All Chapters of TRILLIONAIRE SON-IN-LAW IN DISGUISE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
64 chapters
Suspicious call
Chapter 11After he finished, he invited all the family and he walked to to usual place in the kitchen to eat his lunch. His wife called him.“Michael!” She called, her voice calm. And Michael immediately paid attention to her as she continued. “I don't want you to be going out of the house again. You'll stay at home and do all the house chores because I can't be going out to work and when I return home there will be nothing in the house to eat.And you know that I don't like eating by this hour of the day.”“I understand and I'm sorry for everything but what if your proposal with Golden Group of Companies gets approved, will you still allow me to go out?” He asked.Rose thought about it for a while before answering him. Meanwhile, the whole family was all quite enjoying the meal leaving the husband's and wife's conversation.“Maybe. But you know that won't be possible because I doubt if they will.”“Okay.” He said and walked back to the kitchen.Half an hour later, they finished eat
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A parcel
Chapter 12 The next morning when everyone was still busy preparing to leave the house Michael was busy doing his usual house chores. The doorbell suddenly rang and Rose was the one who opened it since she was on the verge of leaving the house. It was a delivery man who stood before her with a parcel. He was wearing a blue shirt and black trousers and also sturdy shoes. “This is a parcel for Mrs. Rose. Is she in?” “Oh, yes. I'm the one.” Rose was perplexed because she didn't remember offering anything. But she kept silent. “Here ma, please sign.” The delivery man ordered and Rose glanced back inside the living room. It was only Michael who was there presently and he was busy cleaning. “Okay.” She signed and she was handed the parcel. “Thank you, I'll take my leave now.” He said and hopped on his bike and zoomed out of the compound. While Rose stared in his direction with the parcel in her hand before turning back inside. Carefully dropping it on the table, she unwrap
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Out for coffee
Chapter 13“What? Why, Grandma? Is it because of this good-for-nothing man?” She pointed at Michael.“Whatever you choose to call him. All I know is I'm going nowhere if he isn't going with us.” Isabella said with seriousness written on her face and took her seat on the couch.Seeing his family in a disagreement made Michael worried and he walked to Grandma Isabella, trying to bring peace. He didn't want the family to be in hatred just because of him. “Grandma.” He called out and hung his hand on her shoulder. “Please, go with them and celebrate. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just go with them.” He said, feeling pained inwardly. But she retorted. “No. I'm going nowhere if they aren't going to take you along. It's unfair for them to be treating you like you don't exist at all. What offense have you committed that is making them treat you this way? For God's sake, it's bad.”A tiny tear began to drop down from Michael's eyes, hearing how Isabella spoke. Her words always made him
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A fight
Chapter 14 Quickly, Michael stood up on his feet in rage as he approached the men and Grandma Isabella followed him. “How dare you all bang into our house like that without a knock?” He asked again in anger. He didn't know who the men were and he had never seen them before. However, he didn't pick any fight with them because they were five men with physique bodies and he probably wouldn't be able to defeat them so he maintained his composure yet angry. “Your house?” The leader of the group asked with a malicious laugh. He had tattoos all over his body. “And what makes you think you can lecture us on how we enter this house? Huh?” He roared and pushed him aside, striding inside the living room. With a swift turn, he barked at the men behind him and ordered, his voice akin to that of a seasoned commander on the battlefield. “Why are you all still standing, clear out everything in this house and get them thrown out now!” “What?” Michael's and Isabella's eyes widened in great
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Fred Arrived Back
Chapter 15 Rose quickly stood up as she looked at the man who seemed to be at the age of 21 standing at the doorpost. She couldn't believe her eyes as she stared at him. He was her long former classmate and his name was Fred Maxwell. They had both attended the same school from primary up to higher institutions. But he traveled outside the country and his reason for that was unknown because he didn't tell anyone. He was not even that brilliant type but he had always lavished money on the campus because his parents were rich. He once had a crush on Rose during their school days. And here he is, he has finally returned. But what does he want? “It's you, Fred,” Rose screamed as she jumped onto him, giving him a tight hug that she had never given to her husband. The matter on the ground became nothing because it seemed like their savior had arrived. Fred smiled, his voice calm. “It's me.” He held her hand softly and they entered inside. Michael stared angrily at how Fred held
