glances again and laughed out loud."Why are you laughing? I hope I'm not being naive or something... I'm sorry, this is my first time doing—""Don't worry, it's fine. You're doing great. We're just surprised by how gentle you are," one of them sai
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