All Chapters of The Scion's Inheritance of Power : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
38 chapters
Chapter One
"Give the Amulet to me, my girlfriend said she likes it." Ivan had his eyes glaring at Chris, from where he was standing at the door on the second floor of the Adam's mansion.Ivan's words were like a punch to Chris's chest, to the extent he zoned out for a couple of seconds as he replayed and digested the awful request from his so-called brother."It's mine, I won't give it to you." Chris declined touching the Amulet around his neck."What could a trash like you need an Amulet for?" Ivan snickered folding his arms across his chest.His words were sharp, leaving Chris dumbfounded. The more the words sank into Chris's brain, the more they stung with pain and made his chest bubble with amusement. The Amulet wasn't just any necklace, it was the only thing that was left of his mother.Three years ago, Chris woke up to the sad news of his mother's disappearance. Not only was his father not bothered, but he got married just a month apart and brought his new wife home. As if that wasn't en
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Chapter Two
Morris sneered as he entered the room. When he saw Chris lying there, he was fumed with anger."How dare this brat sleep when he is supposed to be repenting?" He growled and struck Chris's cheek."Wake up!" He yelled.Chris's eyes peeled open, and when he looked at the figure in front of him, he realized it was his father and not his mother. The realization sent grievance through his fragile body. Chris was suffocated, depressed and shaking. Last time he checked, he was also Morris's son, but it seemed like, his father have forgotten. "Stand up!" Morris ordered but Chris could barely lift his feet.Seeing how reluctant he was, Morris was irritated. A quick snort from him made his insides turn."I said stand up you dimwit!" He yelled again at Chris, stomping his feet hard on the ground to threaten him."I can't..." Chris's voice was shaky, betraying the stiffness of his body. Morris flared up in anger and grabbed Chris's hair whilst yelling at him-"You coward. After pushing my chi
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Chapter Three
Snowflakes fell gently from the sky and landed on Chris's body. The sound of his screams amplified through the chilly air.He held on to Ivan's feet, struggling to save the last piece of his mother's memory.Undaunted by the bitter cold, Ivan smiled as he watched Chris struggling. When Chris's gripped on his feet hardened and he couldn't press harder on the Amulet, Ivan kicked Chris with his free leg, and then stepped on his fingers.Even as the fierce winds raged, and a snowstorm brewed, nor the bones of his fingers as they cracked by every trampling of Ivan's feet against them, Chris's eyes were fixated on the Amulet that was now in ruins.Tears dried from his eyes as he stared at the Amulet now in pieces.When Ivan noticed this, he looked at the Amulet and smiled. "What are you going to do now?" He laughed. Chris crawled towards the Amulet, and then gathered the pieces. His dried eyes suddenly welled up and tears began rolling down his cheeks. "Mum..." He sobbed in great misery b
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Chapter Four
"I'm sorry father." Ivan cried.His words rattled around in Chris's head until he finally found himself furious at Ivan's words.Camping? They went camping? Chris had thought Ivan was hospitalized for the past few days, but instead they were camping while he was locked in the attic fighting for his life.Tears stained his now pale and frozen skin as he searched his memories trying to figure out what he ever did wrong to deserve such treatment from his so-called family.He couldn't find any. He had always obeyed them but they weren't satisfied.Ivan would mock him and treated him badly and even if Chris told their parents, they would always side with Ivan and Chris got beatings in return.Chris felt his body getting weaker and weaker. The beating sound of his heart became even louder. He struggled to stay awake but every minute was heart wrenching.Their words hurts more than the pain he was in. He didn't want to hear them anymore and with his consciousness slowly slipping away from
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Chapter Five
It's been thirty minutes since Chris was taken to the hospital, but Morris stood there, with his car keys on his hand as he wondered if he should follow the ambulance.Suddenly, a cough from Ivan caused Morris's eyes to widen in shock as he ran towards his child. "What happened Ivan?" Morris asked touching Ivan's hands and they were cold. "I think I've caught a cold." Ivan muttered.This made Morris even more bitter towards Chris. His gaze traced the wheels mark on the snow and he frowned. "It's all because of that dimwit. You have been out here for quite a while." He drew Ivan in for a hug."I told you that boy hates your son. He always find a way to hurt my child. Ivan haven't even recovered from the fall, now he wants him to freeze to death." Teresa didn't forget to throw in more spite. When she saw Morris with his car keys earlier, about going to the hospital, it made her insides turn. She couldn't think of anything to stop him, but thanks to Ivan's sickness, Morris would have
