All Chapters of Young Master's Ascension: From Shadows to Spotlight : Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 chapters
Chapter 1. Pain of betrayal
There came in a long expanse of faded linoleum and chipped lockers, as the hallway stretched out before a slender figure emerged from the shadows. The air was laced with murmurs of distant conversation from students, that filled the background. Aiden, a frail, weak, and lowly looking boy, sauntered towards an empty class with his shoulder drooped beneath his old backpack, his worn out sneaker squeaking on the polished floor and echoing off the walls. He held a small blue assignment file tightly. His dry lips let out a sigh of exhaustion, and he wiped the heavy beads of sweats like soybeans appearing on his forehead. His sunken eyes occupied dark circles below like a stormy sky that refused to clear. He had just finished cleaning up the whole restrooms in the college, in order to pay for the semester examination f*e. This just reflected his though life, and difficult struggles. As he turned to a corner, the fluorescent light made his sunken eyes to squint but he lowered them an
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Chapter 2. Need money for surgery
Aiden’s face was a mask of anguish and uneasiness, but he still held the phone tightly, like his life depends on it, even after the line went dead. At this moment, he didn’t seemed to care about the killing intent surging out from the lackeys’ bodies, as his world went blank. It was like he was huddled up in a trance. Seeing this, the two lackeys got closer to him and wanted to take this chance to slam Aiden against the wall. Unexpectedly, Aiden lifted up his head and shot them an icy look, his eyes glinting of something dangerous! Then, his gaze darkened, making the air tense and heavy! He didn’t know where he got the strength from, but he pushed the two lackeys and kicked their groins with all his might! “ Go to hell!” He bellowed in a bloody manner! Afterwards, he bustled out of the class immediately. .... He got to the hospital as fast as he could, panting heavily with his shirt drenched in cold sweats, coupled with the now dried blood on his body. Since he got th
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Chapter 3. Rare stones
Witnessing a queer thing like this, Aiden’s eyes dilated in terror as his gaze lingered on the very spot where the strange man dematerialized. His mind raced with tons of questions, but he couldn’t shake off the intense shock gripping him. His mouth slacked with dismay! Was he dreaming? How could a human turned into dust and evaporated?! And what was that eerie sensation he felt just now?He really couldn’t accept the weird things happening to him just within today. “ Stop it! I am not a fan of this kind of tricks! I have only seen this in movies, but this is reality!” Aiden yelled, his lower lip quivering like a thin leaf, and his eyes instantly scanned the surroundings inside the cave! “ Where are you, strange man?! I used my herbs on you! You better come back now! I can’t waste my rare herbs! They are meant for my grandma’s surgery money!” However, even at that, he was still the only one. Realizing the odd situation, his expression closed up, in addition to his lips snap
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Chapter 4. No one steps on Jojo!
No! Aiden’s mouth fell opened at the sudden realization! Who would ever believed the old white jade stones were infinite in the bag?! The more he counted them, the more they multiply. Damn! This was impossible to take in! “ Shit!” Aiden gasped as he screamed out loud! He couldn’t control his emotions by what he just discovered! “Aiden! Is everything okay there?” Isabelle shouted from the living room, in a worried tone, hearing Aiden’s scream, which was unusual. “ Uhm....” Aiden scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, lowering his eyes but nodded. “’s all good. Everything is okay.” He denied, covering his lips. “ If that’s it, then don’t scream anymore. You don’t want this building to collapse, do ya?” Isabelle warned him calmly. “ Sure.” If one stone is worth 50 million dollars, then an infinite stones are worth.........infinite wealth?! Oh no! This was terrifying and astounding! More importantly, he thought why did the strange man gave him such a
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Chapter 5. The bet
