All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
158 chapters
Chapter 21: The Hidden Deal
Bella had just returned to her jewelry shop after purchasing some materials for the fake jewelry she was about to create. In her mind, she was already designing the special jewelry requested by the mysterious man. As usual, every request from The Collector was strange and unusual, but Bella had grown accustomed to it. After all, the payment she received was always extraordinarily high.As she entered the shop, the calm atmosphere and the subtle scent of lavender greeted her. The store was adorned with clear glass showcasing the beautiful jewelry she had crafted. Bella walked towards her workbench at the back, where she usually designed jewelry with meticulous detail.However, before she could begin, one of her staff, a young woman named Carla, approached her quickly."Ms. Bella, there is a couple who just arrived," Carla said with a polite yet enthusiastic tone. "They seem to want you to design a special ring for them."Bella raised an eyebrow slightly, intrigued by the request. Altho
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Chapter 22: Formulating a Plan
The next day, disappointment clouded the faces of Elias and Rachel. Despite carefully placing a wiretap in Bella's jewelry store, the results were not as expected. They had waited all night with anticipation, but no important conversations or meaningful information were captured from the surveillance."Damn," grumbled Elias, tossing the surveillance report onto the table. "We got nothing. It seems Bella is really cautious."Rachel nodded, though disappointment was also evident in her eyes. "I agree. Bella might have sensed something, or maybe The Collector already suspected they were being watched."They both sat in silence for a moment, pondering their next move. This situation was frustrating, but it also drove them to be more vigilant."We have no other choice," Elias finally said. "We need to report this to Nate. Maybe he has a backup plan or other information that could help us."Rachel agreed. "We can't give up now."With renewed determination, they decided to return to their ba
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Chapter 23: The Jewelry Store Investigation
Nate Archer glanced at his watch. It was already 2 AM, the perfect time to execute their plan. The streets were deserted, with only the dim light from the streetlamps illuminating the night. Nate, Rachel, and Elias stood in a dark corner, observing Bella's jewelry store located in the city center. The store was famous for its collection of antique jewelry, but they knew that behind the glittering gems, something darker and more dangerous was hidden.Nate took a deep breath, feeling the chill of the night air bite at his skin. He could feel the tension hanging in the air, but he also knew this was a task they had to complete. The Collector, the mysterious figure they had been targeting, was suspected to have connections with Bella. This jewelry store might hold the crucial clues that could bring them closer to The Collector."Nate, are you ready?" Rachel asked in a calm voice, though her eyes showed sharp focus. The brunette was dressed in all black, making her nearly invisible in the
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Chapter 24: The Collector's Warning
Nate walked home with his mind racing. He knew that the closer they got to the truth, the greater the danger that awaited them. But that didn’t faze him. He had lived his life by facing every challenge head-on, and this time was no different.When Nate finally arrived at his apartment, the night was almost over. Yet, sleep evaded him. He opened his laptop and began digging deeper into the mysterious figure of Armand Kessler. The name was vaguely familiar, but it didn’t immediately provide any clear leads. All he found were vague references, small traces that led nowhere.Nate pondered for a moment. It seemed that Armand Kessler was someone who took great care in keeping his identity hidden. The more Nate searched, the more it became clear that this man was no ordinary individual. And that only reinforced Nate’s suspicion that they were indeed dealing with something far bigger than they had initially anticipated.As dawn began to break, Nate finally decided to take a brief rest. He kne
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Chapter 25: The Hunter Becomes the Prey
In a hidden basement, The Collector sat in an imposing black leather chair, surrounded by monitors displaying various strategic locations around the city. The room was dark and oppressive, illuminated only by the glow of the screens on his face. After receiving information from Bella, he felt the need to take extra precautions.He pressed a button on his desk, contacting one of his trusted operatives—Jarek, a skilled scout and information hunter. Jarek was a muscular man with a sharp gaze, always ready to undertake challenging tasks with high efficiency. When Jarek entered the room, he appeared alert and aware of the importance of the meeting.“Jarek,” The Collector said with a serious tone, “I have an important mission for you. We need to ensure Bella’s safety. She holds highly valuable information, and I cannot allow it to surface.”Jarek nodded, accepting the instructions without hesitation. “What should I do?”“Just keep an eye on her from a distance. If she makes any suspicious m