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Chapter Six
The old man couldn't describe how he felt when he heard the news.He sat down and squeezed his hands on his silk nightmare.The painful memory of losing his daughter tore him from within. He could still clearly remember the last day he had seen her. Her tiny voice echoed in the house as she waved at him, "Goodbye dad, see you soon." He shouldn't have said those words back. They've tormented him for the longest time but now finally, he will meet his daughter again.A wide smile appeared on his lips. Despite his teary eyes, the man's heart suddenly felt light.But when he noticed everyone was still standing, and not in any form making haste for him to meet his daughter, he furrowed his brows and his bright eyes instantly darkened."What the hell are you people still doing here?" He yelled at his employees. "Prepare the helicopter, we will arrive at the hospital in thirty minutes."The employees quickly walked away to make preparations. As the man stood up, he felt his legs trembling a
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Chapter Seven
"Adams family?" Lord Sergeant repeated the name, his voice had a hint of confusion and was fumed in fury.The paramedic stood silent, trembling under the old man's fierce gaze. Lord Sergeant's mind raced, his heart was heavy as he stared at the poor boy. All he wanted at the moment was to save him.But then again, he have not yet conducted the DNA test. He grunted and then turned abruptly and waved his hand, signaling the Butler."Take some strands of his hair," he ordered. "We'll run a DNA test to confirm if he's truly Helena's son."Lord Sergeant's mind flooded with different ideas on how he would deal with the Adam's family, but for now, he needed to confirm that Chris truly was his grandson.He stayed indifferent waiting for the test results to come out. The Butler nodded and carefully took a few strands of Chris's hair, placing them in a small plastic bag given to him by the director. Then he took some strands of Lord Sergeant hair for the test.Lord Sergeant's eyes were only
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Chapter Eight
Lord Sergeant smiled widened, as he read the messages. But when another message popped on the screen, his gaze instantly flickered and a frown appeared on his face."Father, is she doing great?"Lord Sergeant eyebrows knitted as he glanced at Chris. He felt inexplicably irritated. His dark eyes deepened as he remembered that Chris was abused and almost left for dead."This isn't Helena but her child. He was abused, everyone must come back to Los Angeles right away." Immediately the others read the message Lord Sergeant had dropped in the group, more messages continuously popped on the screen."Her son?" "He was abused? Who dare abuse my nephew?""Father, which hospital are you?" Apart from Helena, Lord Sergeant other children were older and successful. They didn't lived with him in Los Angeles, but in other cities.They were big shots in their various career. Despite their busy career, when their father texted that Chris was abused, they immediately abandoned everything as they too
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Chapter Nine
The grand dining room of the Adam's mansion was eerily quiet, save for the occasional clink of silverware against fine china. Morris sat at the head of the table, his posture as rigid as the cold air that lingered between the walls. His eyes were fixed on the plate before him, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere.Across from him, Ivan stared into his untouched food, a deep frown etched on his young face. Morris noticed the boy's unusual silence and turned his head slightly, his brows furrowing with concern. "Ivan, what's troubling you?" Morris's voice, though gentle, carried the weight of authority.Ivan hesitated, his small hand reaching out to clutch his father's. The touch was tentative, almost as if he feared rejection. "Dad... I'm worried about Chris," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "He's alone in the hospital. Can't we go see him?"Morris stiffened, his hand instinctively tightening around his son's.The name "Chris" seemed to echo in the room, hanging heavy
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Chapter Ten
The grand dining room of the Adam's mansion was eerily quiet, save for the occasional clink of silverware against fine china. Morris sat at the head of the table, his posture as rigid as the cold air that lingered between the walls. His eyes were fixed on the plate before him, but it was clear his mind was elsewhere.Across from him, Ivan stared into his untouched food, a deep frown etched on his young face. Morris noticed the boy's unusual silence and turned his head slightly, his brows furrowing with concern. "Ivan, what's troubling you?" Morris's voice, though gentle, carried the weight of authority.Ivan hesitated, his small hand reaching out to clutch his father's. The touch was tentative, almost as if he feared rejection. "Dad... I'm worried about Chris," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "He's alone in the hospital. Can't we go see him?"Morris stiffened, his hand instinctively tightening around his son's.The name "Chris" seemed to echo in the room, hanging heavy
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