All Chapters of RISE OF THE TRILLIONAIRE HIDDEN POWER : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
153 chapters
Chapter 0051
Diana continued to talk to the man without any burden. Charles was like a bodyguard waiting for his master to speak. But the funny thing was, already aware like a bodyguard, Charles was still silent and listening to the conversation between Diana and the man she was talking to. Throughout the conve
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Chapter 0052
"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Charles immediately asked after making sure no one had fallen. Charles looked at the face of the person he hit in the thick hoodie that covered him. It turned out to be David. Diana and Charles widened their eyes when they realized the man Charles hit was David. "Hey! Wh
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Chapter 0053
David was confused about what this man should do. He couldn't tell what was wrong and right. What was the strongest and weakest? This man was so confused that Tom kept pushing him. It was different, with Charles also pushing him. David understood. Charles wanted to help him. However, Charles' help
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Chapter 0054
"You know, I always refuse Tom's request. But that man will force me, and always hit me if I can't satisfy his request. Honestly, I'm tired," David cried in front of Charles and Diana. The two of them who saw David's unfortunate condition also sympathized. David then told them what Tom did to Charl
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Chapter 0055
Although naughty and not severe. David is serious about continuing his parents' business. It is proven in business lessons that David pays attention to the lecturer explaining the material. Occasionally, he also asks about business and the solutions given by the lecturer to his questions. Carles kn
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Chapter 0056
Charles did not tolerate any more mistakes Tom made. According to him, all of that was beyond the reasonable limits that he gave. Charles did not have a problem with what had happened to him. After all, before Tom, Charles was also the target of all the students on his campus. However, Tom's game
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Chapter 0057
Besides, he should be suspicious and wary. Danger kept on haunting Charles without warning. Charles finally smiled at his grandfather thinly. After Diana had handed it over, Charles accepted it and opened it for his grandfather. Benjamin assisted them in discussing what Flamel had borne as a loss.
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Chapter 0058
On the other hand, Charles also felt like a dream. He never thought he could sleep in a soft bed, eat delicious food, and not work too hard by taking four to five jobs at once. Charles does not think that his future still exists when he fights Tom. Again and again, the man remembers Tom, and his bl
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Chapter 0059
"Ready?" Thomas made sure of his grandson, who was tidying up his suit. "I'm ready!" Charles was sure of his appearance. He exhaled slowly and walked with his grandfather towards the hall. A nervous feeling enveloped Charles, but there was Thomas, who always walked to balance Charles' steps, and D
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Chapter 0060
"Why did you suddenly decide everything? I can't accept it! This is defamation!" Antonio was still trying to argue. Thomas got off the stage, which separated them. Charles followed him from behind with Benjamin and Diana. Thomas, who usually walked with dignity, turned angry. "Grandpa, you don't h
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