All Chapters of My Celebrity Ex-wife Regretted After Divorce : Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 chapters
11. The casts
“Important guest? This … thing?“Watch your words, Mrs Melissa,” Harry cut her off in a loud voice, “Just hear what I've said and let it end here. Please, everyone, you can go back to your places, so sorry for the disturbance.” He apologized and the crowd dispersed, murmuring as they did.While Melissa stood there staring at Harry in anger, wondering what gave the young man the audacity to speak to her in that manner. She believed that she was an important figure in the industry, and not even the director dared to test her patient.But Melissa chose to let it slide, “I'm going to deal with him later,” she thought,“Right after I claim the lead role, I will make him pay.”As the guests returned to the center of the party, grabbing a drink and chatting away with their colleagues, Harry turned to look for Jennifer just so that he could apologize one more time, but his eyes met someone that he couldn't believe he missed.Jason Blackwood, the Boss, the man who no one saw, was at his part
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12. Full of pride
The party continued, full of chatter and entertainment, a few activities and few prizes, the director truly went all out to make this a night to remember.But just like any event, it came to an end, and at night too. It was past 9pm when almost everyone had left the party, the dj kept the sound of the music very low, giving the guest room to discuss among themselves while hearing each other.Jason was soon ready to leave, and as soon as he stood to his feet, Jennifer noticed and excused herself from the conversation with a fellow colleague and walked up to him.“You are leaving already?” She asked him, picking up her purse as though she wanted to go along with him.“Yes.” Jason nodded,“I think it's about time I go to bed,” He added, trying to keep conversation neutral and not as cold as the others. He did not not have a good sense of humor but at least he could try.Jennifer giggled,“Sure, uhm, I didn't see your car anywhere, can I drop you off at your place? It's the least I could
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13. Dressed up nicely
Grace inhaled and exhaled before greeting Jason, she knew that he would question her reasons for coming and at the moment, and she wasn't confident enough to give him any response yet. “Hope you are good?” Jason asked her, ignoring the fact that she was in his car at nine pm without a cause.“Yes sir,” Grace nodded, and the car was once again silent as the driver pulled out of the parking lot. But the silence made Grace uncomfortable, “What is he thinking? Why hasn't he asked?”“How was the event, sir?” She asked, hoping to keep the conversation alive, but Jason seemed uninterested. He noticed her dress, different from the usual suit that she wore whenever she was around him.He could barely wrap his head around the change in fashion style, could she have been on a date and had just returned? Was she stranded and had pleaded with my driver to pick her up? “Grace,” He called her name rather than respond to her greetings.Grace gulped down her saliva, her heart skipped a beat as she w
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14. Don't they ever learn?
Melissa sat up at night unable to fall asleep, her thoughts were plagued by the experiences from the party. Nothing like this has ever happened to her. She was a very well-respected figure amongst many and was used to getting whatever she wanted without even saying a word.“The audacity,” she thought, “The embarrassment, that lady?” She could barely wrap her head around it. How could someone like herself, such a big name, an award-winning actress be treated in that manner, truly it was infuriating.“Still awake?” Alex asked as he walked into the room.“Don't tell me that it's still about what happened earlier?” He asked her, taking his seat at the edge of the bed next to where she rested her back on the pillow.“Isn't it just strange to you Alex?” She asked him,“And what did you do? Nothing?”“Oh, you are blaming it on me?” Alex was shocked, there was nothing he could have done against the director himself. Compared to Jennifer Thomson, he was a nobody in the industry. “That's not
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15. How convenient