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Chapter 26: The Trail of Armand Kessler
Nate and his team gathered again at their secret headquarters, a room filled with high-tech equipment and large maps covering the walls. After completing their investigation at Bella’s jewelry store and realizing there was more to understand, they decided to dig deeper into one of the names on Bella’s contact list—Armand Kessler. Armand Kessler was a mysterious figure with an unclear reputation, but Nate and his team knew that to better understand The Collector and his criminal network, they needed to uncover who Armand Kessler really was. Nate sat in front of a computer, reviewing the information they had gathered so far. Rachel, an expert in hacking systems and technology, operated another computer terminal, digging deeper into the data. "Elias, what did you find from field surveillance?" Nate asked, staring at the monitor. Elias, who was usually tasked with fieldwork, looked at Nate seriously. "I haven’t found much direct information about Armand Kessler. However, I know he’s of
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Chapter 27: Moving into the Trap
That night, as they left the luxurious art gallery, Rachel's mood was far from calm. Usually confident and in control, she couldn't shake the unease that had settled over her after meeting Armand Kessler. Nate noticed Rachel's discomfort. He knew her well enough to recognize when something was wrong. After years of working together, they could read each other without many words. As they walked towards the car parked on the corner, Nate decided to address Rachel's unease. "What's bothering you, Rachel?" Nate asked quietly, trying not to draw attention on the empty street. Rachel glanced at Nate and sighed. "Everything felt too easy, Nate. Armand Kessler... he seemed too prepared for us. Like he knew we were coming. Like he wanted us to approach him." Nate nodded, feeling something was off from the start. "I felt the same way. It’s like we’re being led. Every question we asked, he had an answer ready. He wasn’t surprised by our arrival at all. In fact, it seemed like he was expec
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Chapter 28: Escape from the Trap
A few days later, at The Collector’s headquarters, the atmosphere was increasingly tense. Viktor and his team were on high alert, waiting for orders to move. The Collector knew that the time was drawing near. Nate was bound to make his next move, and when that happened, he would ensure that there was no escape for his nemesis. In the main control room, The Collector stood in front of a large screen displaying various CCTV feeds from across the city. He monitored every corner, every possible location where Nate might appear. Though he appeared calm on the outside, inside, The Collector felt a surge of anticipation—a feeling he rarely experienced during years of dangerous operations. Soon, Viktor entered the room briskly, interrupting The Collector’s thoughts. "Boss, we’ve secured the location for the trap," he reported. "An isolated building away from public view. It will be the perfect place to capture Nate and his team." The Collector nodded in approval. "Good. Make sure all acc
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Chapter 29: The Tables Turned
As Nate, Rachel, and Elias sped away from Armand Kessler's house, the tension inside the car was palpable. Although they had managed to escape from the house safely, Nate knew that the situation could change at any moment. However, he wasn't entirely worried. Their plan had been executed with great precision.Before the meeting, Nate had decided to involve a third party in their operation—the police. He carefully devised a strategy to ensure that the police would arrive at the meeting location at the exact moment when Nate and his team were already there.***A few days earlier, Nate discussed their plan with Rachel and Elias. "We can't just rely on our own abilities in this situation," Nate said at the time. "This time, we need help from the outside.""From the outside?" Elias asked, confused. "We don't have any allies left. And involving another group could be dangerous for us.""We're not going to involve another group. We're going to use the police," Nate said confidently."Are yo
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Chapter 30: Traces Behind the Bullets
The next morning, Emma Lawson sat in the living room of her luxurious yet minimalist apartment, her gaze fixed sharply on the television screen in front of her. News of the shootout between the police and a criminal group continued to play, breaking the usual morning silence she enjoyed. As the news reporter provided details about the incident, Emma merely smiled faintly, her eyes reflecting thoughts far deeper than what appeared on the surface.It had been a few days since she received orders from the Eagle Eye organization—the assassin group she served with unwavering dedication. This mission was nothing new to her; tracking and killing a target had become second nature. But this target was different. Nate, her former colleague, was more than just a target. He was someone who had once stood by her side, sharing missions and surviving together in the dark, deceitful world of blood and shadows.Emma took a deep breath, letting her mind wander back to the days when they still worked to
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