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An evil smirk
Chapter 16 “What can I do for you, sir?” Michael shifted his gaze back to Fred and asked after he finished apologizing to his wife. “Just remove my shoes,” Fred demanded as he stretched out his legs to him. He sat comfortably on the couch, having his back relaxed on it. Michael was stunned at his audacity. Was removing his shoes that difficult for him to do? He looked at Rose, expecting her to say something but the hatred she had towards him didn't allow her to say a word. She just sat beside Fred with an ‘I don't care attitude.’ But was she going to allow her husband to remove his classmate's shoes in her presence? “I should remove your….” Michael, who felt like he didn't hear what Fred clearly said was about to ask when Fred completed the sentence for him. “My shoes! Get them off my legs! Or is there anything wrong with what I said?” “No, sir.” Michael politely replied and he gently crouched down in pain at Fred's presence. His eyes were set fixed on Rose as he slowl
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Fred Attacks Michael
Chapter 17 Michael got up the stairs and walked past the first room door which belonged to Grandma Isabella and he continued walking. But when he was about to walk past the second room door which belonged to his mother-in-law and father-in-law, he overheard a conversation and it wasn't nice at all. “Fred told me that he will be spending some days with us and you must do everything to make him yours. Once it's done, then you can divorce that thing you called husband.” Maria whispered. Her voice smirks. “Mom, I can't do that to Michael. I know that I despised him a lot but I don't want to break his heart.” “Heart, you say?” Stephen chimed in, his voice still in a whisper but full of contempt. “Does he have a heart? He had broken our hearts already. Do you know how I felt ashamed in front of Cho and his bodyguards earlier, do you? If not for God who brought Fred at the right time, do you know where we all have been?” The conversations within the family were all coming out as whi
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Fred lied against Michael
Chapter 18He took a walk closer to him. Rose was not there because she was in the bathroom taking her bath.“What are you doing in our room and why on our bed? Don't you know it's our matrimonial bed and no one is allowed to sit on it?” He inquired. But his voice was polite. “And who are you to tell me not to sit on my friend's bed?” Fred shot back and stood on his feet.“Don't you know I'm Rose's husband and you aren't allowed in here especially when I'm not inside? And if you want to talk with Rose then that should be done in the living room and not in here.”He explained but Fred gave him no attention. He knew that Michael had no say in the family since everyone despised him so this worthless man couldn't threaten him.“Get out of my sight, you stinky man.” Fred was about to push Michael to the ground but Michael quickly noticed it and held his hand. He didn't retaliate back because he was his wife's friend and if not for that, he was a visitor in the house so he probably wouldn
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Michael apologized to Fred
Chapter 19 He didn't complete what he wanted to say when Rose out of anger gave him a resounding slap on the cheek. “Just shut up.” She yelled and slapped him on the right cheek which turned his face backward because of how forceful it came. “I can't believe you're like this, Michael.” A hint of disappointment ran through her face after she believed Fred's bunch of lies. “I only thought you were poor and kind-hearted, never did I know you're such a cold-hearted man. If someone had told me that you're like this I would have probably defended you but today you have shown me your true color. Just get out, I don't want to see you, you're a green snake in green grasses.” She hit him on the chest, pushing him away. “Rose! You're overreacting, you should hear from him also before concluding. He also has something to say. Allow us to hear from him.” Grandma Isabella said interrupted and defensively, not believing any single word that Fred had said. She knew Michael could never s
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Michael finally fulfill Rose's earlier wish
Chapter 20She flashed out of the room in anger before Michael fell onto his knees in front of Fred and he apologized humbly. “I'm sorry, sir. Please, forgive me, I promise this won't repeat itself.” He didn't mind whether he was the one at fault or not.Fred glanced down at him and smiled. “You're forgiven.” He then extended his hand to help Michael get up so he should be addressed as a kind person. But Michael declined, however, he gave him his hand and he got up.“Fred, I never knew you were so kind-hearted.” Stephen was convinced by the fake attitude that he had put on.“I'm not cold-hearted like some people.” He giggled and looked at Michael who immediately understood what he was implying. “I thank God for that and also for making Rose find someone like you. I wished she had met you earlier before she got married.” Their tones were filled with sarcasm that left a piercing knife through Michael's heart. They were indirectly talking to him with every single word of theirs which
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