It was at this time, a petite figure emerged from the small bush not far away and skipped forward in a rush! “ Aiden! I didn’t give you the right to hurt Chris, he is my man, so you don’t have the right to do that?! Are you seeking revenge just because he was able to get my heart while you aren’t!!?” Alex’s tears were streaming out as she sobbed pitifully like she had truly being wronged. Her eyes were like a pool, sniveling, and the tears clung to her lashes gradually, giving her a delicate view. She cried out and stated in a coy tone, “ If you are angry, don’t take it out on Chris. Just hurt me and punish me instead! Then, I hope you will be satisfied, but I would never have anything to do with you, because it Chris that I love!” Afterwards, she went ahead to help Chris, checking his body out worriedly. Aiden just watched Alex calmly, his face full of an inexplicable emotion. At this moment, how wouldn’t he understand the meaning behind Alex’s words. She seemed so be crying
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Chapter 6. Torn pant
Afterwards, he faced Aiden, “ Aiden, do you agree or not?” As Chris asked this, it caused a stir among the students, and they all turned to Aiden. Alex quickly hooked her arm around Chris and pouted proudly, “ Chris, we all know Aiden has nothing. I will rather say we should just let him serve you as a way of apologizing. Let’s not humiliate him the more, he can’t afford it, even if he sell his whole generation, right Aiden?” She glanced at Aiden gently, but inwardly, she was sneering coldly at him! Aiden ignored her, but he could comprehend her words, the sarcasm and mockery in them. She seemed to be saying ‘ Just give up on the bet, you can’t afford a ten million jewelry. In this way, we can humiliate you more and make your life miserable!’ Aiden lowered his eyes, a hint of calculation glinting across them. He didn’t tell Chris he had money, but the latter had twisted his words. However, he had a stone, which he was going to sell for fifty million. Grandma’s surgery
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Chapter 7. 20 million jewelry
Once it was closing time, Aiden packed his bag and left the school. He got to a ware store where he could sell the stone. He quickly sold the stone for fifty million and was given a diamond card, which his name was printed on it. After Aiden tested the card and confirmed the amount, he left, and a strange man wearing a hood jacket walked into the store, checking around until his eyes landed on the old white jade stone, which was already placed in a safe transparent box. The man lowered his eyes sinisterly, but he said nothing. Aiden went to the hospital and paid for his grandma surgery with the card, then he headed back to the house. “ Jojo!” He called out to his grandma the moment he got home and happily ran to her room. “ Jojo, someone paid for the surgery! I don’t know who, but the doctor called me and informed me about it. This is a blessing and a miracle!” Isabelle was dumbfounded, hearing this and was unable to react for a while. “ What did you just say?! My surgery
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Chapter 8. Unbelievable
Chris and Alex bursted into a fit of ludicrous laughter instantly, and this calmed their nerves.Aiden’s face remained collected and just stared silently at the payment machine. He paid the surgery fee of his grandma with the card yesterday, so what was going on? Alex was the first to shout and pointed at Aiden! “ Turns out you are just a liar and a fraud! Aiden, how could you do this? Are you this desperate just because I left you?! I can’t stay with someone useless and a trash like you!’’Chris kissed Alex’s cheek and grinned with satisfaction latching on his face. “ Hehe! I told you Aiden, you are nothing compare to me, and i would never let you be above me! I will rather continue to step on you and make you my rag, because that’s who you are! So who is the winner now, who is laughing now?” The sales person was so enraged, his face started burning and turning scarlet! “ How dare you deceive us?!” He pushed Aiden away and took out his card, wanting to throw it away! “ I be
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Chapter 9. He won!
However, before he could make any decision, Aiden cleared his throat and snapped his fingers. “ If any of you dares to make any improper and unfair decision, prepare for your reputation to be destroyed!” He coldly threatened them, lowering his voice that were now full of danger.. "What?!" The manager in charge of the store, snapped, his forehead creasing with surprise and anger at Aiden's audacious words. " Who is this kid?! Who the hell are you to threaten us in this manner?! Do you have an idea the kind of figure and personality we are in this country?! Don't be stupid and stop talking like a fool!" He looked down at Aiden with disgust and turned to the steward and Chris. " Mr. Evans," he called Chris respectfully and shook his head with a friendly smile, his expression completely opposite from the one he showed to Aiden. " Rest assure. This store belongs to me, and I won't tolerate any injustice. I will refund the money spent and kick him out now!" Chris, whose heart w
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