“Bring him out,” Jason ordered the security men who stood at the far end of the hall, and they did as he had said, pulling him out of the cylindrical component and bringing him to stand in front of Jason, still bound by chains and handcuffed like a prisoner.Jason looked into the man's eyes, he couldn't help but wonder what gave the young man the guts to walk into his organization, and snoop around, whilst hoping that he would not get caught. “Will you speak up, or do you want me to ask you?” Jason uttered, and the man looked straight into his eyes without giving a response. “Silence huh?” He scoffed and nodded his head. A sanctimonious smirk crept upon his face as he looked at his employees.“Can I have my knuckle rings?” He requested, and while he was still speaking, one of the men in a white lab coat brought a small black briefcase to him.When he opened it, Jason took out five knuckle rings, each with a diamond centerpiece. He wore one on each finger and turned back to the man o
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16. Project 'numb war'
“Does he have kids?” Jason asked her, whilst pointing his gun to the man’s head.“I can't confirm that sir,” She replied,“But I've also tracked some close relatives, do you want me to inform the unit in those areas? It'll only take a few hours and the job will be done.” “Don't you dare lay a hand on my family members!” He yelled, “They have nothing to do with this…” While he was still speaking, Jason smacked him on the face with the head of the gun.“Then speak up!” He snapped, “I am not going to do this with you! Not today…I don't… have that time!” Each time Jason cut off his words, he kicked his victim on his side, making him roll in pain.“Deputy administrator Angus!” The man gave in, closing his eyes in pain. He was breathing heavily and sweating all over, and with the handcuffs still on, he couldn't touch any part of his body where he felt the pain to soothe them.“Christopher Angus.”Jason scoffed,“The deputy administrator, not even the administrator himself. What did he as
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17. What else do you know?
Grace rolled back her eyes in disdain, this was a task she was reluctant about but had no choice, because Melissa had to be dealt with one way or another.She approached the lady whose eyes were glued to her phone, and had two bodyguards in front of her, which left Grace speechless,“She still upholds her social status,” she thought.“Apparently Mr. Jason didn't want to take that from her… or? I don't know, Mr. Jason is just an idiot when it comes to marriage or love in general… it's a good thing my thoughts are not floating in a chat bubble right now.” “Hi!” She waved at Melissa with a smile, and the young lady lifted her head and smiled.“Oh, hello?” She said and lowered her glasses with an intimidating aura. She placed the phone in her purse, and took off the glasses to look at Grace, hopefully, she was there to make her meeting with the boss easier.“You are Mrs Melissa Black… Mrs. Melissa, it's quite a surprise,” Grace said, faking a smile and extending her hand for a handshake.
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18. Vanessa Mendez
A few days passed, and Grace's hatred for Jennifer grew, she could not believe how quickly she turned against a friend, just because of what Melissa had told her. Each time she saw the elegant actress walk into the set, Grace always found a way to avoid her, making sure that they never spoke to each other. Today was unavoidable because Jason was going to be on set. It was the first time in the industry that Jason would show up on set, not to reveal himself but to see what was going on. He usually avoided these meetings, seeing that there were people to take care of it, so it left Grace puzzled, what exactly was he coming there to do? While she waited for him to arrive, Grace was walking around the building, going from one set to another checking out a few things and interacting with a few actors and crew members, but one set in particular made her realize that she ought to have turned around earlier. Jennifer's eyes met hers and she was forced to fake a smile. The set was designed
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19. Just stop there
Just as she turned to leave, Grace noticed a familiar figure walking down the hallway. His dark silky hair, his charisma, that charming figure that never ceased to hypnotize her was walking down the hallway, his hand firmly holding onto his phone. Rather than wait for him to approach her, Grace picked up the pace and got to where Jason was to greet him. Usually, she'd meet him holding a suitcase or a file that she ought to take from him, but this time there was nothing. "Good afternoon sir," she greeted him, keeping a smile on her face the whole time, but Jason as always didn't seem to brighten up, not even a little. "How are you, Grace?" He asked her, still strolling down the hallway without batting an eye at her. "I'm fine," she replied, "I didn't know you will be here today sir," she lied, hoping that Jason would open up to her about his reasons for coming. Jason paused, and said, "I sent you a message which you read, but id rsther not force you to make up more lies than yo
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